BOE Cespedes, Rubel R/R -> L/R Nunez, Oddy R/L -> L/L Moreno, Adrian R/R -> L/R LEO Dawson, Chase R/R -> L/R GIG Guerra, Yosmany B/R -> L/R Loaisiga, Mike R/R (v?) TRE Pinales, Erasmo L/L -> R/R Richards, Jairus R/R -> L/R ========================= g01 (originally g127744) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) [from video] LEYTON Roger singles to center field. MONTIEL Edgard scores. RIVERA Bismarck to 3rd. RIVERA Bismarck scores on throw. CALDERON Jilton to 2nd. 1 RBI. -> LEYTON Roger singles to center field. MONTIEL Edgard scores. RIVERA Bismarck scores. CALDERON Jilton to 2nd. 2 RBI. Moreno pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Roger Leyton (BOE) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 1st): FC6/G6.2-H(E6);1-2(E6) -> FC6/G6.2-H(NR);1-2(E6) split into two plays (top of the 1st): S6/G6.2XH(3252) -> S6/G6.2-3## OA.3XH(3252) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S/78/L78S.3-H;1-3;B-2(E7/TH) -> S/78/L78S.3-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E7/TH) info,timeofgame,203 [from video] g02 (originally g127745) Stats not equal: NOP Yoanner Negrin Perez (LEO) 100 <> 101 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: NOP Leones de Leon 156 <> 157 (wbsc stats/counted stats) g03 (originally g127746) Bermudez ph -> ph-dh g04 (originally g127747) Dwt.Britton ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S9/G43D.2-H;1-3(E9) -> S9/G43D.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E9) g05 (originally g127748) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): [from video] play,1,1,daviw01n,21,CB.,OA.3X3(25) -> play,1,1,daviw01n,21,CB+3.,PO3(25) g06 (originally g127749) EDITED GAME SOURCE Fallas en la iluminaci\u00f3n -> Delay: Light Failure Carrasco pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) [B-2(THH) on a ghost runner] Erasmo Adolfo Pinales Garcia (TRE) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S9/G43D.2-H(E9);1-3(E9) -> S9/G43D.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H;2-3(E9) split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): WP.2XH(21);1-3 -> WP.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(21);2-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): 64(1)/FO/G6.B-2(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 10th): [from video] S7/G56D.2-H(UR) -> S7/G56D+?.2-H(UR) info,bsave,torrb01n info,bsave,pinae01d g07 (originally g127750) CORRECTED TEAM ER TOTALS (!) Gigantes de Rivas 3 instead of 4 (corrected/wbsc) (GIG individual earned runs - 4) split into two plays (top of the 1st): S7/L78S.3-H(UR);2-3;1X3(75) -> S7/L78S.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2## OA.2X3(75) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): K+SB2.2-3(E2/TH) -> K+SB2## OA.2-3(E2/TH) info,bsave,mendd02d g08 (originally g127751) Calderon ph -> ph-dh Robles pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Aldo Espinoza (BOE) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Melvin Novoa (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Roger Leyton (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Roger Leyton (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 3rd): (!) [from video] 7/SF/F7R.3-H;2-3;1-2 com,"Play under review." OA.2X2(24) -> com,"Play under review." 7/SF/L/L7R?.3-H;2X2(724);1-2/DP g09 (originally g127752) Stats not equal: NOP Carlos Teller (GIG) 15 <> 14 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: NOP Gigantes de Rivas 186 <> 185 (wbsc stats/counted stats) manual edit (bottom of the 1st): S7/L7SR.3-H(UR);1-3;B-2(THH) -> S7/L7SR.3-H(UR);1-3;B-2(TH3) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S4/G4SR.1-3(E4/TH) -> S4/G4SR.1-2## OA.2-3(E4/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): SB2.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-3(E2/TH) -> SB2.