1998 Japan Series
Game 1
Based on the Asobous server's coverage.

Seibu 1st: Matsui flied out to deep center. Ozeki grounded out to first. T.Takagi singled to left. T.Takagi was thrown out. 0:0

Yokohama 1st: Taku.Ishii bunt singled to third. Taku.Ishii stole second. Haru grounded out to pitcher. T.Suzuki singled to right (see photo), Taku.Ishii scored. Rose grounded out to second, T.Suzuki to second. Komada grounded out to short. 0:1

Seibu 2nd: Pemberton struck out on an inside fastball. K.Suzuki flied out to center. Tanabe walked on five pitches. Itoh singled to left, Tanabe to second. Shimizu flied out to right on the first pitch. 0:1
Yokohama 2nd: Saeki singled to shallow center. Shindoh grounded out to second, Saeki to second. Tanishige flied out to left. Nomura struck out. 0:1

Seibu 3rd: Nishiguchi took a low and outside fastball for strike three. Matsui struck out swinging on an inside fastball. Ozeki singled to first. T.Takagi grounded out to first. 0:1
Yokohama 3rd: Taku.Ishii walked on four pitches. Taku.Ishii stole second. Haru singled to shallow left, Taku.Ishii to third. T.Suzuki (1/1, 1 RBI)...2&2...singled to short left field, Taku.Ishii scored, Haru to second. Rose - base hit into left on a 2-0 slider, Haru scored, T.Suzuki to third, double for Rose. What, a pitching change? Right! LHP Takeshita relieved Nishiguchi to face left-handed Komada. Still nobody out. Komada grounded out to second. Saeki singled in front of the center fielder Shimizu, T.Suzuki scored, Rose to third. 0:4! RHP Mori pitching. Shindoh grounded into fielder's choice to short, Rose out at home, Saeki to second. Tanishige struck out on a low and inside forkball. 0:4

Seibu 4th: Pemberton grounded out to short. K.Suzuki singled to center. Tanabe grounded into a double play, shortstop to second to first. 0:4
Yokohama 4th: Nomura doubled to deep left. Taku.Ishii singled to right, Nomura to third. Haru singled to left center, to third on a fielding error, Nomura and Taku.Ishii scored on the play. Haru scored on pitcher Mori's wild pitch. T.Suzuki fouled out to third. Rose flied out to right. Komada struck out on three pitches. 0:7

Seibu 5th: Itoh flied out to right. Shimizu grounded out to third. Mori grounded out to short. 0:7
Yokohama 5th: Saeki grounded out to short. Shindoh singled to center. Tanishige hit into a 6-4-3 double play. 0:7

Seibu 6th: Matsui grounded out to short. Ozeki hit the ball  to the warning track in right for a three-bagger. T.Takagi belted a 1-1 forkball over the right field wall, Ozeki and T.Takagi scored. Pemberton lined out to second. K.Suzuki struck out looking on a full count. 2:7
Yokohama 6th: LHP Nomura ripped his second double of the game to deep center. Taku.Ishii flied out to center fielder Shimizu near the center field wall. Haru tripled to left center, Nomura scored. T.Suzuki grounded out out to first. Rose flied out to right. 2:8

Seibu 7th: Tanabe flied out to center. Itoh grounded out to third. Shimizu doubled to center. Kanemura pinch-hitting for pitcher Mori. Kanemura crashed a full-count forkball down the pipe off the wall in left center for a double, Shimizu scored. Kawada ran for Kanemura. Matsui - base hit into center fielder, Kawada scored! It seems that Nomura is finished. Still, a heck of a ballgame from him. LHP Awano relieves to face Ozeki with two outs and Matsui at first. Ozeki grounded out to second. 4-8
Yokohama 7th: LHP Sugiyama relieved. Komada lined out to second. Saeki popped out to short. Shindoh struck out looking. 4-8

Seibu 8th: With Gondoh-kantoku relying heavily on LHPs, Awano faces T.Takagi. Full count. The ball is hit to deep right, foul ball! T.Takagi lays off off a low slider for a leadoff walk. Pemberton belts a 1-2 offering into right field corner, Saeki makes the catch against the wall. T.Takagi steals second. 1 ball and 2 strikes on K.Suzuki. K.Suzuki grounds out to short on a slider outside. With two right-handed hitters coming up and a runner in scoring position, Gondoh will probably call his bullpen for a RHP. And it's not even Igarashi! Kazuhiro Sasaki takes the mound in a non-save situation and in the 8th inning! Nakane is in right. Lefty Ohtsuka pinch-hits for Tanabe: walks on five pitches! Another pinch hitter, H.Takagi for Itoh. Fastball inside, ball 1. High fastball, in there, 1 and 1.WHAT? A base runner is thrown out ending the threat! Damn, where's Domingo Martinez anyway? 4-8
Yokohama 8th: RHP Denny pitching, H.Takagi in at second, Nakajima catching. Tanishige popped out to second. Nakane singled to center. Taku.Ishii struck out. Nakane stole second. Haru reached second on third baseman K Suzuki's error, Nakane scored. LHP Hashimoto relieved. T.Suzuki struck out on fastball high and inside. 4-9

Seibu 9th: H.Takagi against K.Sasaki again. H.Takagi fouled out to third. Shimizu stays alive by fouling off another fastball, 3 and 2. Shimizu grounds out to pitcher on a low and inside forkball. Martinez!!! Higashio-kantoku, what are you doing? Martinez grounds out to short and Game 1 of the 1998 Japan Series is over. Yokohama wins by a score of 9 to 4.