g01 (originally g131095) info,number,1 g02 (originally g131097) split into two plays (top of the 2nd) D9/L9L.1-H;B-3(E4/TH) -> D9/L9L.1-H## OA.2-3(E4/TH) manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,moraa01n,11,S.,PO2(14) -> play,3,0,moraa01n,11,S2.,PO2(14) manual correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,hurtdf1n,20,+1BB.,SB2 -> play,5,0,hurtdf1n,20,B+1B.,SB2 info,number,1 g03 (originally g131096) Sobalvarro ph -> ph-dh Mairena Munoz ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 1st): (v?) 54(1)/FO/DP/G5R.2X3(5) -> 5(2)4(1)/GDP/G5R split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): (v?) - earned run 36(1)/FO/G3L.2-H(E6/TH) -> 36(1)/FO/G3L.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(E6/TH) scoring correction (bottom of the 4th): (!) play,4,1,olivr01n,00,,NP sub,guzmd01n,"",0,1,5 -> play,4,1,olivr01n,00,,NP sub,guzmd01n,"",0,1,5 sub,munoc01n,"",0,8,4 sub,fernl01n,"",0,9,9 split into two plays (top of the 5th): (v?) S8/L8S.2-3;1X3(85) -> S8/L8S.2-3;1-2## OA.2X3(85) scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,morara1n,00,,NP sub,munoc01n,"",0,8,4 sub,fernl01n,"",0,9,9 play,5,1,morara1n,12,BCFFS,K -> play,5,1,morara1n,12,BCFFS,K info,number,2 g04 (originally g131098) split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S7/G56D.1-H(E7)(UR);B-3 -> S7/G56D.1-2## OA.2-H(UR);1-3(E7) scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,sandc01n,00,,NP sub,obrej01n,"",0,9,7 sub,mataj01n,"",0,6,2 sub,palaa01n,"",0,8,4 -> play,5,1,sandc01n,00,,NP sub,obrej01n,"",0,9,7 sub,mataj01n,"",0,6,2 sub,palaa01n,"",0,8,4 sub,moraa01n,"",0,3,5 manual edit + scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) S7/G56D.1-3;B-2(THH) play,5,1,berms01n,10,B.,NP sub,moraa01n,"",0,3,5 play,5,1,berms01n,31,BCBX,6/L/L6.3-H(E6/TH);2-3(E6/TH) -> S7/G56D.1-3;B-2(TH3) play,5,1,berms01n,31,BBCBX,6/L/L6.3-H(E6/TH);2-3 play,5,1,berms01n,31,BBCBX,6/L/L6.3-H(E6/TH);2-3 (v?) info,number,2 g05 (originally g131094) L.Mairena ph -> ph-dh g06 (originally g131103) Urey pr -> pr-dh Diaz ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 3rd): 8(B)3(1)/DP/SF/F8S.3-H -> 8/SF/F8S.3-H;1X1(83)/DP split into two plays (top of the 4th): S7/G6DL.2XH(72) -> S7/G6DL.2-3## OA.3XH(72) info,number,1 g07 (originally g131105) see notes_g07.txt (!) g08 (originally g131101) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) GUTIERREZ Harvy hits into a double play. GDP 53. BLANDON Juan out at 2nd 5. 3 out. -> GUTIERREZ Harvy hits into a double play. GDP 53. CONTRERAS Maycol out at 3rd 5. 3 out. RIVERA Norvin singles to second base. BLANDON Juan scores. GUTIERREZ Harvy to 3rd. GUTIERREZ Harvy scores on E4T. ZELEDON Nilson to 2nd. ZELEDON Nilson scores on E4T. RIVERA Norvin to 3rd on E4T. 1 RBI. -> RIVERA Norvin singles to second base. BLANDON Juan scores. GUTIERREZ Harvy to 3rd. GUTIERREZ Harvy scores on the error. ZELEDON Nilson to 2nd. ZELEDON Nilson scores on the error. RIVERA Norvin to 3rd on E4T. 1 RBI. On Sang ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 1st): 5(2)3/GDP/G5R -> 5(2)3/GDP/G5L manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): D3/G3R.2-H;1-3 S/78/L78S.3-H;2-3 -> D9/L9SR.2-H;1-3 com,"Coaching visit to mound." S7/L6L?.3-H;2-3 split into two plays + manual correction (top of the 4th): S4/G4.3-H;2-H(UR)(NR);1-H(UR)(NR);B-3(E4/TH) -> S4/G4DR.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);1-3(E4/TH) info,number,1 info,sky,partly sunny g09 (originally g131104) Diaz ph -> ph-dh Wade pr -> pr-dh Urey pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Elian Miranda (CHI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (?!) [from video] [pitch or throw?] play,3,0,oconm01n,12,SFFB.,WP.SBH;SB3;1-2 -> play,3,0,oconm01n,12,SFFB.,SBH## play,3,0,oconm01n,12,.,WP.2-3;1-2 split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S7/G6DL.2XH(72);B-2(THH) -> S7/G6DL.2-3## OA.3XH(72);1-2 info,number,2 info,bsave,flora01n info,bsave,andre01n g10 (originally g131106) see notes_g10.txt (!) g11 (originally g131107) Chavez ph -> ph-dh Alvarado ph -> ph-dh info,number,1 g12 (originally g131099) Balladres pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 1st): D/89/L8SR.3-H;1XH(842) -> D/89/L8SR.3-H;1-3## OA.3XH(842) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S8/L8S.2-H;1-H(E8/TH)(UR);B-2(THH);B-3 -> S8/L8S.2-H;1-3;B-2(THH)## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E8/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S7/G56D.2-H;1-3(E7) -> S7/G56D.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E7) missing umpires info,number,1 g13 (originally g131112) Stats not equal: NOP Esteban Perez (EST) 93 <> 94 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: NOP Esteli 120 <> 121 (wbsc stats/counted stats) info,number,1 g14 (originally g131126) Ortega pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Edmerson Castro (GRA) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) play,6,1,cabrn01n,11,BS.,SB2.CSH(242) -> play,6,1,cabrn01n,11,BS.,CSH(242).1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) D/78/L8L.2-H(UR);1-H(UR);B-3(THH) S4/L43.3-H(UR) -> D/78/L78D?.2-H(UR);1-H(UR);B-3(THH) S9/L43.3-H(UR) info,number,1 info,bsave,jarqn01n info,bsave,bucaj01n g15 (originally g131110) Cerna pr -> pr-dh Pineda ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 7th): S6/G6L.2-H(E6/TH);B-2 -> S6/G6DL?.2-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E6/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;2-H(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(E4/TH) info,number,1 info,ump1b,"Jose S. Talavera" g16 (originally g131102) H.Rizo pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (?!) Norlan Hernandez (JIN) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 4th): 3/F3 -> 3/F3 com,"Dropped infield fly." manual correction (bottom of the 4th): D/89/L8R.1-H play,4,1,davij01n,21,BFBX,S9/L9SL.2-H;B-2(THH) play,4,1,boniy01n,10,B.,OA.2X3(25) -> D/89/L8DR.1-H play,4,1,davij01n,21,BFB+2X,S9/F9SL?.2-H;B-2(THH) com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,4,1,boniy01n,10,B.,OA.2X3(25) scoring correction (top of the 5th): (?!) POCS2(13) -> PO1(13) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S9/L89S.2-H(E9)(UR);1-2 -> S9/L89S.