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-3 manual edit (bottom of the 8th): 63/G56S -> 63/G56S? g10 (originally g127754) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): 64(1)/FO/G6.B-2(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) g11 (originally g127755) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Rafael Estrada (GIG) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (PITCHER) (!) Osman Gutierrez (GIG) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): D/89/L8DR.1XH(842) -> D/89/L8DR.1-3## OA.3XH(842) manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,montj01n,12,1CBS.,PO1(13) -> play,4,1,montj01n,12,1CBS1.,PO1(13) split into two plays (top of the 9th): D7/L7DR.3-H;1-H(E3)(UR);B-3(E3) -> D7/L7DR.3-H;1-3## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E3) scoring correction (bottom of the 9th): (!) [from video] FC1/G1.3-H(E2)(UR);2-3;1-2 -> FC1/G1.3-H(E1/TH)(UR);2-3;1-2 com,"Play under review." com,"Video review; call upheld." g12 (originally g127756) EDITED GAME SOURCE BONE Rodolfo strikes out looking. CANELO LARA Malquin scores on fielders choice. MORALES Renato to 2nd on 2E4. 2 out. -> BONE Rodolfo strikes out looking. CANELO LARA Malquin scores on fielders choice. MORALES Renato to 2nd CS2E4. 2 out. CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Aldo Espinoza (BOE) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Manuel Geraldo (BOE) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 1st): K+CS2(2E4).3-H(UR) -> K/C## CS2(2E4).3-H(UR) scoring correction (top of the 1st): [from video] CSH(242) -> CSH(262) g13 (originally g127757) Ocon pr -> pr-dh g14 (originally g127759) split into two plays (top of the 9th): 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;2-H(E3/TH)(UR);B-2(E3/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(E3/TH)(UR);1-2 g15 (originally g127760) --- g18 (originally g127883) split into two plays (top of the 1st): K+WP.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-2(E2/TH) -> K+WP.1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E2/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S9/G43D.3-H;1-H(E9/TH)(UR);B-2(E9/TH) -> S9/G43D.3-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E9/TH)(UR);1-2 g19 (originally g127884) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) [from video] Ball 1. ALEGRIA Benjamin to 2nd on 2E6. -> Ball 1. ALEGRIA Benjamin to 2nd CS2E6. CASTRO Leandro singles to left field. PINTO Josmil to 3rd. CASTRO Leandro out at 2nd A764. 2 out. -> CASTRO Leandro singles to left field. PINTO Josmil to 3rd. CASTRO Leandro out at 2nd 764. 2 out. Moreno pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Benjamin Alegria (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Saul Orozco (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Jimmy Gonzalez (LEO) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) manual edit + scoring correction (bottom of the 4th): [from video] 5(2)/FO/G5L.3-H;1-2 PO2(14) -> 5(2)/FO/G5L.3-H;1-2;B-1 com,"Video review; call overturned - E.Montiel out." PO2(16) manual edit (top of the 8th): S7/L7SR.1-3;BX2(764) -> com,"Video review; call overturned - Lndro.Castro out." S7/L7SR.1-3;BX2(764) info,precip,rain in the 8th inning g20 (originally g127885) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S9/G43D.2-H(E9);1-3(E9) -> S9/G43D.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H;2-3(E9) scoring correction (top of the 8th): [from video] S4/L4DR.2-H;1-3 -> S9/L4DR.2-H;1-3 g21 (originally g127887) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (PITCHER) (!) Felix Carrasco (TIG) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): (v?) S8/G4D.3-H;2-H(E9)(UR);1-3 -> S/89/G4D.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(E9)(UR);2-3 scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) (v?) play,5,1,riveb01n,22,BFSB.,CSH(12) -> play,5,1,riveb01n,22,BFS>B.,CSH(2) info,timeofgame,0 info,bsave,rayow01n,rayow01n play,7,0,rayow02n,31,BBBCB,W+WP.2-H;1-2 (v?) g22 (originally g127888) Hxl.Carrasco ph -> ph-dh manual edit (bottom of the 8th): S8/G64D.1-3;B-2(THH) -> S8/G64D.1-3;B-2(TH3) split into two plays (top of the 9th): E1/TH/G12.B-2;B-3(E9/TH) -> E1/TH/G12.B-2## OA.2-3(E9/TH) g23 (originally g127889) split into two plays (top of the 1st): (v?) S8/G64D.1X3(85) -> S8/G64D.1-2## OA.2X3(85) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): 2/G/G2 -> 2# g24 (originally g127890) Ocon pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 6th): (v?) play,6,1,garcw01d,10,B3.,OA.3-H(E1/TH);1-H(E1/TH) -> play,6,1,garcw01d,10,B1.,PO1(E1/TH).3-H;1-H g25 (originally g127892) Perez pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 