Part 5. Don't you think it helps Russian baseball develop? Why they really do this?

One last thing you should know about.

We could probably tolerate this practice if it was just for "gaining international experience" purpose. Heck, it's an amateur sport! Going abroad, seeing places, making friends, blah, blah, blah ...

Too bad, it is not the case.

Let's see. According to some idiotic rules, that go back to the USSR times, when a team wins a European Cup tournament - even if it's Pool B or Pool C - every player on the team is entitled to "international level sports master" degree. The players do not benefit from that immediatelly, it is coaches who DO!

Coaches' salary depends on the number of "sports masters", "international level sports masters" they raise and develope. Given the number of young players on MGFSO club, its coach Alexandr Volkov can expect to at least double his salary. And his bosses benefit materially as well. MGFSO (Moscow City physical culture and sports organization) is run by labor unions, and thus sits at least partially on Russia's federal budget. My guess is European tax payers would hardly enjoy this.

Russian League Baseball Web Site © 2002 Sergei Borisov.