GIG Guerra, Yosmany B/R -> L/R Loaisiga, Mike R/R (v?) TRE Pinales, Erasmo L/L -> R/R Richards, Jairus R/R -> L/R ========================= g111 (originally g129301) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S7/G56D.1X3(75) -> S7/G56D.1-2## OA.2X3(75) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S9/L9S.2-H;B-2(E9) -> S9/L9S.2-H## OA.1-2(E9) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S8/G64D.3-H;B-2(E8) -> S8/G64D.3-H## OA.1-2(E8) manual edit - responsibility change (bottom of the 7th): FC5/G5SR.3XH(52);1-2 -> FC5/G5SR.3XH(52);1-2#1 info,bsave,garrj01n g112 (originally g129302) Lopez pr -> pr-dh Castro ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL (!) Yoanner Negrin (TRE) 95 instead of 94 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,canem01d,32,BSBSBB,W.1-2 -> play,2,0,canem01d,32,BSBSB>B,W.1-2 split into two plays (top of the 4th): S8/G4D.2-H;B-2(E9) -> S8/G4D.2-H## OA.1-2(E9) scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,estrr01n,12,BCFC,K/C -> play,5,1,estrr01n,22,BCBFC,K/C manual edit (top of the 6th): play,6,0,berms01n,01,S.,SB3 -> play,6,0,berms01n,01,S.,SB3 com,"Video review; call overturned - safe at third." manual corrections (bottom of the 6th): D8/L8L play,6,1,sandc01n,01,FX,14/SH/BG12.2-3 -> D/78/L78D? play,6,1,sandc01n,01,LX,14/SH/BG12.2-3 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): S9/G4DR.2-H(UR);1-2 -> S9/L4DR?.2-H(UR);1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): S9/L89S -> S9/F89S? scoring correction (top of the 8th): (!) S5/G12.B-3(E5/TH) -> S5/BG/BG5S?.B-3(E5/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 8th): play,8,1,casto01n,01,S.,SB2 -> play,8,1,casto01n,01,S.,SB2 com,"Video review; call overturned - safe at second." manual correction (bottom of the 8th): T8/L8.2-H;1-H -> T/78/L78D?.2-H;1-H info,temp - empty info,sky,clear (?) play,7,1,guery01m,11,CBX,S7/G6DL.2-H;B-2(THH) (v?) g113 (originally g129303) manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,sevid01n,32,BBCFBX,4(1)3/GDP/G4L -> play,2,1,sevid01n,32,BBCFB>X,4(1)3/GDP/G4L manual edit (top of the 3rd): 53/G5L -> 53/G5L+ manual edit (top of the 8th): FC6/G6.3-H;2-H(E6);1-2(E6) -> FC6/G6.3-H;2-H(NR);1-2(E6) g114 (originally g129304) split into two plays + manual edit (top of the 5th): 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-2(E4/TH) S/78/F8SL.2-3;B-2(THH) -> 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) S/78/F8SL.2-3;B-2(TH3) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,sandc01n,01,FX,3/G/G3SL -> play,5,1,sandc01n,01,LX,3/G/G3SL manual edit (top of the 6th): S1/G12 play,6,0,morar01n,12,S1BSX,63/G6.1-2 -> S1/G12- play,6,0,morar01n,12,S1BS>X,63/G6.1-2 manual edit (top of the 7th): play,7,0,mirae01n,02,CFC,K/C -> play,7,0,mirae01n,02,CFC,K/C com,"Tren del Norte manager Tony Rodriguez ejected by HP umpire for protesting strike three call." info,bsave,friam01d g115 (originally g129305) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL (!) Marcos Frias (GIG) 82 instead of 81 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL (!) Marcos Frias (GIG) 57 instead of 56 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): 4/F43 -> 4/P43 manual correction (top of the 1st): S7/L7SR.1-3 -> S7/L7R.1-3;B-1 manual correction (bottom of the 1st): S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-3;B-2(THH) -> S8/L8S?.2-H;1-3;B-2(THH) scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) play,1,1,obreo01n,10,BX,4(B)6(2)/LDP/L4R -> play,1,1,obreo01n,01,CX,4(B)6(2)/LDP/L4R manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): S7/L7SR.2-H;B-2(THH) -> S7/L7R.2-H;B-2(THH) manual correction (top of the 4th): 8/F8 -> 8/F8D scoring correction (bottom of the 4th): (!) play,4,1,richj01u,10,BX,S4/G4.B-2(E4/TH) -> play,4,1,richj01u,20,BBX,S4/G4L?.B-2(E4/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 4th): 31/G43S -> 31/G43S- manual edits (top of the 5th): 5(2)3/GDP/G5.3-H;1-2 S9/G43D.2-H -> 5(2)3/GDP/G5+.3-H;1-2 S9/G43D+.2-H manual correction (bottom of the 5th): 6/F6D -> 6/P6D manual edit (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,morar01n,00,X,463/G4.1-2 -> play,5,1,morar01n,00,>X,463/G4.1-2 manual edit (top of the 7th): play,7,0,sandc01n,22,1F1BBFFFFX,54(1)3/GDP/G5R -> play,7,0,sandc01n,22,1L1BBFFFFX,54(1)3/GDP/G5R manual edits (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,mirae01n,02,CFFX,6(1)3/GDP/G6 8/F8 -> play,7,1,mirae01n,02,CL>FX,6(1)3/GDP/G6 8/F8D manual correction (top of the 8th): D7/G6D -> D8/G64D+? manual edit (top of the 9th): play,9,0,estrr01n,01,FX,54/SH/BG25.2-3;1-2 -> play,9,0,estrr01n,01,LX,54/SH/BG25.2-3;1-2 manual edit (top of the 9th): FC1/G1 -> FC1/G1.2-2 manual correction (top of the 9th): HR/7/L7XDR.3-H;2-H;1-H -> HR/78/L7XDR.3-H;2-H;1-H info,sky,sunny/clear skies info,bsave,paulf01d g116 (originally g129306) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL (!) Kevin Kelly (TRE) 50 instead of 48 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL (!) Kevin Kelly (TRE) 35 instead of 33 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 1st): play,1,0,mirae01n,02,FCX,43/G6R -> play,1,0,mirae01n,02,FC>X,43/G6R manual edit (bottom of the 1st): (v?) D7/G5D.1-H;BX3(75) -> D7/G5D+.1-H;BX3(75) scoring correction (top of the 2nd): (!) S5/G56.2-3 -> S6/G56D?.2-3 scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (!) play,3,0,lagoa01c,11,BC.,SB2.1-3(E1/TH) -> play,3,0,lagoa01c,11,BC.,SB2 play,3,0,lagoa01c,11,2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3 manual edit (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,garce01u,12,BFFC,K/C -> play,3,0,garce01u,12,BF>FC,K/C manual edit (top of the 4th): S8/G64D play,4,0,cruzn01n,32,BCBFFBFX,S9/L9.1-3 -> S8/G64D+ play,4,0,cruzn01n,32,BCB>FFB>F>X,S9/L9.1-3 manual edit (bottom of the 4th): 53/G56 -> 53/G56+ manual edit (bottom of the 5th): 3/FL/F3 4/F3DL -> 3/FL/P3? 4/P3DL? manual edit (top of the 6th): S8/L8S -> S8/L64D-? manual edit (top of the 6th): play,6,0,canem01d,22,CFFBBX,13/G12 -> play,6,0,canem01d,22,CLFBBX,13/G12 manual edit (bottom of the 6th): S7/L7.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 6/F6 S9/L9SL.2-H;1-3 -> S7/L5DR?.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 6/P6 S9/L4D?.2-H;1-3 manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,lagoa01c,02,CCX,7/F78 -> play,7,0,lagoa01c,02,CSX,7/F78D? manual edit (top of the 7th): 6/F6D -> com,"Tren del Norte third base coach Jose Burgos ejected by 3B umpire." 6/P6D scoring correction + manual edit (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,alegb01n,02,CCX,23/G2 13/G12 53/G56 -> play,7,1,alegb01n,02,CCFX,23/G2 13/G12 53/G5R? scoring correction + manual edit (bottom of the 8th): play,8,1,sandc01n,32,CBFBFBX,31/G3L -> play,8,1,sandc01n,32,CBFFBFBX,31/G3+? manual edit (top of the 9th): S8/G64D.1-2 64(1)/FO/G64 -> S8/L64D?.1-2 64(1)/FO/G6DR?