g507 (originally g144220) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) TALAVERA Joshua strikes out looking. HERRERA Jose scores on 4E2. SANTELIZ Leiver to 2nd on fielders choice. 2 out. -> TALAVERA Joshua strikes out looking. HERRERA Jose scores on 24E2. SANTELIZ Leiver to 2nd on the error. 2 out. Defensive Change: #72 CHAVEZ to RF -> - Defensive Change: #72 CHAVEZ to 2B -> - Defensive Change: #8 HERNANDEZ to LF -> - Defensive Change: #6 TARDENCIA to RF -> - Defensive Change: #17 CALDERON to 1B -> Defensive Change: #17 CALDERON to 1B || Defensive Change: #72 CHAVEZ to 2B || Defensive Change: #8 HERNANDEZ to LF || Defensive Change: #6 TARDENCIA to RF RESTORED CS TOTAL [corrected] Jose Abel Herrera (MAZ) 1 equals 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) James Hernandez (CAR) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Elmer Espinoza (CAR) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Kevin Chavez (CAR) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Luis Alberto Gonzalez Cruz (CAR) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jeans Calderon (CAR) 43 instead of 41 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jeans Calderon (CAR) 26 instead of 24 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jose Ramos (CAR) 8 instead of 6 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jose Ramos (CAR) 7 instead of 6 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Elder Martinez (MAZ) 35 instead of 34 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): (!) S2/G2 play,1,0,caldj01n,02,CFS,K play,1,0,espie01n,10,B.,SB2 7/F7R play,1,0,aguil01n,22,CBBFX,53/G5R -> S1/BG/BG1R play,1,0,caldj01n,02,C>FS,K play,1,0,espie01n,10,1>B.,SB2 7/F7 play,1,0,aguil01n,22,CBBF2X,53/G56 manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,rodrr01n,01,CH,HP.1-2 play,1,1,gonza01n,12,BCSX,9/F9L -> play,1,1,rodrr01n,01,C1H,HP.1-2 play,1,1,gonza01n,12,BCS+2X,9/F9 manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,santl01n,11,CB.,SB2 -> play,1,1,santl01n,11,C1>B.,SB2 manual correction (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,alvae01n,22,CSBBFFX,S/78/L8SL 9/F9L play,2,0,castv01n,01,C.,SB2 W com,"Coaching visit to mound." S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-2 S7/L7SR.2-H;1-2 play,2,0,hernja1n,00,,NP sub,vasqf01n,"",1,0,1 8/F8 W.2-3;1-2 43/G4 -> play,2,0,alvae01n,32,CSBBBFFX,S/78/L8SL 9/F9D play,2,0,castv01n,01,1>C.,SB2 W com,"Coaching visit to mound." S8/L8SL.2-H;1-2 S7/L7SL.2-H;1-2 play,2,0,hernja1n,00,,NP sub,vasqf01n,"",1,0,1 8/F8D W.2-3;1-2 43/G4D+ split into two plays + scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): (!) 43/G4 HP D9/L9R.1-3 S7/L7S.3-H;2-H(E7);B-2 play,2,1,gonza01n,32,BBCBC.,SB3 -> 53/G56 HP D9/L9R.1-3 S7/L6DL.3-H;2-3## OA.3-H(E7);1-2 play,2,1,gonza01n,32,BBCB>C.,SB3 manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,castv01n,32,CBFBB.,SB2.1X2(86) -> play,3,0,castv01n,32,C1B>FB1>B.,SB2.2X2(86) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,santl01n,20,BBX,S9/L9SL.1-3 -> play,3,1,santl01n,20,BB>X,S9/G4R+?.1-3 split into two plays + scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): (!) play,3,1,talaj01n,32,BSBBCC,K/C.3XH(24E2)(UR);1-2 8/F8 -> play,3,1,talaj01n,32,BSBBC1>C,K/C## play,3,1,rodrk01n,00,.,CSH(24E2)(UR).1-2 8/F8R manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,castv01n,32,BCBBCX,7/F7R 9/F9L HP com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,4,0,hernja1n,11,BC.,SB2 -> play,4,0,castv01n,31,BBBCX,7/F7R 9/F9S HP com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,4,0,hernja1n,11,B>C.,SB2 manual correction (bottom of the 4th): S7/L7SR 7/F7R play,4,1,olivr01n,31,CBBB.,SB2 S/78/L8SL.2-H play,4,1,herrja1n,11,CB.,NP sub,tardl01n,"",0,9,7 6/F6 -> S7/G5L 7/F7R play,4,1,olivr01n,31,CBB>B.,SB2 S7/G6DL?.2-H play,4,1,herrja1n,11,CB.,NP sub,tardl01n,"",0,9,7 6/F6D manual correction (top of the 5th): 7/F7R play,5,0,espie01n,32,BFBCBX,8/F8 S/78/L8SL play,5,0,alvae01n,00,,NP sub,chavk01n,"",0,4,12 S/78/L78S.1-2 -> 7/F7 play,5,0,espie01n,32,BFBCFBX,8/F8L S8/L8S play,5,0,alvae01n,00,,NP sub,chavk01n,"",0,4,12 S7/L7S?.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,santl01n,12,CFFBX,4/F4 -> play,5,1,santl01n,12,CFFFBFX,4/F4D manual correction (bottom of the 5th): S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-2 -> S8/L64D?.2-H;1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): S/78/L8SL.2-3;1-2 play,5,1,gonza01n,00,X,46(1)/FO/G4 -> S7/G56D.2-3;1-2 play,5,1,gonza01n,01,FX,46(1)/FO/G4 manual correction (top of the 6th): S7/L7SR S/78/L8SL.1-2 -> S7/G56D? S8/G6DR.1-2 manual correction (top of the 6th): 7/F7R -> 7/F7SL manual correction (bottom of the 6th): 5E3/G3L play,6,1,herrja1n,00,X,9/F9L 16(1)3/GDP/G1 -> 5E3/G5R play,6,1,herrja1n,10,BX,9/F89S 16(1)3/GDP/G1+ manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,chavk01n,32,BSBCBB,W 8/F8 play,7,0,urbih01n,22,BBCSS,K -> play,7,0,chavk01n,32,CBCBBB,W 8/F78 play,7,0,urbih01n,22,BFBCS,K info,number,1 info,sky,mostly sunny