1st): S9/G43D.1X3(95) -> S9/G43D.1-2## OA.2X3(95) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,mirae01n,02,SS.,CS2(136) -> play,3,1,mirae01n,02,SS1.,POCS2(136) info,bsave,gonzy01n g26 (originally g127893) CORRECTED NOP (!) Oddy Nunez (BOE) 25 instead of 24 (counted/wbsc) joined into one play (top of the 4th): S5/BG/BG25 OA.1-2(E5/TH) -> S5/BG/BG25.B-2(E5/TH) manual correction (top of the 8th): play,8,0,cuthc01n,02,CFC,K/C -> play,8,0,cuthc01n,02,CFC,K21 scoring correction (top of the 9th): (!) [from video] play,9,0,readr01d,20,BBX,5(2)/FO/G5R.1-2 -> play,9,0,readr01d,30,BBBX,5(2)/FO/L5R.1-2 g27 (originally g127894) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Junior Tellez (LEO) 1 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 10th): FC1/G1.2X3(16) -> FC1/G1.2X2(16) info,bsave,tellj01n g28 (originally g127758) - to be renumbered (?) Calderon pr -> pr-dh Acevedo pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 1st): S8/L8S.1-3(E8) -> S8/L8S.1-2## OA.2-3(E8) manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,montl01n,00,,NP sub,morea01c,"",0,6,9 sub,holmd1cr,"",0,0,1 -> com,"Game is suspended because of rain on November 11th." com,"Game is resumed on November 20th at 18:00." play,2,1,montl01n,00,,NP sub,morea01c,"",0,6,9 sub,holmd1cr,"",0,0,1 info,sky,clear info,bsave,adams01d g29 (originally g127886) Matamoros pr -> pr-dh RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS (!) Tigres de Chinandega 7 instead of 8 (corrected/wbsc) (TIG individual earned runs - 8) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): D9/L9R.2-H;1-H(E4) -> D9/L9R.2-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E4) play,9,1,lopej01n,00,X,D7/L7DL? (v?) info,bsave,rodrm01n g30 (originally g127895) split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): (v?) - earned runs 64(1)/FO/G6.2-H(E4/TH)(UR);B-2(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E4/TH) info,bsave,gonzy01n info,bsave,hernq01n info,bsave,tellc01n g31 (originally g127896) Mairena pr -> pr-dh manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,alegb01n,32,BCCBB.,PO1(E1/TH).1-2 -> play,1,0,alegb01n,32,BCCBB1.,PO1(E1/TH).1-2 manual edit (top of the 2nd): 9/SF/F9L.3-H -> 9/SF/L/F9L.3-H manual correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,josem01n,10,B.,PO2(16) -> play,5,0,josem01n,10,B2.,PO2(16) split into two plays (bottom of the 10th): S9/L9DL.2XH(92);B-2(THH) -> S9/L9DL.2-3## OA.3XH(92);1-2 info,bsave,tellj01n info,bsave,ramik01n g32 (originally g127898) Stats not equal: NOP (v?) Jesus Garrido (GIG) 20 <> 19 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: NOP Gigantes de Rivas 153 <> 152 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): E5/G5R.2-3;B-2(E7/TH) -> E5/G5R.2-3## OA.1-2(E7/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): (v?) S/89/L8R.1-H;B-2(E8);B-3(E4/TH) -> S/89/L8R.1-H;B-2(E8)## OA.2-3(E4/TH) info,sky,clear g33 (originally g127897) forfeited game g34 (originally g127899) manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,mirae01n,02,CF.,PO2(14) -> play,1,0,mirae01n,02,CF2.,PO2(14) Stats discrepancies for g35 (originally g127900) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) - Fch on a ghost runner (v?) Yeris Gonzalez (TIG) 2 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (1B) (!) Mark Joseph (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL (!) Oliver Espinoza (LEO) 24 instead of 21 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL (!) Oliver Espinoza (LEO) 16 instead of 15 (counted/wbsc) edits/corrections (top of the 1st): [from video] FC3/G4SR.1-3(E6);B-2(E6) play,1,0,quinl01c,01,C3.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H(E1/TH)(UR);2-3 7/SF/F7R.3-H(UR) S/89/L8SR play,1,0,rayow02n,22,FBFBFS,K -> FC3/G4SR.1X2(3E6)## OA.2-3;1-2 play,1,0,quinl01c,01,C2.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H(UR);2-3 7/SF/L/L7R?.3-H(UR) S/89/L8SR play,1,0,rayow02n,22,BFFBFS,K edits/corrections (top of the 2nd): [from video] S9/G43D.3-H;2-H;1-H(E9/TH);B-2(E9/TH) D7/F7SL.2-H -> S9/G43D.3-H;2-H;1-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E9/TH) D7/L7SL?.2-H manual edit (top of the 2nd): [from video] com,"Video review; call overturned." 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H -> com,"Video review; call overturned - safe at 1st." 