g851 (originally g148694-u) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Pinch Hitter: #20 BENDLES for #77 BENNETH -> - Defensive Change: #20 BENDLES to C -> - Pitching Change: #82 DOWNS for #30 CAYASSO -> Pitching Change: #82 DOWNS for #30 CAYASSO || Defensive Substitution: #20 BENDLES for #77 BENNETH at C Blackause ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Isaac Mondragon (CHI) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Debrie Benneth (RCS) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Debrie Benneth (RCS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Debrie Benneth (RCS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Josdany Bendles (RCS) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Josdany Bendles (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Josdany Bendles (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUTS AT POSITION (!) Alec Ow (RCS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Alec Ow (RCS) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Alec Ow (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Lochman Woods (RCS) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Lochman Woods (RCS) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Lochman Woods (RCS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Ariel Downs (RCS) 27 instead of 26 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Ariel Downs (RCS) 15 instead of 14 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jesus Garrido (CHI) 94 instead of 92 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jesus Garrido (CHI) 65 instead of 64 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Walter Lopez (CHI) 28 instead of 27 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,ballo01n,11,BCX,6/F5R play,1,0,ow__a01n,02,CCFX,2/F2 -> play,1,0,ballo01n,21,BCBX,6/FL/F5D play,1,0,ow__a01n,02,CFFX,2/FL/F23 manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,mondi01n,12,CFBS,K 9/F9SL IW 64(1)/FO/G4L -> play,1,1,mondi01n,12,CLBS,K 9/F9SL IW 64(1)/FO/G6 manual correction (top of the 2nd): D7/L7 S8/L8S.2-H 54(1)3/GDP/G3SR -> D7/L7L S8/L64D.2-H 54(1)3/GDP/G5R split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): (!) E2/F/F3S play,2,1,diazm01n,20,BBX,36(1)/FO/G3L.B-2(E6/TH) W W.2-3;1-2 D9/L9S.3-H(UR);2-H;1-3 K FLE3 8/L/L8L -> E2/F/P25 play,2,1,diazm01n,20,B1B1X,36(1)/FO/BG/BG3S.B-1## play,2,1,reyem01n,00,.,OA.1-2(E6/TH) W W.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." D9/L9SR.3-H(UR);2-H;1-3 K FLE3 8/L/L8 manual correction (top of the 3rd): 63/G3 -> 63/G6R manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 9/F9L S8/L8S play,3,1,river01n,10,BX,S8/L8S.1-3;B-2(THH) K/C W S/89/F8SR.3-H;2-H;1-3 7/L/L78 -> 9/F9DR S8/G6R+ play,3,1,river01n,10,B1X,S8/L4DL.1-3;B-2(TH3) K/C W S8/F8SR.3-H;2-H;1-3 7/L/L7R manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,ow__a01n,02,CFS,K K 53/G3 -> play,4,0,ow__a01n,02,FCFS,K K 53/G5 scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 4th): (!) S8/F8SR play,4,1,lagum01n,10,BX,3/FL/F3 play,4,1,mirae01n,02,CS.,SB2 143/G3.2-3 IW play,4,1,river01n,30,BBBB,W.1-2 play,4,1,diazm01n,00,,NP sub,cayas01n,"",0,0,1 play,4,1,diazm01n,02,CC.,OA.3XH(162) -> S8/L8SR play,4,1,lagum01n,10,B1X,3/FL/P3D play,4,1,mirae01n,02,C>S.,SB2 143/G1.2-3 IW play,4,1,river01n,30,BB1BB,W.1-2 play,4,1,diazm01n,00,,NP sub,cayas01n,"",0,0,1 play,4,1,diazm01n,02,CC>2.,POCSH(162) manual correction (top of the 5th): S7/G56D 9/F9SL 53/G3 -> S7/G5R 9/F89 53/G56 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): 34/SH/BG3.2-3 63/G3R 6/F64 -> 34/SH/BG12.2-3 63/G6L 6/L/L64- manual correction (top of the 6th): 9/F9L -> 9/F9SL manual correction (bottom of the 6th): HR/7/F7XDR.1-H -> HR/7/F7XD.1-H manual correction (bottom of the 6th): 52(3)3/GDP/G56.2-3;1-2 -> 52(3)3/GDP/G5.2-3;1-2 manual correction (top of the 7th): 63/G3SR K T7/L7R play,7,0,bendj01n,32,FFBBBFFFS,K -> 63/G6R K T7/L7R play,7,0,bendj01n,32,BFFBBFFFS,K manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,matao01n,12,FFBX,S/78/L78S 6/F6 FC6/G56.1-3(E6);B-2(E6) -> play,7,1,matao01n,12,CBCFX,S7/L7R 6/F6D FC6/G6DL.1-3(E6);B-2 scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) 36(1)3/GDP/G3R -> 34(1)3/GDP/G3 com,"Injury delay - first baseman J.Dixon." manual correction (top of the 8th): 63/G3L 4/F4 FLE2 53/G3 -> 63/G6 4/F64D FLE2 53/G56 split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 8th): play,8,1,river01n,32,FBBFBX,63/G3 D/89/F8R K W E4/G6R.2-3;1X2(46) -> play,8,1,river01n,32,BFBFBX,63/G6D D/89/F9DL K W E4/G4DR+.2-3;1-2## OA.2X2(46) manual correction (top of the 9th): play,9,0,simoj01n,11,BSH,HP 8/F8 K HR/7/L7XDR.1-H 53/G3L -> play,9,0,simoj01n,21,BBFH,HP com,"Injury delay - batter." 8/F8SL K HR/7/L7XDR.1-H 53/G5 info,precip,light rain in the bottom of the 8th info,sky,partly cloudy