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(E9)(UR) info,number,2 info,daynight,day/night info,sky,partly sunny info,bsave,mairhy1n g17 (originally g131108) info,number,2 g18 (originally g131100) missing umpires info,number,2 g19 (originally g131113) Tuckler pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/G5DL.2-H;1X3(65) -> S7/G5DL.2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(65) manual edit (top of the 5th): S7/G5DR.1-3;B-2(THH) -> S7/G5DR.1-3;B-2(TH3) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,torrjj1n,01,F.,NP sub,calde01n,"",0,9,7 sub,gutil01n,"",0,6,9 play,5,1,torrjj1n,12,SFBS,K -> play,5,1,torrjj1n,00,,NP sub,calde01n,"",0,9,7 sub,gutil01n,"",0,6,9 play,5,1,torrjj1n,12,FSFBS,K info,number,2 g20 (originally g131127) Estrada ph -> ph-dh Helb.Mairena pr -> pr-dh Ortega pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): 143/G1.2-3 -> 143/L1.2-3 info,number,2 info,bsave,ramik01n info,bsave,vargh01n g21 (originally g131111) Loaisiga ph -> ph-dh Pastrana ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 4th): S8/L8S.3-H;2XH(82) -> S8/L8S.3-H;2-3## OA.3XH(82) manual edit (bottom of the 4th): 4E3/G6.2-3;1X2(64) -> 64(1)/FO/GDP/G6.2-3;BX1(4E3) info,number,2 info,umphome,"Jose S. Talavera" g22 (originally g131116) H.Rizo pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): FC1/G1.2X3(1564) -> FC1/G1.2X2(1564) manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,davij01n,11,BFX,14/SH/BG12.1-2 -> play,4,1,davij01n,11,BLX,14/SH/BG12.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): S9/G3D.B-2(E9) play,5,1,gonzdy1n,11,FBX,54/SH/BG6SL.2-3 S7/G56D.3-H;B-2(E7) S5/G5.2-3 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 7/F7R.3XH(72)/DP -> S9/L3R?.B-2(E9) play,5,1,gonzdy1n,11,LB+2X,54/SH/BG56S.2-3 S7/G5L+.3-H;B-2(E7) S5/G5L.2-3 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 7/F7.3XH(72)/DP info,number,1 info,sky,partly cloudy missing umpires g23 (originally g131118) missing umpires info,number,1 g24 (originally g131120) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) [incorrect batted ball locations] "label":"Jorge Cabrera" -> "label":"Jorge Cabrera(!)" APLICANO Jader grounds out 6U. CASTILLO Noel to 2nd. 1 out. -> APLICANO Jader grounds out 6-3. CASTILLO Noel to 2nd. 1 out. CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Lester Arguello (BOA) 6 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Edwing Briceno (BOA) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Edwing Briceno (BOA) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): S9/L9SL.B-3(E9) E6/TH/G6?.3-H(UR)(NR);B-2 play,3,1,castg01n,11,FBX,13/SH/BG1?.2-3 HP 13/G1?.3-H(UR);1-2 IW 7/F78 -> S9/L4DR.B-3(E9) E6/TH/G56.3-H(UR)(NR);B-2 play,3,1,castg01n,11,LBX,13/SH/BG1.2-3 HP com,"Coaching visit to mound." 13/G1.3-H(UR);1-2 IW 7/F7 manual correction (top of the 4th): 564(1)/FO/G5?.2-3 -> 564(1)/FO/G5+.2-3 com,"Injury delay - third baseman." split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 4th): 6(1)/FO/G6?.2-H(E6/TH);B-2 -> 6(1)/FO/G6R.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H;1-2(E6/TH) manual edit + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): 3(1)4/GDP/G3? -> 3(B)4(1)/GDP/G3R+ manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,aplij01n,22,CCBBFX,63/G6?.1-2 -> play,6,1,aplij01n,22,CCBBF1>X,63/G6.1-2 info,number,1 info,sky,mostly cloudy missing umpires g25 (originally g131114) Balladres pr -> pr-dh Stats not equal: E (!) Sherlon Robinson (RCS) 1 <> 0 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): E3/L/L3L.2XH(32) -> E3/L/L3L.2-3## OA.3XH(32) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,josem01n,10,B.,SB2.3-H;1-3(E2/TH) play,6,1,josem01n,00,,NP corrected(2) play,6,1,josem01n,10,B.,SB2.3-H;1-3(E2/TH) play,6,1,josem01n,10,.,NP missing umpires info,number,1 g26 (originally g131122) info,number,1 missing umpires g27 (originally g131124) missing umpires info,number,1 g28 (originally g131130) Valenzuela ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS [corrected] Alvaro Membreno (MSY) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 1st): D/78/L8L.2-H;1XH(762);B-3(THH) -> D/78/L8L.2-H;1-3## OA.3XH(762);2-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S9/L9SL.1-H(E9)(UR);B-3 -> S9/L9SL.1-2## OA.2-H(UR);1-3(E9) info,number,1 g29 (originally g131132) Espinoza ph -> ph-dh Santeliz ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED RUNS ALLOWED (!) Francisco Robleto (RIV) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED RUNS ALLOWED (!) Stiven Ruiz (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,aceva01n,12,FBCFFX,S8/L8SR.1-H(E8);B-2(THH) -> play,1,1,aceva01n,12,FBCF>F>X,S8/F8SR.1-3## play,1,1,malic01n,00,.,OA.3-H(E8);1-2 split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 1st): S9/G43D.2-H;1-H(E9/TH)(UR);B-3 -> S9/G43D.2-H;1-3;B-2(THH)## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E9/TH) manual correction (top of the 6th): 96(1)/FO/G43?.2-3 -> 96(1)/FO/F9.2-3 info,number,1 info,sky,sunny g30 (originally g131109) split into two plays (top of the 1st): S9/G4DR.3-H;2-H;B-2(THH);B-3(E9/TH) -> S9/G4DR.3-H;2-H;B-2(THH)## OA.2-3(E9/TH) split into two plays (top of the 6th): 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-3(E4/TH) -> 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-1## OA.1-3(E4/TH) manual correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) play,6,1,rayow02n,00,,NP sub,carda01n,"",0,7,9 sub,rojar01n,"",0,6,7 sub,jarqn01n,"",0,0,1 -> play,6,1,rayow02n,00,,NP sub,carda01n,"",0,7,9 sub,rojar01n,"",0,6,7 sub,morah01n,"",0,8,3 sub,novom01n,"",0,3,2 sub,jarqn01n,"",0,0,1 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) play,7,1,zapaj01n,00,,NP sub,morah01n,"",0,8,3 sub,novom01n,"",0,3,2 sub,urbijc1n,"",1,9,11 -> play,7,1,zapaj01n,00,,NP sub,urbijc1n,"",1,9,11 missing umpires g31 (originally g131117) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) GONZALEZ Deyvin hits into a double play. Bunt. GDP 154. BARRERA William out at 2nd 15. 2 out. -> GONZALEZ Deyvin hits into a double play. Bunt. GDP 154. GONZALEZ Josue out at 3rd 15. BARRERA William to 2nd. 2 out. ZELEDON Nilson out by rule:
