g73 (originally g132508-u) Balladres pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Josdany Bendles (RCS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Josdany Bendles (RCS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OUTS TOTAL (!) Claudio Hernandez (DAN) 12 instead of 13 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Claudio Hernandez (DAN) 15 instead of 14 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Claudio Hernandez (DAN) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OUTS TOTAL (!) Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 8 instead of 7 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (SS) (!) Benjamin Alegria (DAN) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUTS AT POSITION (SS) (!) Benjamin Alegria (DAN) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (3B) (!) Benjamin Alegria (DAN) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (SS) (!) Lester Mairena (DAN) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Ricardo Dumas (DAN) 12 instead of 13 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Esmerling Amador (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Jorsell Simon (RCS) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Donovan Holmes Downs (RCS) 91 instead of 90 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Mikel Hooker (RCS) 12 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Mikel Hooker (RCS) 9 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED GBO TOTAL Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 41 instead of 22 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jorge Bucardo (DAN) 22 instead of 14 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,urbijc1n,10,BX,S7/G56D.1-2 WP.2-3;1-2 S7/L7SR.3-H;2-H 3/F3L -> play,1,0,urbijc1n,20,BBX,S7/G6DL+.1-2 WP.2-3;1-2 S7/L7S.3-H;2-H 3/P3L manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,britd02n,31,CBBBB,W play,1,1,josem01n,00,X,53/G5R.1-3 63/G6 -> play,1,1,britd02n,30,BBBB,W play,1,1,josem01n,01,C>X,53/G5S.1-3 63/G6DL manual correction (top of the 2nd): 43/G4 S9/L9SL -> 43/G4DR S8/L8SR manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): 63/G6 -> 63/G6R manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,urbijc1n,12,BFFX,7/F7R 53/G5R -> play,3,0,urbijc1n,12,FBFX,7/L/L7 53/G5DL manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,britd02n,10,B.,SB2 S/89/L8SR.2-H play,3,1,josem01n,12,FBFX,43/G4 -> play,3,1,britd02n,10,>B.,SB2 S8/L8SR.2-H play,3,1,josem01n,12,FBF>X,43/G4 manual correction (top of the 4th): 8/F8 -> 8/L/L8R scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 4th): (!) S7/L7SR FC6/SH/BG12.1-2;B-1 53/SH/BG12.2-3;1-2 -> S7/L5? FC5/BG/BG25.1X2(5E6);B-1 14/SH/BG1L.2-3;1-2 scoring correction (top of the 5th): (!) play,5,0,casto01n,12,CBC.,CS2(26) -> play,5,0,casto01n,12,CB>S.,CS2(24) scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,britd02n,10,B.,SB2 play,5,1,britd02n,30,BBB,W.2X2(14) play,5,1,josem01n,00,,NP sub,bucaj01n,"",0,0,1 play,5,1,josem01n,21,BF11BX,FC1/G1.1-3(E1/TH) -> play,5,1,britd02n,20,B>B.,SB2 play,5,1,britd02n,30,BB,W play,5,1,josem01n,00,,NP sub,bucaj01n,"",0,0,1 play,5,1,josem01n,00,2.,PO2(16) play,5,1,josem01n,21,B1F1B>X,FC1/G1.1-3(E1/TH) manual correction (top of the 6th): S/78/L8SL.1-2 K 64(1)/FO/G6 -> S8/L8S.1-2 K 64(1)/FO/G6DR manual correction (bottom of the 6th): S/78/L8SL play,6,1,blacj01n,00,X,E1/TH/SH/BG12.1-2 play,6,1,cortj01n,00,,NP sub,ballo01n,"",1,6,12 sub,ballo01n,"",1,6,10 play,6,1,cortj01n,00,X,15(2)/FO/G1.1-2 play,6,1,rigbg01n,02,SSS,K play,6,1,simoj01n,00,,NP sub,britd01n,"",1,9,11 play,6,1,britd01n,10,B.,WP.2-3;1-2 play,6,1,britd01n,10,.,IW HP.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2 play,6,1,britd02n,00,X,9/F9L -> S7/G5R play,6,1,blacj01n,10,BX,E1/TH/SH/BG12.1-2 play,6,1,cortj01n,00,,NP sub,ballo01n,"",1,6,12 sub,ballo01n,"",1,6,10 play,6,1,cortj01n,11,B+1CX,15(2)/FO/BG/BG25.1-2 play,6,1,rigbg01n,22,FBBCS,K play,6,1,simoj01n,00,,NP sub,britd01n,"",1,9,11 com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,6,1,britd01n,22,CCBB.,WP.2-3;1-2 play,6,1,britd01n,22,.,IW HP.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2 play,6,1,britd02n,22,BFBSX,9/F9L manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,espia01n,02,CFS,K 63/G6 play,7,0,casto01n,00,X,63/G6 -> play,7,0,espia01n,12,CCFBFS,K 63/G6DR play,7,0,casto01n,22,BCFBX,63/G6 scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) play,7,1,josem01n,00,X,53/G5R play,7,1,cuthc01n,31,BFBBB,W play,7,1,bendj01n,00,X,63/G6.1-2 play,7,1,ballo01n,00,X,S/78/L8SL.2-H -> play,7,1,josem01n,11,BSX,53/G5R play,7,1,cuthc01n,31,BBBCB,W play,7,1,bendj01n,21,FBB>X,53/G6L-.1-2 play,7,1,ballo01n,11,SBX,S/78/L8SL.2-H info,number,2