DKI Beerman, Jamie R/L -> L/R Redan, Irving R/R -> L/L NEP Carolina, Rayshelon R/R -> L/L Huntington, Ryan L/L -> R/L PIO Van Gorkum, Luca R/R -> L/R RCH Dunlop, Tijani R/R -> L/R Van Zoelen, Dieudonne L/L -> R/L Winkel, Eeuwe R/R -> L/R ========================= g109 (originally g145546-u) PRELIMINARY manual edit (top of the 1st): 3/G/G3L -> com,"Protested game. Last five outs were replayed on Saturday, August 3rd." 3/G/G3L manual edit (bottom of the 5th): S9/G43D.B-2(E1) -> S9/G43D.B-2(E1) com,"Obstruction by pitcher." manual edit (top of the 9th): play,9,0,berkk001,00,,NP sub,fredt001,"",1,0,1 sub,pastl001,"",0,3,12 sub,colld001,"",1,9,8 -> play,9,0,berkk001,00,,NP sub,fredt001,"",1,0,1 com,"Game under protest by Curacao Neptunus." com,"Amsterdam Pirates won the game 7-3." com,"Protest upheld. Last five outs to be replayed on Saturday, August 3rd." com,"Game resumed on August 3rd at 2:03 PM." play,9,0,berkk001,00,,NP sub,pastl001,"",0,3,12 sub,colld001,"",1,9,8 manual edit (bottom of the 9th): FC6/G6L.2-H(E6)(UR);1-2(E6) -> FC6/G6L.2-H(UR)(NR);1-2(E6) info,bsave,degra001 info,date,2024/06/13 info,starttime,19:33 info,daynight,night info,scorer,"Lo Bonafasia and Stefan Slinger / Jeanette van Drunen and Stefan Slinger" weather (v?) g110 (originally g145547) PRELIMINARY --- g111 (originally g145600) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] EDITED GAME SOURCE Ball 1. ERNESTINA Joshua out at 3rd CS25. VAN DULKEN Ben to 2nd on fielders choice. 2 out. -> Ball 1. ERNESTINA Joshua out at home CS25. VAN DULKEN Ben to 2nd on fielders choice. 2 out. Hatma ph -> ph-dh Wiegers ph -> ph-dh manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,melft001,01,F1.,SB2 play,6,1,melft001,01,.,OA.2-3(E4) -> play,6,1,melft001,01,F>1.,SB2.2-3(E4) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): play,7,1,dunlt001,10,B.,NP sub,wiegk001,"",1,2,11 sub,wiegk001,"",1,2,10 play,7,1,wiegk001,10,X,S7/F78S -> play,7,1,dunlt001,00,,NP sub,wiegk001,"",1,2,11 sub,wiegk001,"",1,2,10 play,7,1,wiegk001,10,BX,S7/L6D play,4,1,guzma001,10,B.,SB2.1-H(E2/TH) [E2 or E2+E8?] g112 (originally g145601-u) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Ball 2. ROJAS Timothy out at 3rd CS25. 2 out. -> Ball 2. ROJAS Timothy out at 3rd CS25. 3 out. End of the 2nd
0 runs, 1 lob -> End of the 2nd
0 runs, 0 lob CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Mike Van den Berg (UVV) 7 instead of 6 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Mike Van den Berg (UVV) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Mike Van den Berg (UVV) 25 instead of 26 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Maxwell Marley Cornelissen (PIO) 73 instead of 72 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Maxwell Marley Cornelissen (PIO) 42 instead of 41 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 1st): (!) play,1,0,heemt001,00,X,S8/L8S.1-3 play,1,0,vgorl001,00,X,FC1/BG/BG1.3-H(E1);1-2 play,1,0,tersd001,21,CBB2.,POCS3(15) -> play,1,0,heemt001,00,>X,S8/L8S.1-3 play,1,0,vgorl001,00,X,E1/SH/BG1.3-H;1-2 play,1,0,tersd001,21,CBB>2.,POCS3(15) manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): ladj,1,8 play,2,1,bekkl001,31,BCBBX,E4/TH/G4 ladj,1,7 play,2,1,helmt001,00,X,2# ladj,1,1 S/89/L8SR.1-2 play,2,1,takkt001,11,BC.,CS3(25).1-2 play,2,1,takkt001,21,B.,CS3(25) -> ladj,1,8 play,2,1,bekkl001,31,BCBBX,E4/TH/G4 com,"L.Bekker batted out of turn - no appeal." ladj,1,7 play,2,1,helmt001,02,F>S.,NP com,"Batter interference - T.Helms initially called out." com,"Hoofddorp Pioniers appealed batting out of order." com,"A.Van Zwieten called out for missing his turn." ladj,1,9 play,2,1,vzwia001,02,.,2# S/89/L8SR.1-2 play,2,1,takkt001,11,B>C.,CS3(25).1-2 play,2,1,takkt001,21,>B.,CS3(25) split into two plays (top of the 4th): S6/L6.3-H;2-H(E6) -> S6/L6.3-H;2-3## OA.3-H(E6) scoring correction (top of the 6th): (?!) (v?) [video no longer