Dropped Infield Fly (DIF). ESTRADA Erick out at 1st 6. 2 out. -> ZELEDON Nilson out by rule:
Dropped Infield Fly (DIF). ZELEDON Nilson out 6. 2 out. Aun.Torrez pr -> pr-dh On Sang ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,marteo1n,31,BB2FB.,CS3(2651).1-2 -> play,2,0,marteo1n,31,BB2FB+2.,POCS3(2651).1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 93/G43? 8/L/L8SR 7/L/L78 -> 93/L9S 8/L/L8SR 7/L/L7DR manual edit (top of the 5th): 6/F6 -> 6/F6 com,"Dropped infield fly." info,number,2 info,sky,partly sunny missing umpires g32 (originally g131119) Guillermo ph -> ph-dh manual correction (bottom of the 7th): S1/G12.BX1(13) -> S1/G3S.BX1(13) missing umpires info,number,2 g33 (originally g131121) see notes_g33.txt (!!!) g34 (originally g131115) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jarly Blackause (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 2nd): (!) - no video available play,2,0,tellf01n,32,BBCBCB,W+CS3(5) -> play,2,0,tellf01n,32,BBCBCB,W+CS3(25) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): 64(1)/FO/G6L.2-H(E4/TH)(UR);B-3 -> 64(1)/FO/G6L.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(UR);1-3(E4/TH) missing umpires info,number,2 g35 (originally g131123) Guadamuz Calero pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 6th): FC4/G4.3-H;2-H(E4/TH)(UR);1-2(E4/TH) -> FC4/G4.3-H;2-H(UR)(NR);1-2(E4/TH) info,number,2 info,bsave,rugaj01n missing umpires g36 (originally g131125) Arauz pr -> pr-dh manual correction (top of the 6th): play,6,0,gonzl01n,22,BFBF.,OA.2X2(16) -> play,6,0,gonzl01n,22,BFBF2.,PO2(16) missing umpires info,number,2 info,bsave,garcl01n g37 (originally g131131) FrAn.Lopez ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Nolan Cruz (EST) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): S/78/L8SL.2-H;BX1(823) -> S/78/L8SL.2-H;BX2(823) scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) FC1/G1.3-H(E1/TH);1-2(E1/TH) -> FC1/G1.3-H;1-2(E1/TH) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S/78/L8SL.2-H;1X3(85) -> S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(85) info,number,2 g38 (originally g131133) Avila ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Carlos Espinoza (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 2nd): (!) play,2,1,fernl01n,20,BB.,CSH(21).2-3 -> play,2,1,fernl01n,20,BB.,OA.3XH(21);2-3 info,number,2 g39 (originally g131128) missing umpires info,number,1 g40 (originally g131129) Bustamante ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Lesther Medrano (BOE) 43 instead of 41 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Lesther Medrano (BOE) 29 instead of 27 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 1st): S7/L7S.1-3;B-2(THH) -> S7/L7S.1-3;B-2(TH3) manual corrections (top of the 4th): play,4,0,cruzs01n,22,BBCSX,S9/G3D play,4,0,jimeb01n,10,BX,S7/G5DR.1-2 play,4,0,florr01n,22,CBSBS,K+PB.2-3;1-2 play,4,0,herrye1n,01,CX,E6/G6.3-H(UR);2-H(E6/TH)(UR) play,4,0,ruizhd1n,32,BBCFBF1.,SB2 -> play,4,0,cruzs01n,22,BBCFX,S3/G3D play,4,0,jimeb01n,02,FCX,S7/G5DR.1-2 play,4,0,florr01n,22,SBSBS,K+PB.2-3;1-2 play,4,0,herrye1n,11,BCX,E6/G6.3-H(UR);2-3## play,4,0,ruizhd1n,00,.,OA.3-H(E6/TH)(UR) play,4,0,ruizhd1n,32,CBBF>FB.,SB2 missing umpires info,number,2 g41 (originally g132495) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Erick Estrada (JIN) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) play,6,1,lopel01n,31,C1BBBX,S/78/L8SL.1-H(E7/TH)(UR);B-2(THH);BX3(725) -> play,6,1,lopel01n,31,C1BBB>X,S7/G56?.1-H(E7/TH)(UR);B-2## play,6,1,riveb01n,00,.,OA.2X3(25) info,number,1 g42 (originally g132491) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) THOMPSON Erly out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). OSORNO Jairo out at 1st 2. 1 out. -> THOMPSON Erly out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). 1 out. info,number,1 g43 (originally g132487) Crls.Rodriguez pr -> pr-dh J.Matamoros ph -> ph-dh A.Palacios pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Luis Fernandez (RIV) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Carlos Malianos (RIV) 7 instead of 8 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) play,6,1,osore01n,11,FB.,CS2(23) -> play,6,1,osore01n,11,FB+1.,POCS2(24) info,number,1 info,timeofgame,152 info,bsave,dinaa01n g44 (originally g132497) Mairena Munoz pr -> pr-dh split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): [E6 or E6T+RBI?] D7/L7S.2-H;1-H(E6);B-3 -> D7/L7L?.2-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E6);2-3 manual correction (top of the 5th): 5E4/SH/BG12.1-2 56(2)/FO/BG/BG56S.1-2 -> 5E4/SH/BG25.1-2 com,"Injury delay - batter." 56(2)/FO/BG/BG5SL.1-2 manual correction (top of the 7th): HR/7/F7XDR.2-H -> HR/7/F7XD.2-H manual edit + manual correction (top of the 7th): S/78/F8L.1-3;B-2(THH) 7/SF/F7R.3-H 43/G4 -> S/78/L8DL?.1-3;B-2(TH3) 7/SF/F7.3-H 43/G4L manual edit + manual correction (bottom of the 7th): 13/G1 com,"Lesi\u00f3n." HR/9/F9XDL com,"Coaching visit to mound." HR/7/F7XDR -> 13/G1 com,"Injury delay - pitcher." HR/9/F9XDR? com,"Coaching visit to mound." HR/7/F7XDL info,number,1 info,sky,partly sunny g45 (originally g132505) Gonzalez pr -> pr-dh info,number,1 g46 (originally g132496) info,number,2 g47 (originally g132492) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): D8/L8.1-H;B-3(E8/TH) -> D8/L8.1-H## OA.2-3(E8/TH) info,number,2 g48 (originally g132493) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) [getaround] + [correction] BARRERA William reaches on fielders choice. PATTERSON Scott to 3rd. PATTERSON Scott scores on E6. BONILLA Yeissu to 2nd on E6. BONILLA Yeissu out at 3rd 865. BARRERA William to 2nd. 2 out. -> BARRERA William reaches on fielders choice. PATTERSON Scott to 3rd. PATTERSON Scott scores on E6. BONILLA Yeissu to 2nd on the error. BONILLA Yeissu out at 3rd 865. BARRERA William to 2nd. 2 out. BONILLA Yeissu hits into a triple play. TP 543. DAVILA Jerald 1 3 out. -> BONILLA Yeissu hits into a triple play. TP 543. PATTERSON Scott out at 3rd 5. DAVILA Jerald out at 2nd 43. 