CRO Rumora, Petar Jure L/L -> R/L (throws L - ?) CZE Mraz, Daniel L/L -> L/R Schneider, Martin L/L -> R/R ESP Encarnacion, Wander (DOM) -> (ESP) (!) Rondon, Edgar R/R -> L/R GBR Mercer, Ray (IVB) -> (GBR) (!) Esch, Jake (USA) -> (GBR) (!) HUN Castillo, Ricardo (VEN) -> (HUN) (!) ISR Rosengard, Ben R/R -> L/R ========================= g01 (originally g115942) Wanger ph -> ph-dh Shani pr -> pr-dh Tran pr -> pr-dh g02 (originally g115944) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) (v?) Danyil Khodakovskyi (UKR) 4 instead of 5 (corrected/wbsc) g03 (originally g115946) RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS Hungary 7 equals 7 (corrected/wbsc) (HUN individual earned runs - 9) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): (v?) 6/L/L6L.2-3(E6/TH);1-2(E6/TH) -> 6/L/L6L.2-3(E6/TH);1-2 info,ump1b,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" info,ump3b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g04 (originally g115948) EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #3 ORFANIDIS for #27 KOURTIS -> Pitching Change: #27 KOURTIS to dh || #3 ORFANIDIS to p RESTORED AT-BAT TOTAL Panagiotis Dudunakis (GRE) 2 equals 2 (counted/wbsc) RESTORED AT-BAT TOTAL Max Gouoren (GRE) 1 equals 1 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): E4/TH/G4.3-H;2-H(UR);B-2 -> E4/TH/G4.3-H;2-H(UR)(NR);B-2 manual edit (top of the 7th): (?!) (v?) play,7,0,dudup001,00,X,6/F6 -> ladj,0,8 play,7,0,gouom001,00,X,6/F6 info,ump3b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g05 (originally g115943) split into two plays (top of the 5th): D8/F8.2-H;1-H;B-3(E8/TH) -> D8/F8.2-H;1-H## OA.2-3(E8/TH) info,umphome,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g06 (originally g115945) --- g07 (originally g115947) Kack ph -> ph-dh Thomas pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S9/G43D.2XH(92) -> S9/G43D.2-3## OA.3XH(92) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): (v?) S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-H;BX1(863) -> S/78/L8SL.2-H;1-3## OA.3-H;1X1(863) info,ump1b,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" info,ump3b,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" g08 (originally g115949) --- g09 (originally g115950) Ballardini ph -> ph-dh g10 (originally g115952) K.Boiko ph -> ph-dh RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS Ukraine 8 equals 8 (corrected/wbsc) (UKR individual earned runs - 13) g11 (originally g115954) Buonaiuto ph -> ph-dh manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): (v?) play,2,1,fordh001,00,3.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H(E1/TH);2-3;1-2 -> play,2,1,fordh001,00,3.,PO3(E1/TH).3-H;2-3;1-2 split into two plays (top of the 5th): S7/L7R.3-H;2XH(72);1-2 -> S7/L7R.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(72) info,umphome,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" info,ump1b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g12 (originally g115956) Franco ph -> ph-dh info,ump1b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g13 (originally g115953) Vrbanovic ph -> ph-dh g14 (originally g115955) Mineo ph -> ph-dh Battioni pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 4th): (v?) S/78/L8L.3-H;1-3;B-2(THH) -> S/78/L8L.3-H;1-3;B-2(TH3) info,umphome,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" info,ump3b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g15 (originally g115957) Zyma ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Jonathan Kountis (GRE) 7 instead of 8 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): D7/L7SL.3-H;1-H;B-3(E6/TH) -> D7/L7SL.3-H;1-H## OA.2-3(E6/TH) info,ump3b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g16 (originally g115951) split into two plays (top of the 6th): (v?) S5/G25.1-3(E1/TH);B-2(E1/TH) -> S5/G25.1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E1/TH) info,ump1b,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g17 (originally g115958) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): (v?) play,7,1,roseb002,11,CB.,OA.1-2(E2/TH) -> play,7,1,roseb002,11,CB+1.,PO1(E2/TH).1-2 manual correction (top of the 9th): (?!) (v?) play,9,0,heyma001,00,,NP sub,machn001,"",1,2,1 sub,moorz001,"",1,7,5 -> play,9,0,heyma001,00,,NP sub,machn001,"",1,2,1 sub,wangb001,"",1,8,9 sub,moorz001,"",1,7,5 play,4,1,wangb001,11,X,S9/L9S.2X3(935) (?!) (v?) info,ump3b,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g18 (originally g115960) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/L7SR.2XH(72);1-3;B-2(THH) -> S7/L7SR.