1998 Japan Series
Game 4
Based on the Asobous server's coverage.

Yokohama 1st: Taku.Ishii grounded out to third. Haru struck out. T.Suzuki grounded out to second. 0:0
Seibu 1st: Matsui singled to center on a first-pitch inside forkball. Ozeki sacrificed to pitcher, Matsui to second. T.Takagi flied out to left. Martinez struck out. 0:0

Yokohama 2nd: Rose flied out to center. Komada flied out to center. Nakane flied out to right. 0:0
Seibu 2nd: K.Suzuki fouled out to catcher. Wada struck out. Shimizu tripled the opposite way to right on a 2-1 fork high and away. Nakajima, in an 0-2 hole, turned on Nomura's high fastball and drove it over the left field fence, Shimizu scored! H.Takagi struck out looking on three pitches. 0:2

Yokohama 3rd: Saeki flied out to deep left. Tanishige grounded out to short. Shindoh flied out to center. 0:2
Seibu 3rd: Matsui flied out to right on the first pitch. Ozeki grounded out to first. T.Takagi grounded out to short. 0:2

Yokohama 4th: Taku.Ishii walked on five pitches, giving Yokohama its first base runner. Haru grounded out to third, Taku.Ishii to second. With the count of one ball and no strikes, T.Suzuki connected on a 147 km/h fastball, low and inside, for the BayStars' first hit of the night - a game-tying two-run homer to right center (see photo), Taku.Ishii scored! Rose fouled out to right. Komada grounded out to second. 2:2
Seibu 4th: Martinez popped out to first. K.Suzuki flied out to center. Wada walked on five pitches. Shimizu grounded out to short. 2:2

Yokohama 5th: Nakane grounded out to pitcher. Saeki grounded out to first. Tanishige flied out to right. 2:2
Seibu 5th: Nakajima grounded out to third. H.Takagi singled to short. Matsui struck out. Ozeki flied out to center. 2:2

Yokohama 6th: Shindoh struck out on four pitches. Taku.Ishii singled to left. Taku.Ishii to second on pitcher Taka.Ishii's balk. Haru lined out to short. T.Suzuki grounded out to pitcher. 2:2
Seibu 6th: T.Takagi singled to right off a forkball down the middle. Martinez, with 2 balls and no strikes and being hitless so far in the Series, blasted Nomura's next offering completely out of the Seibu Dome (see photo on the left) for a 130-meter go-ahead two-run home run to left, T.Takagi scored! K.Suzuki singled to center, chasing Nomura. RHP Shimada pitching. Lefty Kawada pinch-hitting for right-handed Wada. Kawada walked on four pitches, K.Suzuki to second. Shimizu sacrificed to third, K.Suzuki to third, Kawada to second. Nakajima grounded out to short. H.Takagi grounded out to second. 2:4

Yokohama 7th: Kawada in as left fielder. Rose flied out to right. Komada lined out to first. Nakane struck out. 2:4
Seibu 7th: LHP Awano pitching. Matsui grounded out to third. Ozeki grounded out to second. T.Takagi flied out to center. 2:4

Yokohama 8th: Saeki flied out to right. Tanishige singled to center. Shindoh struck out. Taku.Ishii grounded out to second. 2:4
Seibu 8th: RHP Yokoyama pitching. Martinez grounded out to short. K.Suzuki flied out to left. Kawada grounded out to second. 2:4

Yokohama 9th: Ueda in at third. Haru popped out to short. And that was it for the Lions starter Takahiro Ishii. He went 8 1/3 innings, giving up 2 runs on three hits and a walk. LHP Hashimoto took the mound against left-handed hitting T.Suzuki. T.Suzuki beat out an infield single to short. RHP Nishizaki brought in against Rose. Rose walked, T.Suzuki to second. Komada watched two pitches go bye for strikes, then whiffed on the third offering. Inoue hitting for Nakane. Inoue walked to load the bases as Nishizaki was struggling with his control. But Saeki found himself behind in the count 1 and 2 before swinging and missing on a high and away fastball to end the game (photo: Yukihiro Nishizaki gets out of a bases-loaded  jam in the ninth inning)! 2:4

The Lions have capitalized on Taka.Ishii's strong outing
and two two-run homers by catcher Nakajima and DH Martinez,
winning their second straight decision at home to tie
the best-of-seven Japan Series at two games apiece.