3 out. CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Oscar Chow (MIN) 2 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (?!) Emanuel Garcia (MSY) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Franklin Lopez (MSY) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (?!) Franklin Lopez (MSY) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (?!) Renato Morales (MSY) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): [restored play] FC6/G6.2-H(E6);1X3(865);B-2 -> FC6/G6.2-H(NR);1-2(E6)## OA.2X3(865);1-2 manual edit (bottom of the 6th): 43/G4 -> 43/L4 split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S9/L9SL.2-H;B-2(E9/TH) -> S9/L9SL.2-H## OA.1-2(E9/TH) info,number,1 g49 (originally g132488) J.Matamoros ph -> ph-dh manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) play,7,1,guadj01n,01,C.,NP sub,rodrc01n,"",1,8,11 play,7,1,rodrc01n,01,X,43/G4 -> play,7,1,guadj01n,00,,NP sub,rodrc01n,"",1,8,11 play,7,1,rodrc01n,01,CX,43/G4 info,number,2 g50 (originally g132498) EDITED GAME SOURCE MORALES Roger reaches on fielders choice. Bunt. TIMPSON Wyman scores on E5T. VASQUEZ Jorge to 2nd. VASQUEZ Jorge scores on E5T. MORALES Roger to 3rd on E5T. -> MORALES Roger reaches on fielders choice. Bunt. TIMPSON Wyman scores on E5T. VASQUEZ Jorge to 2nd. VASQUEZ Jorge scores on the error. MORALES Roger to 3rd on the error. CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jairo Garcia (ZYC) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Eddys Flores (ZYC) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 4th): (!) play,4,0,morara1n,01,2F.,PO2(24) -> play,4,0,morara1n,01,2L2.,PO2(14) manual edit (top of the 5th): K+SB2.2-3(E2/TH) -> K+SB2## OA.2-3(E2/TH) split into two plays (top of the 7th): S6/G6L.2XH(6E2)(UR) -> S6/G6L.2-3## OA.3XH(6E2)(UR) manual correction (top of the 8th): (!) FC5/BG/BG12.2-H(E5/TH)(UR);1-H(UR)(NR);B-3 2/P12 7/SF/F7R.3-H(UR) S9/L9S -> FC5/BG/BG5SL.2-H(E5/TH)(UR);1-H(UR)(NR);B-3 2/FL/P2R 7/SF/F7.3-H(UR) S9/L9SR info,number,2 info,sky,partly sunny info,bsave,munoe01n g51 (originally g132499) (v?) [too few pitches?] info,number,1 g52 (originally g132501) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Kevin Chavez (CAR) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Lazaro Ruiz (CAR) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Lazaro Ruiz (CAR) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Luis Alberto Gonzalez Cruz (CAR) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Zamir Chavez (CAR) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Zamir Chavez (CAR) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TEAM TOTAL (!) CAR 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S8/L8S.2XH(8E2)(UR);B-2 -> S8/L8S.2-3## OA.3XH(8E2)(UR);1-2 scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 6th): (!) W.1-2 play,6,0,river01n,10,B.,OA.2X2(245);1X1(53)/DP -> com,"Coaching visit to mound." W.1-2 play,6,0,river01n,10,B.,OA.2X3(265);1X1(53)/DP scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 7th): (!) play,7,0,oconm01n,22,CBBSX,2# play,7,0,zelei01n,00,.,OA.2X3(25) E7/F/F7R.B-2 -> play,7,0,oconm01n,22,CBBSX,2/G/G2?.2X3(25)/DP com,"Strange umpiring and scoring decisions on a ball apparently put in play." com,"Both batter and runner called out on the play." com,"Batter's interference and no double play in official GPO data." E7/F/F7R.B-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." info,number,1 info,sky,sunny g53 (originally g132503) DavAnd.Valle ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Angel Canales (CHT) 3 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) David Valle (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Jose D Rugama (CHT) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Oscar Gonzalez (CHT) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Ivan Hernandez (CHT) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) Stats not equal: NOP Fidencio Flores (LEO) 77 <> 78 (wbsc stats/counted stats) manual correction (top of the 6th): S8/L8S com,"Coaching visit to mound." S9/L9SL.1-3;B-2(THH) 8/SF/F8.3-H;2-3 play,6,0,gonzo01n,00,,NP sub,tellj01n,"",1,0,1 8/SF/F8.3-H play,6,0,berms01n,32,BBCFFFFBFX,8/F8 -> S8/G64 S9/L9SL.1-3;B-2(TH3) com,"Coaching visit to mound." 8/SF/F8.3-H;2-3 play,6,0,gonzo01n,00,,NP sub,tellj01n,"",1,0,1 8/SF/F8.3-H play,6,0,berms01n,32,CBBCFFFBFX,8/F8 scoring correction/change + manual correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) [earned run] S9/L9SL 13/SH/BG12.1-2 play,6,1,osejb01n,00,,NP sub,menaa01n,"",0,3,7 sub,hurtjg1n,"",0,5,9 sub,rugaj01n,"",0,0,1 43/G4R.2-3 play,6,1,gomer01n,00,,NP sub,vallda1n,"",1,7,11 sub,vallda1n,"",1,7,10 FC1/G12.3-H(E1/TH) play,6,1,benam01n,10,B.,CS2(24) -> S9/L4D 14/SH/BG12.1-2 play,6,1,osejb01n,00,,NP sub,menaa01n,"",0,3,7 sub,hurtjg1n,"",0,5,9 sub,rugaj01n,"",0,0,1 43/G4R.2-3 play,6,1,gomer01n,00,,NP sub,vallda1n,"",1,7,11 sub,vallda1n,"",1,7,10 FC1/G23-.3-H;B-1 com,"Pitcher forgot there were already two out - mental mistake." play,6,1,benam01n,10,>B.,CS2(24) manual correction (top of the 7th): 6/P6 S6/G6L play,7,0,hurto01n,00,,NP sub,cruzc01n,"",0,5,12 8/F8 play,7,0,gonzf01n,00,,NP sub,hurtdj1n,"",0,7,11 53/G5R -> 6/P64 S6/G6 play,7,0,hurto01n,00,,NP sub,cruzc01n,"",0,5,12 8/F8 play,7,0,gonzf01n,00,,NP sub,hurtdj1n,"",0,7,11 53/G5L info,number,1 info,bsave,tellj01n info,gwrbi,vallda1n (!) g54 (originally g132506) Gonzalez pr -> pr-dh Arauz pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): 5(2)/FO/G5R.1-H(E3);B-2 -> 5(2)/FO/G5DL.1-3;B-1## OA.3-H;1-2(E3) manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): 96(1)/FO/G43? -> 96(1)/FO/F9SR info,number,2 g55 (originally g132489) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) ESPINOZA Aldo hits into a double play. GDP 53. CASTRO Ofilio out at 2nd 5. 