October 21: When able to put a fastball into play, they hit .486 with a .622 isolated power (!!), thus averaging more than one total base per every non-strikeout at-bat. The Dragons badly needed to throw the Lion sluggers off their fastball-hitting ways.
October 21: Overall, the Lions' righties went 1-for-14 with four strikeouts on Yamai's sliders.
Game 5: Kawakami threw fastballs just 38% of time (35% when in the zone), while going with cutters at 40% (45%) rate. It took the Lions way too long to adjust, before they managed a couple hits off the dreaded pitch later in the game.
Game 1: Kawakami went with the heat 67% of time (71% when finding the zone), challenged Seibu batters, but struggled to keep his pitches low.
Russian League Baseball Web Site © 2004 Sergei Borisov.