available] play,6,0,gijsj001,11,BF1.,SB2 play,6,0,gijsj001,11,.,DI.3-H -> play,6,0,gijsj001,11,BF1.,SB2;SBH info,timeofgame,216 (?!) g113 (originally g145548) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) [corrected] Koen Postelmans (NEP) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 4th): S9/L9L.2XH(92) -> S9/L9L.2-3## OA.3XH(92) manual edit (top of the 7th): FC3/G3L.3-H(E3/TH)(UR);2-H(E3/TH)(UR);1-3 -> FC3/G3L.3-H(E3/TH)(UR);2-H(UR)(NR);1-3 split into two plays (top of the 8th): 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;B-2(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H;B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) g114 (originally g145549) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] --- g115 (originally g145602) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) [bottom of the 5th] Jurjen Van Zijl (UVV) 6 instead of 5 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Luca Van Gorkum (PIO) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Terrance Heemskerk (PIO) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Terrance Heemskerk (PIO) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Vincent Mevissen (PIO) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Vincent Mevissen (PIO) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Levi De Graaf (PIO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Levi De Graaf (PIO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): (!?) [might be SH + Fch instead] FC1/G2.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-H(E1/TH);B-2(THH) -> FC1/BG/BG1.2-H(E1/TH)(UR);1-H(NR);B-2 scoring correction (bottom of the 2nd): (!) play,2,1,tersd001,01,C.,DI.1-2 -> play,2,1,tersd001,01,>C.,SB2 manual edit (bottom of the 8th): 9(B)14(2)/DP/F9L -> 9/F89.2X2(14)/DP scoring correction (top of the 9th): (!) 9(B)14(2)/DP/F89S.1-2 -> 9/F89.2X2(946);1-2/DP info,sky,cloudy g116 (originally g145550) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE No Advance Error E-3. [getaround] -> - U.Kemp pr -> pr-dh Seelbach pr -> pr-dh manual edit (top of the 1st): ladj,0,8 play,1,0,pensj001,00,X,4/F4 -> ladj,0,8 com,"J.Penseel batting out of turn - no appeal." play,1,0,pensj001,00,X,4/F4 manual edit (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,jakoj001,00,X,2# -> com,"Y.Martie doubled to right center batting out of order - appeal by Neptunus." com,"J.Jakobus called out for missing his turn." play,2,0,jakoj001,00,X,2# manual edit (top of the 6th): [restored play] play,6,0,nuijd001,00,1X,13/SH/BG12.1-2 -> play,6,0,nuijd001,00,1.,PO1(1E3).1-1 play,6,0,nuijd001,00,X,13/SH/BG12.1-2 info,bsave,vdlej001 g117 (originally g145551) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE [getaround] BEERMAN Jamie hits into a double play. 163. FINNEGAN Aidan to 2nd on E6. 2 out. -> BEERMAN Jamie grounds out 1-6-3. FINNEGAN Aidan to 2nd on E6. 2 out. Elfrink pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) Dennis Burgersdijk (BUS) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED GDP TOTAL (?!) Jamie Beerman (DKI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,verpd001,22,CSBX,S6/G6.2-H(E6)(UR) -> play,5,1,verpd001,22,CSB>X,S6/G56.2-3## play,5,1,tromj002,00,.,OA.3-H(E6)(UR) g118 (originally g145605) PRELIMINARY Totals not equal: LOB UVV (!) 10 <> 13 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/G56D.2XH(72);1-2 -> S7/G56D.