3 out. -> ESPINOZA Aldo hits into a double play. GDP 53. ORTIZ Leonardo out at 3rd 5. 3 out. info,number,1 g56 (originally g132494) Tinoco Rodas pr -> pr-dh info,number,2 g57 (originally g132500) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S8/L8S.2XH(82);B-2(THH) -> S8/L8S.2-3## OA.3XH(82);1-2 split into two plays (top of the 6th): (v?) S3/G43S.B-3(E1/TH);B-H(E9) -> S3/G43S.B-3(E1/TH)## OA.3-H(E9) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): D7/L7R.1XH(762) -> D7/L7R.1-3## OA.3XH(762) info,number,2 play,5,0,morah01n,12,FFFX,E6/G6R.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);BX2(6524) (v?) g58 (originally g132502) see notes_g58.txt (!) g59 (originally g132504) see notes_g59.txt (!) g60 (originally g132490) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Defensive Substitution: #2 LOAISIGA for #35 RAYO at CF -> Defensive Substitution: #2 LOAISIGA for #35 RAYO at CF || Defensive Change: #15 AGUILAR to RF Balladres pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Felipe Aguilar (DAN) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Juan Carlos Urbina (DAN) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Aldo Espinoza (DAN) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Lester Mairena (DAN) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,dumar01n,12,CCB.,CS2(136) -> play,4,0,dumar01n,12,CCB1.,POCS2(136) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,cuthc01n,32,CBFBBFFX,D/78/L8L.1-H;B-3(THH) S8/G6DR.3-H -> play,5,1,cuthc01n,32,CBFBBF>FX,D/78/L8DL.1-H;B-3(THH) S8/G6.3-H manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,rigbg01n,32,BFBBF.,NP sub,ballo01n,"",1,5,12 sub,ballo01n,"",1,5,10 play,5,1,rigbg01n,32,B,W.1-2 W.2-3;1-2 -> play,5,1,rigbg01n,32,BFBB1F.,NP sub,ballo01n,"",1,5,12 sub,ballo01n,"",1,5,10 play,5,1,rigbg01n,32,1>B,W.1-2 W.2-3;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): S9/L9SL.3-H;2-3;1-2 K/C S9/L9SL.3-H;2XH(92);1-2 -> S9/L9S.3-H;2-3;1-2 K/C S9/L9SL.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(92) scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,simoj01n,21,BCB.,CS3(154) -> play,5,1,simoj01n,21,BCB2.,POCS3(156) info,number,2 g61 (originally g132509) Diel.Mendoza ph -> ph-dh FrnAnt.Rodriguez ph -> ph-dh K.Espinoza pr -> pr-dh manual correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,arose01n,10,B.,PO1(13) -> play,5,0,arose01n,10,B1.,PO1(13) info,number,1 g62 (originally g132511) info,number,1 g63 (originally g132513) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) "lastname":"FERNANDEZ","firstname":"Luis" ... "pos":"RF" -> "lastname":"FERNANDEZ","firstname":"Luis" ... "pos":"SS\/RF" Defensive Substitution: #51 LOPEZ for #32 RUIZ at SS -> Defensive Substitution: #51 LOPEZ for #32 RUIZ at SS || Defensive Change: #4 FERNANDEZ to RF Sobalvarro ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Carlos Munoz (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jose Matamoros (RSJ) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Bryan Ruiz (RIV) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Edgard Lopez (RIV) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Edgard Lopez (RIV) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Luis Fernandez (RIV) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S8/L8S.2-H(UR);1-H(E8/TH)(UR);B-2 -> S8/L8S.2-H(UR);1-3## OA.3-H(E8/TH)(UR);1-2 scoring correction (top of the 4th): S/89/L8SR.2-3;1-2 CS3(245) -> S9/F9S?.2-3;1-2 com,"Errant return throw by catcher." OA.3X3(45) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,aranj01n,00,,NP sub,ortej02n,"",1,2,11 play,5,1,ortej02n,01,C.,NP sub,obrej01n,"",1,1,12 play,5,1,ortej02n,12,BCS,K -> play,5,1,aranj01n,00,,NP sub,ortej02n,"",1,2,11 sub,obrej01n,"",1,1,12 play,5,1,ortej02n,12,CBCS,K split into two plays (top of the 7th): S/89/L89S.2XH(932);1-2 -> S/89/L89S.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(932) info,number,1 g64 (originally g132515) info,number,1 g65 (originally g132507) Balladres pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Sherlon Robinson (RCS) 98 instead of 97 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 2nd) play,2,1,josem01n,11,FBX,13/G1.1-3 -> play,2,1,josem01n,11,FBX,13/L1.1-3 manual correction (top of the 5th) play,5,0,mairl01n,11,BCX,53/G5SR -> play,5,0,mairl01n,11,BCX,53/BG/BG5SR manual correction (bottom of the 5th) play,5,1,dixoj01n,32,BBCFBFX,S/78/L8SL -> play,5,1,dixoj01n,32,BBCFBFX,S8/G64 manual correction (top of the 6th) play,6,0,espia01n,02,FCS,K -> play,6,0,espia01n,12,FCBS,K manual correction (bottom of the 6th) play,6,1,bennd01n,00,X,9/F9 -> play,6,1,bennd01n,00,X,9/FL/F9 manual correction (top of the 7th) play,7,0,alegb01n,11,BCX,S9/L9S.3-H -> play,7,0,alegb01n,11,BCX,S9/F9SR.3-H manual correction (top of the 7th) play,7,0,mendo01n,02,CFX,7/F7R -> play,7,0,mendo01n,02,CFX,7/L/L7R info,number,1 g66 (originally g132521) Romero ph -> ph-dh manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,mondi01n,01,C.,PO1(13) -> play,1,1,mondi01n,01,C1.,PO1(13) manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,castv01n,10,B.,PO1(13) -> play,3,0,castv01n,10,B1.,PO1(13) split into two plays (top of the 4th): S7/G56D.1X3(75) -> S7/G56D.1-2## OA.2X3(75) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S7/G6DL.1-H(E7);B-2 -> S7/G6DL.1-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E7) info,number,1 info,sky,sunny g67 (originally g132523) JoGab.Hurtado ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 1st): play,1,0,ortek01n,02,CC3.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H;2-3;1-2 8/SF/F8.3-H(UR);2-3 -> play,1,0,ortek01n,02,CC2.