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;B-1 split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): (v?) K.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);SB2.2-3(E2/TH) -> K+SB2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E2/TH) edits/corrections (top of the 7th): [from video] play,7,0,mendo01n,01,CX,53/G5R S8/G64D play,7,0,quinl01c,00,X,S5/G56.1X2(56454) -> play,7,0,mendo01n,11,BCX,53/G5R S8/G64D play,7,0,quinl01c,10,BX,S5/G56.1-2## play,7,0,garcd01c,00,.,OA.2X2(56454) manual correction (top of the 8th): [from video] play,8,0,rayow02n,32,FBCBFBX,9/F9 -> play,8,0,rayow02n,32,FBCBFFBX,9/F9 manual correction (bottom of the 8th): [from video] S5/G56 -> S6/G56 manual edit (bottom of the 8th): (!) - questionable scoring [from video] S4/G4.2-3 -> S4/G4?.2-3 split into two plays (top of the 9th): (v?) E6/G6.1-H(UR);B-3;BXH(12) -> E6/G6.1-H(UR);B-3## OA.3XH(12) manual correction (top of the 10th): [from video] play,10,0,quinl01c,12,FFBC,K/C S/78/L8SL.2-H(UR) -> play,10,0,quinl01c,12,CFBC,K/C S/78/F8SL.2-H(UR) info,bsave,gonzy01n info,bsave,tellj01n g36 (originally g127962) Britton pr -> pr-dh Estrada ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 8th): E4/F/F4R -> E4/F/P4R? manual correction (top of the 9th): (v?) D7/L7 -> D7/F7? manual correction (top of the 9th): S8/G64D.3-H;1-2 -> S8/L64D?.3-H;1-2 info,bsave,tellc01n g37 (originally g127963) EDITED GAME SOURCE Fallas en la iluminaci\u00f3n -> Light failure split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): T/78/L8L.2-H;1-H;B-H(E6/TH) -> T/78/L8L.2-H;1-H## OA.3-H(E6/TH) play,7,0,josem01n,11,CBX,S5/G56.B-2(E6/TH) (v?) g38 (originally g127964) Mairena ph -> ph-dh g39 (originally g127965) --- g40 (originally g127967) Putchie ph -> ph-dh Benavides ph -> ph-dh Sheylon Putchie hit for Dwt.Britton with a 1-2 count against the pitcher. Putchie in as DH. Sheylon Putchie (R): Putchie completed Dwt.Britton's strikeout (struck out swinging, catcher Nol.Cruz to first baseman Eli.Miranda). CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Dwight Britton (LEO) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKEOUTS TOTAL (!) Dwight Britton (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Sheylon Putchie (LEO) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKEOUTS TOTAL (!) Sheylon Putchie (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) play,5,0,garce01u,31,1BBBCX,26(1)/FO/F3S (v?) play,5,0,cruzn01n,02,CSS,K+OA.1X2(24);B-1 (v?) g41 (originally g127968) see in file notes_g41.txt (!) g42 (originally g127969) Cerda ph -> ph-dh g43 (originally g127971) Sevilla ph -> ph-dh Totals not equal: LOB Gigantes de Rivas (!) 8 <> 10 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S7/L7SR.3-H;1-H(E7)(UR);B-2(E7);B-3(E7/TH) -> S7/L7SR.3-H;1-3(E7);B-2## OA.3-H(E7/TH)(UR);2-3 manual edit (bottom of the 3rd): FC5/G56.3-H(UR)(NR);2-H(E5/TH)(UR);1-3(E5/TH) -> FC5/G56.3-H(UR)(NR);2-H(UR)(NR);1-3(E5/TH) (v?) play,3,1,marii01n,00,X,FC5/G56.3-H(UR)(NR);2-H(UR)(NR);1-3(E5/TH) play,3,1,guery01m,30,BBBB,W.1-2 info,timeofgame,190 (restored from unofficial version) info,attendance,313 (restored from unofficial version) g44 (originally g127972) see in file notes_g44.txt (!) g45 (originally g127973) CORRECTED WP TOTAL (!) Kevin Kelly (BOE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED WP TOTAL (!) Yoanner Negrin (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PB TOTAL (!) Melvin Novoa (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PB TOTAL (!) Josmil Pinto (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) [from video] S5/G56 -> S6/G56 manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,bernr001,02,SCX,43/G4 -> play,4,1,bernr001,02,FCX,43/G4 scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) [from video] WP.2-3;1-2 -> PB.2-3;1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): 43/G4 S9/L9SL -> 43/G4- S9/G4DR? scoring correction (top of the 7th): (!) [from video] WP.1-2 -> PB.1-2 g46 (originally g127753) split into two plays (top of the 1st): S9/G4DR.1-H(E9)(UR);B-2(E9) -> S9/G4DR.1-2## OA.2-H(UR);1-2(E9) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S9/L9SL.1-3;B-2(E9/TH) -> S9/L9SL.1-3## OA.1-2(E9/TH) split into two plays (top of the 