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(72) g119 (originally g145604) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Pitching Change: #66 SAMBOE for #1 ISENIA -> Pitching Change: #66 SAMBOE for #81 WEVER Wiegers ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S8/F8S.2-H;1-3;B-2(E8) -> S8/F8S.2-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E8) info,sky,partly cloudy g120 (originally g145552) PRELIMINARY Verpaalen ph -> ph-dh U.Kemp pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Brendly Martina (BUS) 5 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUTS AT POSITION (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays + scoring correction (bottom of the 6th): (!) S6/G6L.2-H(E6/TH)(UR);BX2(36) -> S6/G6L.2-3## OA.3-H(E6/TH)(UR);1X2(34) g121 (originally g145553) PRELIMINARY manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,kuijd001,22,CBFBS,K play,4,1,willl001,12,+1CCBS,K -> play,4,1,kuijd001,22,CBFBS+1,K play,4,1,willl001,12,CCBS,K info,sky,partly cloudy g122 (originally g145607) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] [no video feed] B.Ruben ph -> ph-dh g123 (originally g145655) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE "notes":"Peter DE HAAN, Elvin ENGLENTINA, Rob HAS" -> "notes":"Umpires: Peter DE HAAN, Elvin ENGLENTINA, Rob HAS" manual edit (top of the 9th): E9/F/F8R?.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);1-H(UR);B-2 -> E9/F/F89.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);1-H(UR);B-2 g124 (originally g145608) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED PB TOTAL (!) Axel Poesmans (TWI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 2nd): K+PB.B-2(E2/TH) -> K+E2/TH.B-2 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,vgooj001,12,CFBS,K play,6,1,vgooo001,12,+1FCBX,3/P43 -> play,6,1,vgooj001,12,CFBS+1,K play,6,1,vgooo001,12,FCBX,3/P43 info,sky,partly cloudy g125 (originally g145554) PRELIMINARY manual correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) [incorrect edit, play restored] play,5,1,caror001,00,X,13/G1 -> play,5,1,caror001,00,X,13/BG/BG1R info,sky,partly cloudy info,bsave,groem001 g126 (originally g145555) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Quintin De Cuba (AMS) 8 instead of 9 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Quintin De Cuba (AMS) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Duco Nuijten (AMS) 8 instead of 7 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Duco Nuijten (AMS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,martb001,22,FFB1BX,S7/F7S.1-2 play,3,1,verpd001,11,F2BX,FC1/G1.2X3(1E5);1-2 -> play,3,1,martb001,22,LLB1BX,S7/L7S.1-2 play,3,1,verpd001,11,L22BX,FC1/BG/BG1.2X3(1E5);1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 9th): play,9,1,vborj001,01,FX,14/SH/BG12.1-2 -> play,9,1,vborj001,01,LX,14/SH/BG12.1-2 manual correction (top of the 10th): play,10,0,madea001,11,BFX,54/SH/BG12.2-3;1-2 -> play,10,0,madea001,11,BLX,54/SH/BG25.2-3;1-2 scoring correction (bottom of the 10th): (!) 56(2)3/GDP/BG/BG5R.1-2 -> 56(2)4/GDP/BG/BG5R.1-2 manual correction (top of the 11th): ladj,0,7 play,11,0,nuijd001,00,,XTB2 play,11,0,marty001,00,,XTB1 play,11,0,kempu001,00,,NP sub,kragf001,"",0,8,12 sub,keurn001,"",1,0,1 -> play,11,0,kempu001,00,,NP sub,keurn001,"",1,0,1 ladj,0,7 play,11,0,nuijd001,00,,XTB2 play,11,0,marty001,00,,XTB1 play,11,0,kempu001,00,,NP sub,kragf001,"",0,8,12 scoring correction (bottom of the 11th): (!) 5(2)2/GDP/G5R -> 5(2)2(3)/GDP/G5R.1-2 info,sky,partly sunny g127 (originally g145657) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) MELFOR Tilsaimy reaches on fielding error. E5. ORMAN Jeldwin scores. GUZMAN Aldrich scores. -> MELFOR Tilsaimy reaches on fielding error. E5. ORMAN Jeldwin scores on the error. GUZMAN Aldrich scores on the error. GIJSBERTHA Jaison reaches on throwing error. E5T. DUMITRESCU Michael scores. 