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H;2-3;1-2 8/SF/F8D?.3-H(UR);2-3 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,herni01n,32,BBBCCFX,63/G6.1-2 6/P6 -> play,7,1,herni01n,32,BBBCC>F>X,63/G6.1-2 6/P6R split into two plays + manual edit (bottom of the 7th): S8/L8.2-3;1X3(85) -> com,"Lead runner Snd.Bermudez crossed the plate after the third out was made - no run." S8/L8.2-3;1-2## OA.2X3(85) info,number,1 info,sky,sunny info,ump1b,"Jorge Mairena" g68 (originally g132525) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) BERMUDEZ Roberto reaches on fielders choice. BRICE\u00d1O Edwing to 3rd. BRICE\u00d1O Edwing scores on E5. ARROLIGA Kevin to 2nd. -> BERMUDEZ Roberto reaches on fielders choice. BRICE\u00d1O Edwing scores on E5. ARROLIGA Kevin to 2nd. CA.Arauz pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,espig01n,00,X,2# -> com,"Batter interference." play,1,1,espig01n,01,>S.,2# manual correction (top of the 5th): FC5/G5R.2-H(E5)(UR);1-2 -> FC5/G5L.2-H(E5)(UR);1-2 info,number,1 info,sky,sunny g69 (originally g132510) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) GADEA Jose singles to second base. VALENZUELA Wesllyng scores. VILLAREYNA Marcell to 3rd. VILLAREYNA Marcell scores on fielders choice. CALDERON Ever to 2nd. CALDERON Ever to 3rd on fielders choice. GADEA Jose to 2nd on fielders choice. 1 RBI. -> GADEA Jose singles to second base. VALENZUELA Wesllyng scores. VILLAREYNA Marcell scores. CALDERON Ever to 3rd. GADEA Jose to 2nd on fielders choice. 2 RBI. CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Jose Gadea (EST) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): S6/G6R.2XH(45253) -> S4/G4DL.2-3## OA.3XH(45253) info,number,2 g70 (originally g132512) Tinoco Rodas pr -> pr-dh Bonilla ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,lopef01n,10,B.,PO1(13) -> play,3,0,lopef01n,10,B1.,PO1(13) info,number,2 info,bsave,garcdm1n g71 (originally g132514) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Carlos Espinoza (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Mario Pasos (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Alex Dinarte (RIV) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TEAM TOTAL (!) RIV 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 3rd): 7(B)13(1)/DP/F7R -> com,"Errant throw by left fielder; appeal play at first base." 7/F7R## OA.1X1(13) info,number,2 info,save, (!) - no save credit for Estrella g72 (originally g132516) LuMan.Martinez ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jorge Vasquez (MAZ) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Donal Acevedo (MAZ) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 1st): FC3/G3L.1-3(E3/TH);B-2(E3/TH) -> FC3/G3SL.1-3(E3/TH);B-2 scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) play,5,1,beney01n,00,.,PO2(24) -> play,5,1,beney01n,00,2.,PO2(14) info,number,2 info,sky,partly cloudy g73 (originally g132508) see notes_g73.txt (!) g74 (originally g132522) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) GONZALEZ Luis strikes out swinging. CHAVEZ Zamir to 3rd on stolen base. CASTILLO Victor out at 1st CS263. Double Play. 2 out. -> GONZALEZ Luis strikes out swinging. CHAVEZ Zamir to 3rd on fielders choice. CASTILLO Victor out at 2nd CS263. Double Play. 2 out. Ibarra pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Zamir Chavez (CAR) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,river01n,11,BS.,OA.2-3(E1/TH) -> play,2,1,river01n,11,BS2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3 manual correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,gonzl01n,02,FCS,K+CS2(263).2-3/DP -> play,5,0,gonzl01n,02,LCS,K+POCS2(263).2-3/DP info,number,2 info,sky,sunny g75 (originally g132524) R.Gomez ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Hasdanny Ortega (CHT) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Maykel Serrano (CHT) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Maykel Serrano (CHT) 24 instead of 25 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays + scoring correction (top of the 7th): (!) [restored play] S5/BG/BG25 FC1/SH/BG12.1-H(E2/TH)(UR);B-3 play,7,0,gomer01n,11,CBX,63/G6 -> S1/BG/BG5S FC1/SH/BG1.1-3(E1/TH);B-1## OA.3-H(UR);1-3(E8) play,7,0,gomer01n,01,FX,63/G6SR info,number,2 info,bsave,acunj01n g76 (originally g132526) split into two plays + manual correction (top of the 3rd): D9/L9S.3-H;1-H(E9/TH);B-3 -> D9/L9SR.3-H;1-3## OA.3-H;2-3(E9/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S8/G64D.2-H;B-2(E8) -> S8/G64D.2-H## OA.1-2(E8) info,number,2 info,sky,sunny g77 (originally g132519) info,number,1 g78 (originally g132517) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S9/L9SL.2-3;B-2(E9/TH) -> S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.1-2(E9/TH) info,number,1 info,umphome,"Jose S. Talavera" info,ump2b,"Jose N. Castro" g79 (originally g132520) manual correction (top of the 6th): (!) play,6,0,ruizhd1n,00,,NP sub,rojar01n,"",1,7,7 play,6,0,ruizhd1n,11,BFX,T8/F8 play,6,0,buste01n,00,,NP sub,castea1n,"",1,8,9 sub,carda01n,"",1,5,3 sub,novom01n,"",1,3,2 -> play,6,0,ruizhd1n,00,,NP sub,rojar01n,"",1,7,7 sub,castea1n,"",1,8,9 sub,carda01n,"",1,5,3 sub,novom01n,"",1,3,2 play,6,0,ruizhd1n,11,BFX,T8/F8 info,number,2 g80 (originally g132518) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): D/89/L8R.2-H(UR);1XH(842) -> D/89/L8R.2-H(UR);1-3## OA.3XH(842) split into two plays + scoring correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) S5/G56.2-H(E6/TH)(UR);B-2 -> S6/G6DL?.2-3## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E6/TH) info,number,2 info,ump1b,"Jose S. Talavera" info,ump3b,"Jose N. Castro" g81 (originally g132868) Holman ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (???!) Ernesto Glasgon (RCN) 5 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Maddox Wilson (RCN) 3 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): (?!) - play in question (might be not a SH) FC2/SH/BG12.2-H(E2/TH);1-3(E2/TH);B-2 -> FC2/SH/BG12.2-3;1-2;B-1## OA.3-H(E2/TH);2-3;1-2 split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S/78/L8SL.3-H;2-H(E7);1-H(NR);B-2 -> S/78/L8SL.