6th): S7/G5DR.3-H;2-H;1-3(E7);B-2(E7) -> S7/G5DR.3-H;2-H;1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E7) info,number,1 g47 (originally g127974) manual correction (top of the 3rd): (v?) play,3,0,britd01n,01,C.,OA.2-3(E1/TH);1-2(E1/TH) -> play,3,0,britd01n,01,C2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3;1-2 split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S8/L8S.1-3(E8) -> S8/L8S.1-2## OA.2-3(E8) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,montl01n,01,C.,OA.2-3(E1/TH) -> play,7,1,montl01n,01,C2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3 info,bsave,tellj01n g48 (originally g127975) Carrasco pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): (v?) S8/L8S.2-H;1-3(E8) -> S8/L8S.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E8) (v?) play,4,1,mirae01n,31,CBBB.,PB.3-H;1-2 play,4,1,mirae01n,31,B,W play,4,1,canem01d,30,BBBB,W.2-3;1-2 info,number,2 info,timeofgame,161 (restored from unofficial version) info,attendance,200 (restored from unofficial version) g49 (originally g127976) Mondragon pr -> pr-dh Flores ph -> ph-dh info,bsave,nuneo01d g50 (originally g127977) EDITED GAME SOURCE Ball 1. MONTES Juan Diego scores on 2E4. RICHARDS Jairus James to 2nd on 2E4. -> Ball 1. MONTES Juan Diego scores on error. RICHARDS Jairus James to 2nd CS2E4. Acevedo pr -> pr-dh g51 (originally g127978) Martinez pr -> pr-dh Sevilla pr -> pr-dh manual edit (top of the 4th): S8/L8.1-3;B-2(THH) -> S8/L8.1-3;B-2(TH3) g52 (originally g127979) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): FC1/BG/BG1L.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-3(E1/TH);B-2(E1/TH) -> FC1/BG/BG1L.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-3;B-2 split into two plays (top of the 8th): E6/G6D.1-H(E7)(UR);B-2;B-3(E7) -> E6/G6D.1-3;B-2## OA.3-H(E7)(UR);2-3 manual correction (bottom of the 9th): (!) play,9,1,bernr001,11,BC.,OA.2X2(26) -> play,9,1,bernr001,11,BM+2.,PO2(26) manual correction (bottom of the 9th): E6/G6.3-H;2-H(UR);1-2 -> E6/G6L?.3-H;2-H(UR)(NR);1-2 info,bsave,moral01n info,bsave,bucaj01n g53 (originally g127966) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S7/G56D.2-H;1-3(E7/TH);B-2(E7/TH) -> S7/G56D.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E7/TH) g55 (originally g127995) Rubi ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S9/G43D.2-H(E9)(UR);1-H(E9)(UR) -> S9/G43D.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-H(E9)(UR) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): 5/BP/BP5SR -> 5/BF/BP5SR g56 (originally g127761) - to be renumbered (?) Carrasco ph -> ph-dh manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,rayow02n,00,,NP sub,lagoa01c,"",0,9,4 -> com,"Weather Delay." com,"Game is suspended because of rain on November 12th." com,"Game is resumed on December 6th at 16:00." play,5,1,rayow02n,00,,NP sub,lagoa01c,"",0,9,4 info,number,1 info,starttime,16:00 g57 (originally g127982) Sandoval pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S7/L7SR.3-H;2-H;1X3(75);B-2(THH) -> S7/L7SR.3-H;2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(75);1-2 g58 (originally g127983) info,number,2 g59 (originally g127984) EDITED GAME SOURCE GARCIA Dayan reaches on fielders choice. QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo out at 3rd 45. CHEVEZ Freddvil out at 2nd 64. GARCIA Dayan to 2nd. Double Play. 2 out. -> GARCIA Dayan reaches on fielders choice. QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo out at 3rd 45. CHEVEZ Freddvil out at 2nd 64. GARCIA Dayan to 2nd on throw. Double Play. 2 out. Acevedo pr -> pr-dh Estrada ph -> ph-dh scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (!) 8/G/G8 -> 8/L/L8? manual correction (top of the 4th): 64(1)/FO/DP/G6.2X3(45);B-2(THH) -> 64(1)/FO/DP/G6.2X3(45);B-2 manual edit (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,montl01n,11,CBX,2# -> com,"Batter interference." play,6,1,montl01n,11,CBX,2# manual correction (top of the 10th): play,10,0,matao01n,00,,NP sub,rayow02n,"",0,9,11 ladj,0,8 play,10,0,river01n,00,,XTB2 -> ladj,0,8 play,10,0,river01n,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,matao01n,00,,NP sub,rayow02n,"",0,9,11 manual edit (bottom of the 14th): WP.2-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-2 -> WP.