1 RBI. -> GIJSBERTHA Jaison reaches on throwing error. E5T. DUMITRESCU Michael scores on the error. CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Jaison Gijsbertha (PIO) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Raul Jacobs (RCH) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Malcolm Marlin (RCH) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) play,1,1,tersd001,11,FB.,OA.1X2(26) -> play,1,1,tersd001,11,FB.,OA.1X2(24) manual correction (bottom of the 2nd): E5/TH/G5S.2-H(UR)(NR) -> E5/TH/G5S-.2-H(UR)(NR) manual correction (top of the 5th): D7/G5DL.2-H;1-3 -> D7/G5+.2-H;1-3 info,sky,partly sunny g128 (originally g145556) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] [video no longer available] --- g129 (originally g145557) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] EDITED GAME SOURCE Umpires: Rob HAS, Bernhard FLOHR; TC: Peter BRINK -> Umpires: Rob HAS, Bernard FLOHR - TC: Peter BRINK CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Mathijs Oosterbeek (DKI) 91 instead of 90 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 3rd): S9/G43D.3-H;1-2 play,3,0,kempd001,00,.,OA.2-3(E2/TH)-H(E8)(UR);1-2 -> S9/G3L+.3-H;1-2 play,3,0,kempd001,10,B.,OA.2-3(E2/TH);1-2## play,3,0,kempd001,10,.,OA.3-H(E8)(UR) manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): FC6/G6.2-H(E6/TH)(UR);1-3(E6/TH);B-2 -> FC6/G6.2-H(UR)(NR);1-3(E6/TH);B-2 manual edit (top of the 6th): FC6/G6.2-3(E6/TH);B-2(E6/TH) -> FC6/G6.2-3(E6/TH);B-2 split into two plays + manual correction (top of the 9th): (!) S9/G4DR.2-H(E4/TH) -> S4/G43D.2-3## OA.3-H(E4/TH) g130 (originally g145611) PRELIMINARY [no video feed] EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #66 SAMBOE for #1 ISENIA -> Pitching Change: #66 SAMBOE for #22 HATMA CORRECTED ER TOTALS (?!) [corrected] Aaron Isenia (QUI) 5 instead of 6 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S9/L9SL.2XH(952);1-2 -> S9/L9SL.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(952) split into two plays (top of the 8th): (v?) E3/G3L.3-H(UR);1-H(E3/TH)(UR);B-2 -> E3/G3L.3-H(UR);1-3;B-2## OA.3-H(E3/TH)(UR) g131 (originally g145659) PRELIMINARY Diters ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (?!) Raul Jacobs (RCH) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (?!) Maarten Smit (PIO) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Maarten Smit (PIO) 24 instead of 25 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Maarten Smit (PIO) 18 instead of 19 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): [originally S6+E6T] [unearned run] S9/L9S E6/TH/G6.1-3 -> S9/L9? E6/TH/G6L.1-3 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) play,7,1,blijm001,20,BB.,NP sub,aguip001,"",1,4,11 play,7,1,aguip001,20,X,DGR/7/L7.3-H;2-H -> play,7,1,blijm001,00,,NP sub,aguip001,"",1,4,11 play,7,1,aguip001,20,BBX,DGR/7/F7DL?.3-H;2-H manual edit (bottom of the 8th): FC5/G5R.3-H(E5/TH)(UR);2-H(E5/TH)(UR);1-3 -> FC5/G5R.3-H(E5/TH)(UR);2-H(UR)(NR);1-3 scoring correction + manual correction (bottom of the 8th): (?!) play,8,1,jacor001,00,2X,S1/G12.2-3(E6) play,8,1,dunlt001,11,1CB.,SB2 play,8,1,dunlt001,21,BX,S3/G23 -> play,8,1,jacor001,00,2X,E6/G6R?.2-3 play,8,1,dunlt001,10,1>B.,SB2 play,8,1,dunlt001,20,BX,S1/G23- info,bsave,oukek001 g132 (originally g145603) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) BLIJLEVEN Mart reaches on a strikeout error. BLIJLEVEN Mart to 3rd on E2T. -> BLIJLEVEN Mart reaches on a strikeout error. BLIJLEVEN Mart to 3rd on the error. split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S7/G5DL.2-H;1X3(75) -> S7/G5DL.2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(75) split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S3/G43.2-H(E3/TH)(UR);B-2 -> S3/G43S-.2-3## OA.3-H(UR);1-2(E3/TH) play,3,0,blijm001,12,FBSS,K+E2/TH.B-3 (?!) [looks more like K+WP.B-1 + E2T] g133 (originally g145558) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] [video no longer available] De Cuba ph -> ph-dh F.Kragt pr -> pr-dh manual correction (bottom of the 9th): play,9,1,redai002,32,BBS,K ladj,0,5 play,10,0,madea001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,henrr001,00,,XTB1 -> play,9,1,redai002,32,BBS,K info,bsave,clarr001 g134 (originally g145559) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Sheadion Jamanika (NEP) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Sheadion Jamanika (NEP) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 25 instead of 