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(72);2-3;1-2 g19 (originally g115962) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S8/L8S.1-3(E8);B-2(E8) -> S8/L8S.1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E8) info,umphome,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" info,ump3b,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" g20 (originally g115964) Gouoren ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S8/L8SR.2-H(E8)(UR);1-3(E8) -> S8/L8SR.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E8) manual correction (bottom of the 8th): (?!) (v?) play,8,1,secha001,32,CSB1BFBF.,OA.1-2(E1/TH) -> play,8,1,secha001,32,CSB1BFBF1.,PO1(E1/TH).1-2 info,umphome,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" info,bsave,hirnf001 g21 (originally g115959) EDITED GAME SOURCE "lastname":"LIMACHER","firstname":"Marco","home":1,"spot":91,"sub":0,"pitch_appear":0, -> "lastname":"LIMACHER","firstname":"Marco","home":1,"spot":90,"sub":9,"pitch_appear":1, split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S9/G43D.2XH(912);1-3 -> S9/G43D.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(912);2-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): E5/G56S.3-H(UR)(NR);2-H(E5/TH)(UR) -> E5/G56S.3-H(UR)(NR);2-3## OA.3-H(E5/TH)(UR) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S9/L9DL.2XH(932);1-3;B-2(THH) -> S9/L9DL.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(932);2-3;1-2 split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): (v?) S5/G5R.2X2(564) -> S5/G5R## OA.2X2(564) split into two plays (top of the 8th): D7/F7D.3-H;2-H;1XH(862);B-3(THH) -> D7/F7D.3-H;2-H;1-3## OA.3XH(862);2-3 info,ump1b,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g22 (originally g115961) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S3/L43.2XH(42);B-2(THH) -> S3/L43.2-3## OA.3XH(42);1-2 g23 (originally g115963) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S9/L9L.3-H;2XH(962);1-2 -> S9/L9L.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(962) info,umphome,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" info,ump1b,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" g24 (originally g115965) manual correction (!) sub,mrazd001,"",0,0,1 -> sub,mrazd001,"",0,9,1 g25 (originally g115968) info,ump3b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g26 (originally g115967) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Pinch Hitter: #7 TEREKHIN for #7 TEREKHIN -> - CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Bohdan Lucheiko (UKR) 2 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS (!) Ukraine 10 instead of 11 (corrected/wbsc) (UKR individual earned runs - 13 instead of 14) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,mercm001,00,,NP sub,brecd001,"",0,5,1 sub,tered001,"",0,4,5 -> play,5,1,mercm001,00,,NP sub,tered001,"",0,4,5 sub,brecd001,"",0,5,1 info,temp,20 info,sky,sunny info,ump1b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g27 (originally g115970) Dahan pr -> pr-dh manual correction (top of the 10th): (!) ladj,0,5 play,10,0,zan_m001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,brosp001,00,,NP sub,redlk001,"",1,5,3 -> ladj,0,5 play,10,0,zan_m001,00,,NP sub,redlk001,"",1,5,3 play,10,0,zan_m001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,brosp001,00,,NP info,ump3b,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" info,bsave,schus001 g28 (originally g115973) --- g29 (originally g115969) Maestrales ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 3rd): D9/F9DL.3-H;2-H;1XH(942);B-3(THH) -> D9/F9DL.3-H;2-H;1-3## OA.3XH(942);2-3 split into two plays (top of the 4th): (v?) CS2(2E4) -> CS2(2E4).1-2 split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): D/78/F8L.2-H;1XH(745) -> D/78/F8L.2-H;1-3## OA.3XH(745) info,ump3b,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g30 (originally g115966) EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #33 BAGYINSZKI for #15 FEKETE -> Pitching Change: #15 FEKETE to dh || #33 BAGYINSZKI to p info,ump3b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g31 (originally g115971) Kemp pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/G6D.3-H;2-H;1-3(E8/TH);B-2(E8/TH) -> S7/G6D.3-H;2-H;1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E8/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): (v?) - earned runs S7/L7SR.1-H(E7);B-2(E7) -> S7/L7SR.1-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E7) info,ump1b,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" g32 (originally g115972) J.Hajtmar pr -> pr-dh RESTORED TEAM ER TOTALS Czechia 8 equals 8 (corrected/wbsc) (CZE individual earned runs - 9) manual edit (top of the 5th): (v?) S6/G6.2X2(6);1-2 -> S6/G6?.2X2(6);1-2 com,"Runner hit by batted ball." info,temp,24 info,sky,sunny info,ump1b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g33 (originally g115976) Stats not equal: NOP Christian Tomsich (AUT) 102 <> 103 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: NOP Austria 177 <> 178 