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3-H;2-H;1-2(E7) info,number,1 g82 (originally g132866) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S9/L9SL.1-3(E9/TH) corrected01 S9/L9SL.1-2## OA.2-3(E9/TH) info,number,1 g83 (originally g132869) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) MORENO Cristhian hits into a double play. GDP 153. BRAVO Carlos out at 2nd 15. 3 out. -> MORENO Cristhian hits into a double play. GDP 153. PEREZ Melvin out at 3rd 15. 3 out. Holman pr -> pr-dh manual corrections (top of the 1st): S8/L8S.2-H;B-2(THH) E6/G6 -> S8/F8S.2-H;B-2(THH) E6/L/L6? split into two plays + manual corrections (bottom of the 1st): S5/L56 E4/G4.1-H(E8)(UR) S8/L8S.1-2 -> S7/L5R FC4/G4L?.1-2(E4)## (?) OA.2-H(E8)(UR) S7/L7S.1-2 info,number,2 g84 (originally g132864) Cerna pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) Wilman Reyes (NSG) 4 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) manual edit (top of the 5th): 8(B)3(1)/DP/SF/F8.3-H(UR) -> 8/SF/F8.3-H(UR);1X1(83)/DP info,number,1 g85 (originally g132867) C.Urbina ph -> ph-dh info,number,2 g86 (originally g132865) manual edit (bottom of the 4th): E5/TH/SH/BG12.2-H(UR)(NR);1-3;B-2(THH) -> E5/TH/SH/BG12.2-H(UR)(NR);1-3;B-2 info,number,2 g87 (originally g132872) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S8/G4DL.2-H(E8);B-3;BXH(842) -> S8/G4DL.2-H(E8);B-3## OA.3XH(842) info,number,1 info,ump3b,"Carlos Medina" g88 (originally g132874) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Called Strike 1. BRAVO Carlos out at 2nd CS25. 3 out. -> Called Strike 1. BRAVO Carlos out at 3rd CS25. 3 out. Morales pr -> pr-dh Lackwood ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jared Albir (BOE) 27 instead of 26 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,mendr01n,10,B.,SB2.1-3(E2/TH) play,1,1,mendr01n,32,BSBFX,E6/TH/G6.3-H(UR) -> play,1,1,mendr01n,01,S.,SB2.1-3(E2/TH) play,1,1,mendr01n,22,BSBFX,E6/TH/G6.3-H(UR) manual correction (top of the 2nd): D5/G5.1-H -> D7/G5DL.1-H split into two plays (top of the 6th): S7/L7SR.3-H;2-H(E7);B-2(E7) -> S7/L7SR.3-H;2-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E7) info,number,1 g89 (originally g132870) Cerna pr -> pr-dh Bendles pr -> pr-dh Valladarez ph -> ph-dh Caballero pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED PB TOTAL (!) Debrie Benneth (RCS) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL (!) Sherlon Robinson (RCS) 94 instead of 93 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL (!) Sherlon Robinson (RCS) 66 instead of 65 (counted/wbsc) scoring corrections (top of the 3rd): (!) play,3,0,herrwr1n,01,CX,FC1/G12.1-2(E1/TH) play,3,0,florr01n,00,X,9/FL/F9S.2X3(95)/DP play,3,0,ruizhd1n,02,CFS,K -> play,3,0,herrwr1n,01,CX,FC1/BG/BG12.1-2(E1/TH) play,3,0,florr01n,01,CX,9/FL/F9S.2X3(95)/DP play,3,0,ruizhd1n,02,SS.,PB.1-2 play,3,0,ruizhd1n,02,S,K split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,dixoj01n,10,BX,34/SH/BG12.1-2 K E4/G4.2XH(42) -> play,3,1,dixoj01n,10,1BX,34/SH/BG3S.1-2 K E4/G4.2-3## OA.3XH(42) info,number,1 info,precip,thunderstorm info,sky,partly sunny g90 (originally g132871) Valladarez ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED STRIKEOUTS TOTAL (!) Orbin Balladres (RCS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED GDP TOTAL (!) Gean Rigby (RCS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKEOUT TOTAL (!) Leyder Salcedo (NSG) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Leyder Salcedo (NSG) 79 instead of 78 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): (?!) play,1,1,ballo01n,10,B.,SBH play,1,1,ballo01n,12,FCC,K/C -> play,1,1,ballo01n,10,>B.,SBH.1-1 com,"Batter interference play." play,1,1,ballo01n,22,FS>B.,2# scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) 3/G/G3L.1X1(363)/DP -> 3(B)63(1)/GDP/G3 info,number,2 info,precip,short rain info,sky,partly sunny g91 (originally g132873) Acevedo pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Yorvin Lopez (MIN) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 1st): (!) play,3,0,chavz01n,01,S.,CSH(12) -> play,3,0,chavz01n,01,>M.,CSH(2) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,boniy01n,01,C.,PO1(13) -> play,5,1,boniy01n,01,C1.,PO1(13) manual correction (top of the 7th): (?!) - might be a failed FC instead play,7,0,espie01n,12,F2BFX,FC1/G12.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-3(E1/TH);B-2 -> play,7,0,espie01n,12,L2B+2LX,FC1/BG/BG12?.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-3;B-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." info,number,2 info,ump2b,"Carlos Medina" info,bsave,garcdm1n g92 (originally g132875) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Larry Alvarez (RCN) 1 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) info,number,2 g93 (originally g132876) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) [getaround] OROZCO Saul walks. OROZCO Saul out at 2nd CS134. 1 out. edited02 OROZCO Saul walks. OROZCO Saul out at 2nd 134. 