g059 (originally g161831-u) EDITED GAME SOURCE "duration":"" -> "duration":"2:39" ORTIZ Leonardo hits into a double play. GDP 643. MENDOZA Omar out at 2nd 64. 3 out. -> ORTIZ Leonardo hits into a double play. GDP 643. MENDOZA Omar out at 2nd 64. 3 out. || GAME OVER
CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Angel Obando (DAN) 66 instead of 65 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Angel Obando (DAN) 44 instead of 43 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 15 instead of 16 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Miguel Rojas (BOE) 24 instead of 22 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Miguel Rojas (BOE) 16 instead of 15 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): E6/G6 play,1,0,alegb01n,00,X,S7/G6DL.1-2 HP.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 32(3)3/GDP/G3L.2-3;1-2 -> E6/G6DL play,1,0,alegb01n,00,1X,S7/G6DL.1-2 HP.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 32(3)3/GDP/G3.2-3;1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,monte01n,12,BCCFX,7/F7R -> play,1,1,monte01n,12,BCCF1X,7/F7DR manual correction (top of the 2nd): E7/F/F7R HP.1-2 64(1)/FO/G6.2-3 S/78/L8SL.3-H(UR);1-3 43/G4 -> E7/F/F7DR HP.1-2 64(1)/FO/G6L.2-3;B-1 S8/L8S.3-H(UR);1-3 43/G4D manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,meler01n,22,BSBFX,S6/L6 -> play,2,1,meler01n,22,BSBCFX,S8/G64D manual correction (top of the 3rd): (!) play,3,0,mendo01n,12,CBSS,K 43/G4 -> play,3,0,mendo01n,12,CBSC,K/C 43/G4D manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): (!) S6/L6DR play,3,1,vasqw01v,00,,NP sub,garcl01n,"",0,9,6 sub,alegb01n,"",0,2,5 PB.1-2 S8/L8SR.2-H -> play,3,1,riveb01n,00,,NP sub,garcl01n,"",0,9,6 sub,alegb01n,"",0,2,5 S8/G6DR+ PB.1-2 S8/G4DL.2-H manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): HR/7/F7XD.3-H -> HR/7/F7XDL.3-H manual correction (bottom of the 4th): 364/SH/BG12.1-2 63/G6 play,4,1,riveb01n,22,BCFBFX,63/G6 -> 364/SH/BG1R.1-2 63/G6 play,4,1,riveb01n,32,BCBFBX,63/G6DR split into two plays + manual correction (top of the 5th): 3/FL/F3 S7/L7SR.2XH(72) S/89/L89S.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 5(2)/FO/G5R.1-2 -> 3/FL/F3D S7/L7SR.2-3## OA.3XH(72) S9/L9S.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 5(2)/FO/G5+.1-2 scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): (?!!!) play,5,1,monte01n,21,BBSX,S5/L56.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,5,1,rubia01n,12,BCSX,S5/G56.2-3;1-2 E6/F/F56.3-H;2-3;1-2 -> play,5,1,monte01n,21,B1BC1X,S7/L56.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,5,1,rubia01n,12,BCMX,S7/G56D.2-3;1-2 FC6/P6DL.3-H;2-3(E6/TH);1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): 4/F6 -> 4/P6DR manual correction (top of the 6th): 8/F8 S7/L7SR play,6,0,garcl01n,00,,NP sub,rayoj01n,"",0,9,11 S7/L7SR.1-3;B-2(TH3) -> 8/L/L8 S7/L56 play,6,0,garcl01n,00,,NP sub,rayoj01n,"",0,9,11 S7/L7.1-3;B-2(TH3) manual correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) S/78/L8SL 9/F9L play,6,1,florj01n,12,BCS.,SB2 S5/L5R.2-3 -> S8/F8SL 9/F9L play,6,1,florj01n,12,B1C1>S.,SB2 S7/L5R.2-3 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,rubia01n,11,CB.,SB2;SBH -> play,6,1,rubia01n,11,C1B.,SB2;SBH manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,mendo01n,01,CX,S/78/L8SL play,7,0,rayow02n,22,BCCFFBX,6/F56 -> play,7,0,mendo01n,11,BCX,S/78/L78 play,7,0,rayow02n,22,BCCFFFBX,6/F56 info,number,0 info,sky,sunny/clear info,ump3b,"Juan C. Rivera"