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (top of the 4th): S7/L7S.2-H;B-2(E7) -> S7/L7S.2-H## OA.1-2(E7) play,1,0,boikr001,12,SBSS,K (!) (v?) - pitches g34 (originally g115974) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Fabio Bundi (SUI) 2 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Hideori Oshima (SUI) 2 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED TEAM ER TOTALS (!) Switzerland 7 instead of 8(?) (corrected/wbsc) (SUI individual earned runs - 9) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S7/G6DL.2XH(72) -> S7/G6DL.2-3## OA.3XH(72) info,wp,andrm001 (!) play,7,1,willk001,02,SC.,OA.1X2(296) (?!) (v?) g35 (originally g115979) Dickman ph -> ph-dh B.Johnson ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Per Sjors (SWE) 1 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) (v?) Thomas Paulich (SWE) 2 instead of 1 (counted/TAS) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S9/L9SL.2XH(92) -> S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.3XH(92) manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,lavar001,21,B1B.,SB2 -> play,4,0,lavar001,20,B1B.,SB2 split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S5/G5.2-H(E5)(UR) -> S5/G5.2-3## OA.3-H(E5)(UR) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): (v?) - 2 rbi 46(1)/FO/G4.3-H;2-H -> 46(1)/FO/G4.3-H;2-H;B-1 split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S8/G64D.2-H(E8)(UR) -> S8/G64D.2-3## OA.3-H(E8)(UR) play,1,0,pallr001,21,BBCX,9/SF/F9L.3-H(UR);2-H(UR) (v?) info,umphome,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" g36 (originally g115980) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): (v?) FC6/G6.3-H(E6)(UR);1-2(E6) -> FC6/G6.3-H(UR)(NR);1-2(E6) info,ump3b,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" info,save,mosif001 (!) info,bsave,sollm001 info,bsave,schus001 g37 (originally g115977) H.Torres pr -> pr-dh manual edit (top of the 1st): play,1,0,rubic001,12,BCS.,PO1(23) -> play,1,0,rubic001,12,BCS+1.,PO1(23) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S7/L7R.3-H;2-H;1-H(E7);B-2(E7) -> S7/L7R.3-H;2-H;1-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E7) manual edit (top of the 4th): (v?) play,4,0,luttg001,10,.,IW -> play,4,0,luttg001,10,I.,IW info,umphome,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" info,ump3b,"Timo Tiihonen (FIN)" g38 (originally g115975) Miljanic ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S9/G43D.2XH(952) -> S9/G43D.2-3## OA.3XH(952) split into two plays (top of the 9th): S7/G5D.1-H(E7);B-2(E7) -> S7/G5D.1-3## OA.3-H;1-2(E7) info,temp,26 info,sky,sunny g39 (originally g115978) Zyma ph -> ph-dh manual edit (bottom of the 4th): (v?) DI.SB3.2XH(21);1-2 -> SB3.2XH(21);1-2 info,temp,21 info,sky,clear info,umphome,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" g40 (originally g115981) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S8/F8S.2-H(E4/TH)(UR);1-3(E4/TH);B-2(E4/TH) -> S8/F8S.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2(E4/TH) manual edit (top of the 6th): S8/L8.1-3;B-2(THH) -> S8/L8.1-3;B-2(TH3) split into two plays (top of the 9th): S5/G5R.3-H;2XH(3E2)(UR) -> S5/G5R.3-H;2-3## OA.3XH(3E2)(UR) info,bsave,florw001 g41 (originally g115982) play,1,1,hacks001,21,BCBX,7/SF/F7R.3-H (v?) - earned runs play,7,1,hacks001,01,CX,E4/G4.2-H;1-3 (v?) rbi + earned runs info,temp,17 info,sky,overcast g42 (originally g115984-u) info,ump3b,"Frane Machiedo (CRO)" g43 (originally g115986) --- g44 (originally g115983) Gouoren pr -> pr-dh info,umphome,"Jason Lillebo (GER)" info,save,orfay001 (!) g45 (originally g115985) Stancic Vidrac ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 3rd): FC1/G1.3XH(152);1-3;B-2(THH) -> FC1/G1.3XH(152);1-3;B-2 info,umphome,"Alex Lazaro (ESP)" info,ump1b,"Sergii Bolilyi (UKR)" g46 (originally g115987) EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #57 RABINOWITZ for #10 TOMEK -> Pitching Change: #57 RABINOWITZ for #33 MEN\u0161\u00edK split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): (v?) S9/L9SL.1-H(E9/TH);B-2(THH) -> S9/L9SL.1-3;B-2(TH3)## OA.3-H(E9/TH) info,temp,14 info,sky,cloudy g47 (originally g115988) Schultz pr -> pr-dh manual correction (top of the 10th): (!) ladj,0,9 play,10,0,schma001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,brene001,00,,NP sub,kellk001,"",1,0,1 -> ladj,0,9 play,10,0,schma001,00,,NP sub,kellk001,"",1,0,1 play,10,0,schma001,00,,XTB2 manual correction (bottom of the 10th): (!) ladj,1,6 play,10,1,schos001,00,,XTB2 play,10,1,selad001,00,,NP sub,harrm001,"",0,0,1 -> ladj,1,6 play,10,1,schos001,00,,NP sub,harrm001,"",0,0,1 play,10,1,schos001,00,,XTB2 info,temp,18 info,sky,partly cloudy info,bsave,florw001 info,bsave,harrm001 g48 (originally g115989) Pritchard ph -> ph-dh info,ump1b,"Jason Lillebo (GER)"