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) g60 (originally g127985) Cerda pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED PUTOUTS AT POSITION (3B) (!) Jacksell Mairena (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUTS AT POSITION (3B) (!) Jimmy Gonzalez (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): (v?) play,5,1,caldj01n,00,,NP sub,mairj01n,"",0,2,4 -> play,5,1,caldj01n,00,,NP sub,mairj01n,"",0,2,4 sub,gonzj01n,"",0,8,5 manual edit (bottom of the 6th): (v?) play,6,1,espia01n,00,,NP sub,gonzj01n,"",0,8,5 play,6,1,espia01n,02,SFS,K -> play,6,1,espia01n,02,SFS,K info,sky,mostly clear g61 (originally g127987) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) Christopher Osorio (TIG) 3 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 6th): S7/F7SR.2-3 -> S7/L7SR?.2-3 split into two plays + manual edit (top of the 6th): 12(3)/FO/G1.2-H(E2/TH);1-3(E2/TH);B-2(E2/TH) S8/L8SL.3-H;2-H;B-2(THH) -> 12(3)/FO/G1-.2-3;1-2;B-1## OA.3-H;2-3;1-2(E2/TH) S8/G6R+.3-H;2-H;B-2(THH) info,bsave,carmf01n info,bsave,glase01n g62 (originally g128000) Sevilla pr -> pr-dh Scoring correction - no rbi (top of the 6th): [from video] "M.Canelo sacrificed to pitcher, safe on pitcher Les.Medrano's throwing error, A.Lago scored, Ren.Morales to third." CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) [from video] Malquin Canelo (TRE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Edgard Montiel (BOE) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Roger Leyton (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,obreo01n,10,B.,SB2 -> play,3,0,obreo01n,10,B.,SB2 com,"Video review; call overturned - safe at second." joined into two consecutive plays + scoring correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,lagoa01c,00,1.,SB2 play,5,0,lagoa01c,00,.,OA.3-H(E1/TH)(UR);2-3(E1/TH)XH(32) -> play,5,0,lagoa01c,00,1.,SB2.3-H(UR);1-3(E1/TH)## play,5,0,lagoa01c,00,.,OA.3XH(92) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): S9/G3D S7/G56D.1-2 35(2)/FO/BG/BG23.1-2 -> S9/G3D+ S7/G56D+.1-2 35(2)/FO/BG/BG23.1-2 com,"Video review; call upheld - out at third." - (?) info,timeofgame,178 [restored from video] info,sky,partly cloudy [from video] g63 (originally g127988) EDITED GAME SOURCE (?!) SILVA Rubi out by rule:
Refusing To Advance (RTA). SILVA Rubi out 1. 3 out. -> SILVA Rubi out by rule:
Out of Baseline (ROL). SILVA Rubi out 1. 3 out. Flores ph -> ph-dh Cris.Moreno pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S8/G6DR.2XH(82);1-2 -> S8/G6DR.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(82) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S7/G56D.2XH(72);1-2 -> S7/G56D.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(72) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): 54(1)/FO/G56.2-H(E4/TH)(UR);B-2(E4/TH) -> 54(1)/FO/G56.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E4/TH) g64 (originally g127989) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) CUTHBERT Cheslor hits into a double play. GDP 53. MONTEALTO Luis out at 2nd 53. 3 out. -> CUTHBERT Cheslor hits into a double play. GDP 53. ESTRADA Rafael out at 3rd 5. 3 out. Drn.Britton pr -> pr-dh Marin ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): D8/L8.2-H;1XH(842) -> D8/L8.2-H;1-3## OA.3XH(842) split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): S9/L9SL.2XH(92);1-2 -> S9/L9SL.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(92) info,bsave,paulf01d g65 (originally g127891) Cerda pr -> pr-dh Dwt.Britton ph -> ph-dh Drn.Britton pr -> pr-dh manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,cuthc01n,10,B.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3 -> play,7,1,cuthc01n,10,B2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3 g66 (originally g127970) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo reaches on fielding error. E8. QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo out at 2nd A84. 2 out. -> QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo reaches on fielding error. E8. QUINTANA FERNANDEZ Lorenzo out at 2nd 84. 