26 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 2nd): (!) play,2,0,jamas001,00,X,23/G2.1-2 com,"Injury Delay." -> play,2,0,jamas001,00,X,23/SH/BG2.1-2 com,"Injury delay - batter." manual edit (top of the 8th): play,8,0,kempd001,01,C.,NP sub,aussj001,"",0,4,11 -> play,8,0,kempd001,01,C.,NP com,"Dw.Kemp ejected by HP umpire for arguing the strike call." play,8,0,kempd001,01,.,NP sub,aussj001,"",0,4,11 manual edit (top of the 8th): play,8,0,bonea001,01,C.,NP com,"Weather Delay." -> play,8,0,bonea001,01,C.,NP com,"Sun delay - 10 minutes." manual correction (top of the 1st): HR/9/F9XD -> HR/9/L9XD? manual correction (top of the 2nd): S8/F8S -> S8/L8S manual correction (top of the 5th): S7/F7S S9/G4DR.1-3 -> S7/L7S S9/G3DL.1-3 manual correction (bottom of the 7th): DGR/7/F7R -> DGR/7/L7DR? info,sky,sunny/clear g135 (originally g145612-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] B.Kops ph -> ph-dh Totals not equal: LOB Oosterhout Twins (!) 8 <> 10 (wbsc stats/counted stats) g136 (originally g145613-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Defensive Substitution: #39 NAHUIS for #69 GUZMAN at 2B -> - Defensive Change: #49 MELFOR to SS -> Defensive Change: #49 MELFOR to SS || Defensive Substitution: #39 NAHUIS for #69 GUZMAN at 2B CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Jorrit Patist (UVV) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): S9/F9R.BX2(14) -> S9/F9DR.BX2(14) com,"Appeal play - Tim.Rojas called out for missing 2nd base." split into two plays + scoring correction (bottom of the 1st): (!) S9/F9L.2-H;1-H;B-2(THH);B-3(E1/TH) -> S9/L9DL.2-H;1-H;B-2(E2)## OA.2-3(E1/TH) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): S7/F7SR.3-H(UR) -> S7/L7SR.3-H(UR) info,sky,mostly clear g137 (originally g145560) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) [corrected] Jasper Elfrink (DKI) 4 instead of 3 (corrected/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 4/F4.3XH(32);1X1(43)/TP -> 4(B)3(1)2(3)/LTP/L4 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): S1/BL/BL12 -> S1/BG/BG25 manual correction (bottom of the 8th): (!) [incorrect edit] 13/G1 -> 13/BG/BG1 manual correction (top of the 9th): play,9,0,redai002,01,C.,NP sub,toppj001,"",0,3,11 13/BG/BG2 -> play,9,0,redai002,01,C.,NP com,"Ibr.Redan ejected by HP umpire for arguing the strike call." play,9,0,redai002,01,.,NP sub,toppj001,"",0,3,11 13/BG/BG12 manual correction (top of the 10th): play,10,0,kuijs001,01,F2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3;1-2 -> play,10,0,kuijs001,01,L2.,PO2(E1/TH).2-3;1-2 info,bsave,groem001 info,sky,mostly sunny g138 (originally g145561) PRELIMINARY manual correction (top of the 5th): S5/L56S.BX2(31) -> S5/G5R.BX1(31) info,sky,mostly sunny g139 (originally g145614) PRELIMINARY B.Kops ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 7th): S8/G6DR.2-H(E8) -> S8/G6DR.2-3## OA.3-H(E8) manual edit (top of the 9th): FC6/G6.3-H;2-H(E6/TH);1-3(E6/TH) -> FC6/G6.3-H;2-H(NR);1-3(E6/TH) g140 (originally g145615) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] manual correction (top of the 1st): (?!) 3(1)6/GDP/G3L -> 3(B)6(1)/GDP/G3L? split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S6/G6L.3-H(UR);2-H(E6/TH)(UR) -> S6/G6L.3-H(UR);2-3## OA.3-H(E6/TH)(UR) manual correction (top of the 4th): CS3(1565).1-2 -> POCS3(1565).1-2 g141 (originally g145562) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] U.Kemp ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 5th): play,5,0,richd001,10,B.,OA.1-2(E4) -> play,5,0,richd001,10,>B.,OA.1-2(E4) com,"Obstruction - runner safe at 2nd." manual correction (bottom of the 6th): S1/G12.B-2(E1/TH) -> S1/L1-.B-2(E1/TH) scoring correction (top of the 10th): (!) [corrected] 15(2)4/GDP/G1.1-2 -> 15(2)4/GDP/BG/BG1.