1998 Japan Series
Game 2
Based on the Asobous server's coverage.

Seibu 1st: Ozeki doubled to right. Ohtomo sacrificed to pitcher, Ozeki to third, Ohtomo safe at first on pitcher T.Saitoh's error. Matsui flied out to short. K.Suzuki grounded into a double play, third to second to first, Ohtomo out (photo on the left: Yokohama starter T.Saitoh). 0:0 
Yokohama 1st: Taku.Ishii singled to right. Taku.Ishii stole second. Haru grounded out to first, Taku.Ishii to third. T.Suzuki singled to right, Taku.Ishii scored. T.Suzuki stole second. Rose walked. Komada forced out Rose at second, short to second, T.Suzuki to third, Komada safe at first. Saeki struck out. 0:1

Seibu 2nd: T.Takagi flied out to right. Ohtsuka struck out looking. Itoh singled to center. H.Takagi flied out to center. 0:1
Yokohama 2nd: Shindoh struck out on three pitches. Tanishige walked. T.Saitoh sacrificed to pitcher, Tanishige to second.Taku.Ishii walked. Haru grounded out to first. 0:1

Seibu 3rd: Toyoda grounded out to first. Ozeki grounded out to second. Ohtomo grounded out to short (photo: the Lions argue an umpire's call in the top of the 3rd inning). 0:1
Yokohama 3rd: T.Suzuki singled to left. Rose hit the ball deep to left - foul ball! With the count full, Rose struck out, T.Suzuki thrown out stealing. Two outs. Komada fouled out to catcher. 0:1

Seibu 4th: Matsui grounded out to second. K.Suzuki flied out to left. T.Takagi flied out to first. 0:1
Yokohama 4th: Saeki struck out. Shindoh grounded out to second. Tanishige grounded out to short. 0:1

Seibu 5th: Ohtsuka grounded out to second. Itoh flied out to left. H.Takagi grounded out to second. 0:1 Yokohama 5th: T.Saitoh grounded out to second. Taku.Ishii pulled a 130 km/h outside change-up over the right field wall. Haru flied out to left. T.Suzuki, already 2-for-2, singled to right. T.Suzuki stole second. Rose doubled to right center,  T.Suzuki scored. LHP Sugiyama pitching (photo on the left: tough outing for Kiyoshi Toyoda). Komada flied out to left. 0:3

Seibu 6th: Pemberton hit for Sugiyama. Pemberton struck out on four pitches. Ozeki flied out to second. Ohtomo grounded out to short. After Itoh's two-out single in the 2nd, T.Saitoh retired 13 batters in a row. 0:3
Yokohama 6th: RHP Taka.Ishii pitching. Saeki singled to left. Shindoh flied out to left. Tanishige whiffed on a high 145 km/h fastball, Saeki was caught stealing. 0:3

Seibu 7th: Matsui struck out. K.Suzuki grounded out to first. T.Takagi grounded out to second. 16 consecutive batters retired by T.Saitoh (photo on the right: Takashi Saitoh)!  0:3 
Yokohama 7th: T.Saitoh fouled off five pitches before taking a fastball down the middle for a strikeout. Taku.Ishii grounded out to first, pitcher covering. Haru singled to center. Haru stole second. T.Suzuki got his fourth hit of the game - an RBI single to right, Haru scored. Rose struck out looking. 0:4

Seibu 8th: Finally, Ohtsuka got on base with a single to center on a first-pitch slider. Itoh hit into a 5-4-3 double play, Ohtsuka out. H.Takagi grounded out to first. 0:4
Yokohama 8th: LHP Takeshita relieves, Wada in at catcher. Komada fouled out to third. Nakane, hitting for Saeki, grounded out to third. Shindoh grounded out to short. 0:4

Seibu 9th: Nakane in as right fielder. Wada fouled out to first. Ozeki walked on five pitches. Martinez hit for Ohtomo. Martinez grounded out to first, Ozeki to second. Matsui grounded out to pitcher. 0:4

Yokohama wins the ballgame 4-0 behind a three hit shutout by Saitoh Takashi, leads the Series two games to none (photo on the left: catcher Motonobu Tanishige gives Saitoh a high-five).