2 out. CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Adrian Moreno (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Bismarck Rivera (BOE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 4th): (!) [from video] E8/F/F8.BX2(84) -> E8/F/F8.BX2(74) com,"Video review; call overturned - out at second." manual edit (top of the 6th): FC6/G6.1-H(E6/TH)(UR);B-3(E6/TH) -> FC6/G6.1-H(E6/TH)(UR);B-3 g67 (originally g127990) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Pitching Change: #12 ROBLETO for #30 FLORES -> Pitching Change: #12 ROBLETO for #7 MARIN split into two plays (top of the 7th): S9/L9SL.1-H(E9/TH) -> S9/L9SL.1-2## OA.2-H(E9/TH) g68 (originally g127991) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Marvin Martinez (BOE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Roger Leyton (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 8th): (!) [from video] S/89/L89.BX2(96) -> S/89/L89.BX2(86) g69 (originally g127992) Drn.Britton pr -> pr-dh info,bsave,martj01v g70 (originally g127993) Montes pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Jairus Richards (TRE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Alay Lago (TRE) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) play,6,1,canem01d,11,BC.,CS2(24) -> play,6,1,canem01d,11,BM+2.,PO2(24) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S8/G64D.2-H;1-3(E8) -> S8/G64D.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E8) scoring correction (bottom of the 9th): (!) play,9,1,canem01d,21,SBB.,CS3(25) -> play,9,1,canem01d,21,SBB+3.,PO3(25) play,5,1,richj01u,10,BX,6/G/G6 (?!) (v?) g71 (originally g127981) EDITED GAME SOURCE CANELO LARA Malquin singles through the left side. MORALES Renato scores. LAGO Alay to 3rd. LAGO Alay scores on E7. BERMUDEZ Sandy to 2nd. BERMUDEZ Sandy scores on E7. CANELO LARA Malquin scores on E7. 1 RBI. -> CANELO LARA Malquin singles through the left side. MORALES Renato scores. LAGO Alay to 3rd. LAGO Alay scores on E7. BERMUDEZ Sandy to 2nd. BERMUDEZ Sandy scores on the error. CANELO LARA Malquin scores on the error. 1 RBI. Montes pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S/89/L89S.2-H;1-H(E9)(UR);B-3(E9) -> S/89/L89S.2-H;1-2## OA.2-H(UR);1-3(E9) scoring correction (bottom of the 2nd): S1/G1L.3-H -> S6/G6S?.3-H split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S7/G56D.3-H;2-H(E7);1-H(NR);B-H -> S7/G56D.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3-H;2-H;1-H(E7) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (v?) play,7,1,berms01n,10,B.,NP -> play,7,1,berms01n,00,,NP manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (v?) play,7,1,berms01n,21,BCX,S7/G56D.1-2 -> play,7,1,berms01n,21,BBCX,S7/G56D.1-2 g72 (originally g127994) CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (!) Ivan Marin (GIG) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Yosmany Guerra (GIG) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Ivan Marin (GIG) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Manuel Geraldo (BOE) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (!) Yeudi Garcia (BOE) 6 instead of 7 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) [from video] play,1,1,morea01c,11,FB.,CS2(24) -> play,1,1,morea01c,11,FB.,CS2(26) scoring change (top of the 5th): (!) [from video] play,5,0,marii01n,01,CX,S6/G6 play,5,0,sandc01n,12,CBS.,CS2(24) -> play,5,0,marii01n,01,CX,E6/G6 play,5,0,sandc01n,12,MBS.,CS2(24) manual correction (bottom of the 9th): (?!) [from video] + five balls on the batter play,9,1,morea01c,11,BS.,NP sub,lopee01n,"",0,7,4 play,9,1,morea01c,31,BBB,W -> play,9,1,morea01c,00,,NP sub,lopee01n,"",0,7,4 play,9,1,morea01c,31,BSBBB,W split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 9th): E5/TH/G5R.2XH(3) -> E5/TH/G5R.2-3## OA.3X3(3) g73 (originally g127996) --- g74 (originally g127997) EDITED GAME SOURCE JOSEPH Mark out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). CAMPBELL Darrel out at 1st 2. 1 out. -> JOSEPH Mark out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). 