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 10th): S5/G5SR.3-H(UR) -> S5/G5S-.3-H(UR) info,bsave,rietm001 g142 (originally g145563) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Bob Van der Meer (BUS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Bob Van der Meer (BUS) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 1st): (!) S9/F9SR S6/G6.1-2 7/F7R W.2-3;1-2 7/SF/F7R.3-H;2X3(765)/DP -> S9/L9SR S6/G6D.1-2 7/F7R W.2-3;1-2 7/SF/F7L.3-H;2X3(756)/DP manual correction (top of the 2nd): S6/G6 FC6/G6.1-2(E6) 53/SH/BG12.2-3;1-2 S8/G64D.3-H(UR);2-3 SB2 S/89/F89S.3-H;2-3 play,2,0,kempt021,32,FBBBC.,SB2 9/SF/F9L.3-H(UR);2-3 play,2,0,kempd001,01,FX,8/F8 -> S6/G64D FC6/G6R.1-2(E6) 53/SH/BG25.2-3;1-2 S8/G4L.3-H(UR);2-3 SB2 S/89/L89S.3-H;2-3 play,2,0,kempt021,32,LBBBC.,SB2 9/SF/L/L9L.3-H(UR);2-3 play,2,0,kempd001,01,LX,8/F8 manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,bonea001,21,C1BB.,OA.1-2(E3) -> play,7,0,bonea001,21,C1BB1.,OA.1-2(E3) com,"Obstruction - runner awarded 2nd base." manual edit (top of the 8th): play,8,0,aussj001,01,F.,NP sub,goinj001,"",1,5,2 -> play,8,0,aussj001,01,F.,NP com,"Injury delay - catcher." play,8,0,aussj001,01,.,NP sub,goinj001,"",1,5,2 info,sky,partly cloudy g143 (originally g145617) PRELIMINARY [LD problem - too many line drives] EDITED GAME SOURCE VERHOEF Geoffrey reaches on fielding error. E6. ROJAS Timothy scores. TAKKE Tijmen scores. JAKOBUS Marvin to 2nd. 1 RBI. -> VERHOEF Geoffrey reaches on fielding error. E6. ROJAS Timothy scores. TAKKE Tijmen scores on the error. JAKOBUS Marvin to 2nd. 1 RBI. CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (?!) [corrected] Geoffrey Verhoef (UVV) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S7/L7SR.2-H;1-3;B-2(E7) -> S7/L7SR.2-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E7) manual correction (top of the 4th): D9/L9.B-3(E9) -> D9/F9DR?.B-3(E9) manual correction (top of the 4th): D7/L7L.1-3 -> D7/F7DL?.1-3 split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 4th): S/89/L89S.1-3 S5/L5R.3-H;1-3(E5/TH);B-2 -> S/89/F89S.1-3 S5/G5R-.3-H;1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E5/TH) split into two plays (top of the 8th): E4/G4.2XH(92);1-2 -> E4/G4.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(92) play,4,0,veldj001,00,X,7/SF/F7R.3-H (?!) [earned run?] g144 (originally g145616) PRELIMINARY split into two plays + manual correction (top of the 5th): S5/G25.3-H(UR);2-H(E5/TH)(UR);1-3 -> S5/G5S.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E5/TH) manual correction (top of the 6th): play,6,0,willm001,11,BS+2.,PO2(E2/TH).2-3 14(1)/FO/DP/G4SL.3XH(42) -> play,6,0,willm001,11,BM+2.,PO2(E2/TH).2-3 14(1)/FO/DP/G1.3XH(42) split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): S8/L8S.2XH(82);B-2(THH) -> S8/L8S.2-3## OA.3XH(82);1-2 scoring correction (top of the 9th): (!) 3(1)6/GDP/G3L -> 3(B)6(1)/GDP/G3R g145 (originally g145564) PRELIMINARY info,sky,partly cloudy g146 (originally g145565-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] manual edit (bottom of the 5th): com,"Weather Delay." 53/G5R -> com,"Sun delay - 37 minutes." 53/G5R info,sky,mostly sunny/partly cloudy g147 (originally g145618) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] Meijer ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): 46(1)/FO/G4.2-H(E6/TH) S8/F8S.1-3;B-2(THH) -> 46(1)/FO/G4.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(E6/TH) S8/F8S.1-3;B-2(TH3) manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,willd001,22,BFFBFS,K play,4,1,meviv001,32,+1CBSBBB,W.2-3;1-2 -> play,4,1,willd001,22,BFFBFS+1,K play,4,1,meviv001,32,CBSBBB,W.2-3;1-2 play,1,1,gijsj001,00,X,FC5/G5R.1-3 (v?) [play not shown] play,2,1,gijsj001,11,BFX,6(B)6(1)/DP/F6 (v?) [play not shown] g148 (originally g145619-u) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE "notes":"Umpires: Roy VAN DE WATERINGEN, Marwin KLEINMOEDIG, Richard WESSEL; TC: Johan BRANDSMA " -> "notes":"Umpires: Roy VAN DE WATERINGEN, Marwin KLEINMOEDIG, Richard WESSEL - TC: Johan BRANDSMA" VAN GOOL Onne out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). VAN GOOL Jerzy out at 1st 2. 1 out. -> VAN GOOL Onne out by rule:
