1998 Japan Series
Game 3
Based on the Asobous server's coverage.

Yokohama 1st: BayStars' leadoff batter is Taku.Ishii. The count is 3 balls and one strike. He walks on five pitches. Haru hits a 1-1 slider into a double play, second to first. T.Suzuki batting. 2 and 2. T.Suzuki struck out on a sinker low and away. 0:0
Seibu 1st: Matsui hits the ball deep down the left field foul line, caught by left fielder T.Suzuki! Ozeki bunt singled to third. T.Takagi struck out swinging. Martinez flied out to center fielder Haru at the wall. 0:0

Yokohama 2nd: Rose grounded out to second. Komada singled to right. Nakane singled to short, Komada to second. Saeki bounced into a double play, second to shortstop to first, Nakane out. 0:0
Seibu 2nd: K.Suzuki walked on five pitches. Ohtsuka walked, K.Suzuki to second. H.Takagi grounded to second, Ohtsuka safe at second on second baseman Rose's error, K.Suzuki scored, H.Takagi safe at first. Nakajima bunted to catcher, Ohtsuka safe at  third, H.Takagi to second, but third baseman Shindoh's throw is in time to get Nakajima at first. Ohtomo grounded out to second, Ohtsuka scored, H.Takagi to third. Matsui walked.  Matsui stole second. Ozeki walked on the full count to load the bases for T.Takagi. Miura finally got out of this inning, striking out T.Takagi on a 2-2 forkball inside. 0:2

Yokohama 3rd: Tanishige hit by pitch. Shindoh flied out to right. Taku.Ishii forced out Tanishige at second, first to shortstop, Taku.Ishii safe at first. Haru flied out center. 0:2
Seibu 3rd: Martinez walked. 5th base on balls issued by Miura already! 2 and 2 on K.Suzuki. Wow, after fouling off a few pitches, Ken Suzuki walks on the full count, Martinez to second. Great at-bat! Ohtsuka grounds a first-pitch slider to second, K.Suzuki out at second, second to shortstop, Martinez to third, Ohtsuka safe at first. Runners on the corners, one out. H.Takagi trailing 1-2. 2 and 2 now. Miura can't get it past H.Takagi - drive to deep right, foul! Another foul ball! You won't believe it, H.Takagi singles to left (see photo), Martinez scores, Ohtsuka to third. 3-0 Lions! What, the Lions have waked up?! Hiroyuki Takagi, hitting just .202 during the regular season, shows great poise at the plate, gets an RBI single after fouling off 5 Miura's offerings. And Miura is gone, finally! RHP Fukumori takes the mound to face catcher Nakajima. Oh, 2-0 fastball over the plate - Nakajima singles to center, Ohtsuka scored, H.Takagi to second. Ohtomo walks loading the bases.  Matsui strikes out though. Two outs. Full count on Ozeki. Ozeki flies out to short to end the inning (photo: bad day for Yokohama hurlers). 0:4

Yokohama 4th: T.Suzuki leads off for Yokohama, he struck out in his first at-bat against Shiozaki. T.Suzuki works a full-count walk. Rose now. He's ahead 3-1. Shiozaki retires Rose on an infield pop-up to second. Komada hits a line drive to center for a single, T.Suzuki to second. Nakane, ahead 3-1, base hit to center, T.Suzuki scored, Komada to second. Saeki flied out to the warning track in right, Komada to third. Shiozaki falls behind again. But he gets a full-count 137 km/h fastball past Tanishige for out number three. 1:4
Seibu 4th: T.Takagi takes a free pass after striking out in his two previous trips to the plate. Martinez batting. Big foul to left. Fastball outside, 1-1. Martinez misses on a very high fastball, 1-2. Takes a forkball low and outside, 2-2. Martinez bounces a 140 km/h fastball down the middle into a 6-4-3 double play, T.Takagi out. K.Suzuki pops out to second. 1:4

Yokohama 5th: Shiozaki fans struggling Shindoh on three pitches. Taku.Ishii grounds out to second. Haru grounded out to third. 1:4
Seibu 5th: RHP Tokano pitching. Ohtsuka singled to short. H.Takagi sacrificed to first, Ohtsuka to second. Nakajima walked on four pitches. Ohtomo walked on the full count to load the bases. Matsui comes through with a three-run double to deep left (see photo), Ohtsuka, Nakajima, and Ohtomo score. Ozeki walked. T.Takagi fouled out to catcher. Martinez whiffed on three pitches. 1:7

Yokohama 6th: T.Suzuki doubled to deep left center. Rose flied out to right. Komada fouled out to third.  Nakane popped out to second. 1:7
Seibu 6th: K.Suzuki singled to center. Ohtsuka sacrificed to catcher, K.Suzuki to second. H.Takagi fouled out to third. Nakajima grounded out to pitcher. 1:7

Yokohama 7th: Saeki struck out on the full count. Tanishige hammered a 1-1 inside curve beyond the right field fence - his first hit in the series so far. Shindoh singled to shallow center to chase Shiozaki. Ace LHP Hashimoto take the mound to face Yokohama's leadoff man Taku.Ishii, a left-handed hitter. And Hashimoto gets the batter to hit a grounder to first, Shindoh is out at second, first to shortstop, Taku.Ishii safe at first. Haru hits another ground ball, this time to third, Taku.Ishii is forced out at second, third to second. 2:7
Seibu 7th: LHP Sekiguchi pitching. Ohtomo flied out to left. Matsui grounded out to pitcher. Ozeki grounded out to short. 2:7

Yokohama 8th: T.Suzuki hits a 2-2 low and away Hashimoto's slider to center - single. RHP Denney relieves against RH-hitting Rose. Rose takes two curve balls for strikes. Then swings and misses on another one low and away. Komada walks on four pitches. Nakane advances runners 90 feet on a ground out to first. Seibu brings in LHP Takeshita, but Yokohama answers with righty pinch hitter Hatayama.  Hatayama flies out to center. 2:7
Seibu 8th: Hatayama in as designated hitter. RHP Yokoyama pitching. T.Takagi flied out to Haru near the center field wall. Free-swinging Martinez struck out on a 3-2 forkball at the knees. K.Suzuki (Ueda ran for K.Suzuki) and Ohtsuka hit consecutive singles to center. Men on first and second, two outs. H.Takagi struck out looking. 2:7

Yokohama 9th: RHP Nishizaki pitching, Ueda in at third. Tanishige struck out. Shindoh popped out to short. Taku.Ishii popped out to shortstop Matsui. Game is over. Seibu defeats Yokohama 7-2, trails the best-of-seven Japan Series 2 games to 1.