1 out. split into two plays (top of the 4th): K+SB2.2-3(E4) -> K+SB2## OA.2-3(E4) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,caldj01n,10,B.,OA.1-2(E1/TH) -> play,5,1,caldj01n,10,B1.,PO1(E1/TH).1-2 g75 (originally g127998) split into two plays (top of the 1st): S9/L9SL.3-H;1X3(965) -> S9/L9SL.3-H;1-2## OA.2X3(965) manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): FC6/G6.1-H(E6/TH)(UR);B-3(E6/TH) -> FC6/G6.1-H(E6/TH)(UR);B-3 info,bsave,bucaj01n g76 (originally g127999) Drn.Britton pr -> pr-dh Castro ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED PB TOTAL (!) Raudy Read (GIG) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED WILD PITCH TOTAL (!) Samuel Adames (GIG) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 1st): S7/G56D.3-H;1-3;B-2(THH) -> S7/G56D.3-H;1-3;B-2(TH3) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): K+SB2.2-3(E6) -> K+SB2## OA.2-3(E6) com,"Obstruction by shortstop." manual correction (bottom of the 9th): 8/SF/F8.3-H -> 8/SF/L/L8?.3-H manual correction + scoring change (bottom of the 10th): play,10,1,cabrn01n,00,,NP sub,ortej01n,"",1,9,11 ladj,1,8 play,10,1,carrh01n,00,,XTB2 play,10,1,ortej01n,10,B.,PB.2-3 -> ladj,1,8 play,10,1,carrh01n,00,,XTB2 play,10,1,cabrn01n,00,,NP sub,ortej01n,"",1,9,11 play,10,1,ortej01n,10,B.,WP.2-3 info,bsave,adams01d play,11,1,herni01n,20,BB.,SB2 (?!) (v?) - defensive indifference? g77 (originally g127986) Montes pr -> pr-dh Totals not equal: LOB Tren del Norte (!) 5 <> 6 (wbsc stats/counted stats) g78 (originally g128001) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Dwight Britton (LEO) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (!) Dwight Britton (LEO) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED WALKS TOTAL (!) Dwight Britton (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Leonardo Ortiz (LEO) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED WALKS TOTAL (!) Leonardo Ortiz (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (!) Manaurys Correa (TIG) 8 instead of 7 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Manaurys Correa (TIG) 66 instead of 67 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Manaurys Correa (TIG) 45 instead of 46 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Brandon Leyton (TIG) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) Totals not equal: Errors Tigres de Chinandega 4 <> 3 (!) (wbsc stats/counted stats) Totals not equal: Hits Leones de Leon (!) 13 <> 14 (wbsc stats/counted stats) scoring corrections (bottom of the 2nd): (!) (v?) play,2,1,pintj01v,22,CBFBX,S5/G56 play,2,1,britd01n,31,BCBBB,W.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,2,1,ortil01n,01,FX,FC6/G6L.2-3;1-2(E6) corrected01 play,2,1,pintj01v,22,CBFBX,S5/G56 play,2,1,britd01n,00,X,S7/L7?.1-2 play,2,1,ortil01n,31,BCBBB,W.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S7/L7SR.1-3(E7) -> S7/L7SR.1-2## OA.2-3(E7) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S9/L9SL.2-H;B-2(E9) -> S9/L9SL.2-H## OA.1-2(E9) g79 (originally g128002) manual edit (top of the 8th): 4E3/G5R.1X2(54) -> 54(1)/FO/GDP/G5R.BX1(4E3) g80 (originally g128003) Obregon pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 1st): play,1,0,bernr001,12,CCB1FC,K/C.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);SB2.2-3(E2/TH) -> play,1,0,bernr001,12,CCB1FC,K+SB2## play,1,0,pintj01v,00,.,OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E2/TH) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S6/G6.1-3(E6/TH) -> S6/G6.1-2## OA.2-3(E6/TH) split into two plays (top of the 6th): D8/L8.1-H(UR);B-3(E6/TH) -> D8/L8.1-H(UR)## OA.2-3(E6/TH) split into two plays (top of the 9th): S9/L9SL.2XH(92) -> S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.3XH(92) g81 (originally g128004) CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Alvaro Acevedo (GIG) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (!) (v?) play,3,0,diaze01c,20,BB1.,PO1(136) -> play,3,0,diaze01c,20,BB1.,POCS2(136) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S6/G6.1-3(E6/TH) -> S6/G6.1-2## OA.2-3(E6/TH) info,bsave,martj01v g82 (originally g128005) EDITED GAME SOURCE (?!) (v?) BONE Rodolfo out by rule:
Interfering With Catcher (BIN). CANELO LARA Malquin out at 1st 2. 1 out. -> BONE Rodolfo out by rule:
Interfering With Catcher (BIN). 1 out. split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/L7SR.2-H(UR);1-3(E2);B-2(E2) -> S7/L7SR.2-H(UR);1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E2) split into two plays (top of the 6th): K+SB2.2-3(E2/TH) -> K+SB2## OA.2-3(E2/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S9/L9SL.2-H(E9) -> S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.3-H(E9) info,bsave,gonzy01n