1 out. CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Walter Ulises Correa Robles (RSJ) 2 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS (!) Rio San Juan 10 equals 10 (corrected/wbsc) (RSJ individual earned runs - 11) RESTORED CS TOTAL Saul Orozco (MAT) 1 equals 1 (counted/wbsc) RESTORED ASSIST TOTAL (?!) Juan Arana (RSJ) 1 equals 1 (counted/wbsc) RESTORED ERROR TOTAL (?!) Anddy Morales (RSJ) 1 equals 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Juan Jose Guadamuz Calero (RSJ) 14 instead of 12 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Juan Jose Guadamuz Calero (RSJ) 7 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S5/G56.2-H(E5/TH)(UR);B-2 -> S5/G56.2-3## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E5/TH) manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,orozs01n,32,BFFBFBB,W.BX2(134) -> play,3,0,orozs01n,32,BFFBFBB,W play,3,0,trewj01n,00,>1.,POCS2(134) manual correction (top of the 5th): E7/F/F7R.1-2 -> E7/L/L7R?.1-2 manual correction (top of the 5th): (???!) [2x2(5E4) play was deleted in pbp, but not in stats] 5/L/L5R com,"." play,5,0,trewj01n,32,CFBBBH,HP.2-3;1-2 play,5,0,valdy01n,00,H,HP.3-H(TUR);2-3;1-2 -> 5/L/L5R?.2X2(5E4) play,5,0,trewj01n,32,CFBFBBH,HP.2-3;1-2 play,5,0,valdy01n,01,CH,HP.3-H(TUR);2-3;1-2 info,number,1 g94 (originally g132878) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 2 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Yemmer Benedith (ZYC) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Yemmer Benedith (ZYC) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 23 instead of 22 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 100 instead of 99 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Dilmer Mejia (LEO) 64 instead of 63 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Nelson Martinez (ZYC) 45 instead of 44 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): S7/G56D S8/L8S.1-2 S8/G6DR.2-H;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 3/P43 7/F7S K -> S7/G6DL S8/L64D.1-2 S8/G6DR.2-H;1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." 3/P3DL 7/P7SL K split into two plays + scoring correction (bottom of the 2nd): (?!) [unearned runs] play,2,1,aplij01n,10,BX,S9/L9S FC1/SH/BG12.1-2;B-1 35(2)/FO/BG/BG23.1-2 play,2,1,castg01n,10,BX,S7/G56D.2-H;1-3(E7);B-2 43/G4 W S5/G5S.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2 9/F9L -> play,2,1,aplij01n,11,CBX,S9/L9S FC1/BG/BG1R.1-2(E1/TH) 35(2)/FO/BG/BG23.1-2 play,2,1,castg01n,10,B>X,S7/G56D.2-H;1-2## play,2,1,duffk01n,00,.,OA.2-3;1-2(E7) 43/G4S W S5/G5S.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2 9/L9L manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,valln01n,10,BX,43/G4R -> play,3,0,valln01n,01,CX,43/G4DR manual correction (top of the 7th): S7/L7SR D/89/F8R.1-3 S/89/L8SR.3-H;2-3;B-2(THH) play,7,0,gomer01n,00,,NP sub,stcln01n,"",1,0,1 9/F9L FLE9 K com,"Coaching visit to mound." 43/G4 -> S7/L7SR D/89/F89D?.1-3 com,"Coaching visit to mound." S/89/L8SR.3-H;2-3;B-2(THH) play,7,0,gomer01n,00,,NP sub,stcln01n,"",1,0,1 9/F9SL FLE9 K com,"Coaching visit to mound." 43/L4 info,number,1 info,sky,partly cloudy g95 (originally g133227) see notes_g95.txt (!) missing umpires g96 (originally g132884) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) "lastname":"GUDIEL","firstname":"Julian" ... "pos":"PR\/RF" -> "lastname":"GUDIEL","firstname":"Julian" ... "pos":"PR" Defensive Substitution: #27 GONZALEZ for #40 GUDIEL at RF -> - Defensive Change: #40 GUDIEL to RF -> Defensive Substitution: #27 GONZALEZ for #40 GUDIEL at RF CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Angel Canales (CHT) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED RUN TOTAL (!) Freddy Gonzalez (CHT) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED RUN TOTAL (!) Gustavo Arana (CHT) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S8/G6DR.1-H(E8)(UR);B-2 -> S8/G6DR.1-3## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E8) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 8th): (!) [runners] 26/BG/BG2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." S6/G6L.2-3;1-2 -> 26(2)/FO/BG/BG2L.1-2 com,"Coaching visit to mound." S6/G56D.2-3;1-2 info,number,1 info,sky,sunny g97 (originally g132877) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): (v?) D5/G5R S9/L9SL.2XH(942) -> D5/G5L? S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.3XH(942) info,number,2 g98 (originally g132879) R.Gomez ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Junior Tellez (LEO) 23 instead of 22 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 7th): W play,7,0,vallda1n,12,FBFX,14/SH/BG12.1-2 play,7,0,rojaf01n,00,,NP sub,valln01n,"",0,2,11 S9/G43D.2-H S7/L7SR.1-2 -> W com,"Coaching visit to mound." play,7,0,vallda1n,12,LBLX,14/SH/BG23.1-2 play,7,0,rojaf01n,00,,NP sub,valln01n,"",0,2,11 S9/G43D.2-H S7/L56.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,benng01n,10,BX,2/FL/F25 -> play,7,1,benng01n,01,CX,2/FL/P23 manual correction (top of the 8th): 56(1)/FO/BG/BG5SR 3/G/G3L.2-3;1-2 -> 56(1)/FO/BG/BG5S 3/G/G3R-.2-3;1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 8th): S/78/F8L.2-H(UR);1-2 -> S/78/F8DL?.2-H(UR);1-2 info,number,2 info,bsave,stcln01n g99 (originally g132883) EDITED GAME SOURCE "duration":"" -> "duration":"2:01" ARROLIGA Kevin grounds out 6-3. 3 out. -> ARROLIGA Kevin grounds out 6-3. 3 out. || GAME OVER
Valenzuela ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Darvin Rivas (BOA) 2 instead of 4 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLES TOTAL (!) Omar Obregon (EST) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLES ALLOWED (!) Jose Jesus Morales (BOA) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jose Jesus Morales (BOA) 70 instead of 68 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jose Jesus Morales (BOA) 49 instead of 47 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 1st): (!) S/78/L8SL.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);1-2 play,1,0,obreo01n,10,BX,S8/L8S.2-H(UR);1-H(TUR) play,1,0,mairj01n,02,FFX,S7/L7R.1-H(TUR) 9/FL/F9 -> S8/G6DR.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);1-2 play,1,0,obreo01n,12,CCBX,D8/F8S.2-H(UR);1-H(TUR) play,1,0,mairj01n,02,SFX,S7/L56D?.2-H(TUR) 9/FL/F9S manual correction (top of the 5th): play,5,0,obreo01n,00,.,OA.2X2(14) -> play,5,0,obreo01n,00,2.,PO2(14) info,number,2 info,sky,mostly sunny info,save, (!) [no save credit for Wilm.Gomez] g100 (originally g132885) F.Gonzalez ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S9/L9SL.2-H;1-3(E9/TH) -> S9/L9SL.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E9/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): (v?) play,5,1,jimesg1n,01,S.,OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E2/TH) -> play,5,1,jimesg1n,01,S+1.,PO1(E2/TH).3-H(UR);1-2 info,number,2 info,sky,sunny (v?)