g615 (originally g145475) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Lazaro Ruiz (CAR) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Kevin Chavez (CAR) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Keny Cruz (GRA) 67 instead of 68 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Keny Cruz (GRA) 43 instead of 44 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Juan Gutierrez (CAR) 88 instead of 87 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Cristofer Roman (CAR) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Cristofer Roman (CAR) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,ortej01n,02,CFFFX,3/G/G3R 2/F2 HP play,1,0,castea1n,12,CCBC,K/C -> play,1,0,ortej01n,02,CFFFFX,3/G/G3D 2/FL/P3S HP play,1,0,castea1n,12,CCB1C,K/C manual correction (bottom of the 1st): D9/F9 31/G3R.2-3 7/SF/F7.3-H 53/G3 -> D9/F9R 31/G3L.2-3 7/SF/F7DR.3-H 53/G5R manual correction (top of the 2nd): S8/F8S S7/G56D.1-2 play,2,0,downa01n,12,CBFX,54(1)/FO/G64.2-3 S7/L7SR.3-H;1-2 4/F4 6(1)/FO/G64 -> S8/F8SR S7/G5SL.1-2 play,2,0,downa01n,12,2CB+2FX,54(1)/FO/G56.2-3 S7/L7SL.3-H;1-2 4/F4D 6(1)/FO/G6R manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,ruizle1n,32,BSSBBFFB,W play,2,1,castv01n,22,BCSBFX,S9/G4DR.1-3 play,2,1,chavk01n,02,CFX,S7/L7SR.3-H;1-2 play,2,1,gonzl01n,01,FX,S8/G64D.2-3;1-2 64(1)/FO/G64.3-H;2-3 play,2,1,ibarn01n,22,BCBCS,K play,2,1,caldj01n,32,BBCSBFX,9/F9L -> play,2,1,ruizle1n,32,BSSBBFB,W play,2,1,castv01n,22,>FB11>SBF>X,S9/G4DR.1-3 play,2,1,chavk01n,02,C1FX,S7/L7SL.3-H;1-2 play,2,1,gonzl01n,01,L22X,S/78/G6.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 64(1)/FO/G6DL.3-H;2-3 play,2,1,ibarn01n,22,BCB11CS,K play,2,1,caldj01n,32,BBCSB3FX,9/F9L manual correction (top of the 3rd): 53/G3 D7/L7R 1/L/L1R -> 53/G5 D7/F7L 1/L/L1 manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 2/F2 63/G3R 63/G3L -> 2/FL/P2L 63/G6DL 63/G6 manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,downa01n,22,BFFBS,K play,4,0,cabrn01n,00,X,4/F4 play,4,0,pasod01n,12,CBFS,K -> play,4,0,downa01n,22,1BF1FBS,K play,4,0,cabrn01n,00,1X,4/F4DR play,4,0,pasod01n,12,CB>FS,K manual correction (bottom of the 4th): 8/F8 S7/L7S play,4,1,gonzl01n,12,BCSX,S7/L7SR.1-2 -> 8/F8S S7/L7L? play,4,1,gonzl01n,12,BCS1X,S7/L56.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 4th): 4/L/L3L -> 4/L/L43D manual correction (top of the 5th): 13/G3 63/G3 -> 13/BG/BG3S 63/G6L manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,espie01n,02,CFX,9/F9 53/G3L 8/L/L8 -> play,5,1,espie01n,02,CLX,9/F9 53/G5 8/F8S manual correction (top of the 6th): play,6,0,castea1n,02,CFFX,13/G3 8/F8R S8/L8S W.1-2 HR/8/F8XD.2-H;1-H S5/G56 -> play,6,0,castea1n,12,CFBX,13/G25 8/F8 S8/L8SL W.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." HR/8/F8XDL.2-H;1-H S6/G56 scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 6th): (!) S9/L9SL.3-H;2-H;1-3 play,6,0,morah01n,00,,NP sub,caldjb1n,"",1,0,1 63/G3 -> S9/L9SR.3-H;2-H;1-3 play,6,0,morah01n,00,,NP sub,caldjb1n,"",1,0,1 43/G6R manual correction (bottom of the 6th): S8/L8S play,6,1,chavk01n,31,BBFBX,63/G3L.1-2 63/G3.2-3 -> S8/G6R+ play,6,1,chavk01n,31,1BBF1B>X,63/G6-.1-2 63/G6SR.2-3 manual correction (top of the 7th): D/78/L8DL.2-H;1-H 4/F4 8/F89.2-3 D9/L9.3-H play,7,0,marii01n,00,,NP sub,romac01n,"",1,0,1 sub,larab01n,"",1,8,2 play,7,0,marii01n,11,BFX,8/F8R -> D/78/L78D.2-H;1-H 4/F4D 8/F89.2-3 D9/L9R.3-H play,7,0,marii01n,00,,NP sub,romac01n,"",1,0,1 sub,larab01n,"",1,8,2 play,7,0,marii01n,10,BX,8/F8SR manual correction (bottom of the 7th): 9/L/L8R? play,7,1,caldj01n,00,,NP sub,tardl01n,"",1,2,11 13/G3 play,7,1,espie01n,00,,NP sub,aceve01n,"",1,3,11 9/F9L -> 9/F89 play,7,1,caldj01n,00,,NP sub,tardl01n,"",1,2,11 13/G1? play,7,1,espie01n,00,,NP sub,aceve01n,"",1,3,11 9/F9SL info,number,2 info,daynight,day/night info,sky,partly cloudy