2 Strike Bunt Foul (KSB). 1 out. CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (?!) Onne Van Gool (TWI) 5 instead of 6 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (?!) Lucas Wols (TWI) 10 instead of 9 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (?!) Lucas Wols (TWI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (?!) Misja Harcksen (TWI) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,rubeb001,21,B1BC.,PO1(13) play,2,0,rubeb001,31,BB,W play,2,0,vgooj001,31,BBBC.,PO1(13) -> play,2,0,rubeb001,21,B1BC1.,PO1(13) play,2,0,rubeb001,31,BB,W play,2,0,vgooj001,31,BBBC1.,PO1(13) manual edit (bottom of the 4th): FC6/G6.1-3(E6);B-2(E6) -> FC6/G6.1-3(E6);B-2 g149 (originally g145566) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE MADERA Alex reaches on dropped fly error. E8. Sacrifice Fly. CREMER Jules scores. RICHARDSON Denzel scores. DE CUBA Quintin to 2nd. 1 RBI. -> MADERA Alex reaches on dropped fly error. E8. Sacrifice Fly. CREMER Jules scores. RICHARDSON Denzel scores on the error. DE CUBA Quintin to 2nd. 1 RBI. manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): play,2,1,nuijd001,00,H,HP com,"On-field Delay." com,"Weather Delay." -> play,2,1,nuijd001,00,H,HP com,"On-field delay - bench-clearing brawl." com,"Apparently, HCAW starter L.Huijer and Amsterdam 3B O.Van der Wijst were ejected." com,"Rain delay - 38 minutes." manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,decuq001,32,BCFB,W.2-3;1-2 -> play,6,1,decuq001,32,BCLB,W.2-3;1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): E8/SF/F8.3-H;2-H(NR);1-2 -> E8/SF/F8DR.3-H;2-H(NR);1-2 info,sky,partly cloudy info,bsave,keurn001 g151 (originally g145621-u) PRELIMINARY B.Kops ph -> ph-dh Peters pr -> pr-dh g152 (originally g145569-u) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Martijn Schoonderwoerd (AMS) 3 instead of 4 (corrected/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S7/L7SR.1-H(E7);B-3 -> S7/L7SR.1-2## OA.2-H;1-3(E7) info,sky,overcast g153 (originally g145623-u) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE [getaround] "result3":"F14" -> "result3":"F4" VAN ZWIETEN Amar flies out. L14. 1 out. -> VAN ZWIETEN Amar flies out. L4. 1 out. manual edit (bottom of the 3rd): [restored play] 4/L/L4SL -> 14/L/L4SL g154 (originally g145624-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] manual correction (top of the 1st): S7/F7SR.2-H(UR);1-2 -> S7/L7SR.2-H(UR);1-2 manual correction (top of the 3rd): play,3,0,rojat001,00,X,S9/F9.3-H;1-3;B-2(THH) -> play,3,0,rojat001,00,>X,S9/L43D.3-H;1-3;B-2(TH3) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): D/89/F8R.2-H;1-H -> D/89/L89D?.2-H;1-H manual correction (bottom of the 4th): play,4,1,rijpn001,12,BFC.,PO1(23) -> play,4,1,rijpn001,12,BFC+2.,PO1(23) manual edit (top of the 8th): D8/G4L? -> D8/G4DL manual correction (top of the 8th): 75(2)/FO/G56?.3-H(UR);1-2 -> 75(2)/FO/F7SL.3-H(UR);1-2 (v?) [plays not shown] play,9,0,takkt001,00,X,T8/F8L play,9,0,jakom001,00,X,D/89/F8R.3-H g155 (originally g145625-u) PRELIMINARY B.Kops ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Jack Wagner (TWI) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 1st): [unearned run!] E4/G4.2-H(UR);1-3 -> E4/G4DR?.2-H(UR);1-3 g156 (originally g145626-u) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (?!) Thijmen Peters (TWI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (?!) Lucca Van der Schouw (RCH) 9 instead of 10 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (?!) play,3,0,petet001,01,CX,S6/G6.2X2(6) -> com,"Runner interference (supposed) - L.Bun called out by HP umpire." com,"Defense didn't claim neither interference, nor the runner being touched by batted ball as shortstop M.Marlin let a routine grounder go past him into the outfield." com,"3B base umpire, closest to the play, didn't signal anything as well." play,3,0,petet001,01,CX,FC6/G6.2X3(6) info,sky,mostly sunny g157 (originally g145627-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Ball 3. VERHOEF Geoffrey scores on wild pitch. PATIST Jorrit to 3rd on wild pitch. PATIST Jorrit scores on E2T. -> Ball 3. VERHOEF Geoffrey scores on wild pitch. PATIST Jorrit to 3rd on wild pitch. PATIST Jorrit scores on E2T. || GAME OVER
UVV wins 11-1
CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Stefan Kuipers (QUI) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Jhan Rifaela (QUI) 68 instead of 69 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 5/L/L5 -> 5/L/L5L scoring correction + split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 5th): (!) D7/G5DL 63/G6 play,5,1,rojat001,02,CFF.,FLE2 play,5,1,rojat001,12,FBX,S7/L7S.2-H(E7)(UR);BX2(764) -> D7/G5L+ 63/G6 play,5,1,rojat001,02,CF.,FLE2 play,5,1,rojat001,22,B>FBX,S7/L56D.2-3## play,5,1,jakom001,00,.,OA.3-H(E7)(UR);1X2(74) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 8th): S7/G6DL.2-3 WP.3-H;1-H(E2/TH)(UR) -> S7/G56D.2-3 WP.3-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) info,sky,partly cloudy info,ump3b,"Jacques Krutzen" g158 (originally g145628-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] EDITED GAME SOURCE "lastname":"ISENIA","firstname":"Aaron" ... "pos":"1B" -> "lastname":"ISENIA","firstname":"Aaron" ... "pos":"P\/1B" Pitching Change: #81 ODULIA for #1 ISENIA -> Pitching Change: #81 ODULIA for #18 VAN DULKEN info,sky,mostly sunny g159 (originally g145629-u) PRELIMINARY B.Kops ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S/78/L8SL.1-3(E8) -> S/78/L8SL.1-2## OA.2-3(E8) g160 (originally g145567-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] Seelbach pr -> pr-dh info,sky,sunny/partly cloudy g161 (originally g145622-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Floris Jan Kamphorst (QUI) 3 instead of 4 (corrected/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 3rd): play,3,1,meviv001,10,B1.,SB2 -> play,3,1,meviv001,10,B>1.,SB2 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): [De Vreede - unearned run!] S8/L8S S8/L8S.1-2 E6/TH/G6.2-H(NR);1-3 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H T9/F9.1-H(UR) D9/F9S.3-H;BX3(945) -> S8/L4DL S8/L8S.1-2 E6/TH/G6D.2-H(NR);1-3 64(1)/FO/G6.3-H T9/L9R?.1-H(UR) D9/L9S?.3-H;BX3(945) manual edit (top of the 7th): play,7,0,isena001,22,SCBBS,K -> play,7,0,isena001,22,SCBBS,K info,sky,sunny/clear info,umphome,"Marwin Kleinmoedig" g162 (originally g145570-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] EDITED GAME SOURCE HENRIQUE Roelie flies out to left field. F7. JAKOBUS Jason out at 2nd A734. Double Play. 3 out. -> HENRIQUE Roelie flies out to left field. F7. JAKOBUS Jason out at 2nd 734. Double Play. 3 out. Aussems ph -> ph-dh F.Kragt pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED SB TOTAL (?!) Christian Diaz (NEP) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) scoring correction (top of the 3rd): (?!) play,3,0,kempd001,02,1CF.,DI.1-2 -> play,3,0,kempd001,02,1CF>1.,SB2.3-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 9th): S7/G56D.2XH(72) -> S7/G56D.2-3## OA.3XH(72) g163 (originally g145571-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE UMPIRES: Marwin KLEINMOEDIG,Peter DE HAAN, Olav STEIJGER -> Umpires: Marwin KLEINMOEDIG, Peter DE HAAN, Olav STEIJGER g164 (originally g145630-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] EDITED GAME SOURCE [getaround] BLOAT Kilian singles through the left side. JAKOBUS Marvin to 3rd. JAKOBUS Marvin out at home 72. VERHOEF Geoffrey to 2nd. VERHOEF Geoffrey to 3rd on throw. VERHOEF Geoffrey scores on E2T. BLOAT Kilian to 2nd on throw. BLOAT Kilian scores on E2T. 1 out. -> BLOAT Kilian singles through the left side. JAKOBUS Marvin to 3rd. JAKOBUS Marvin out at home 72. VERHOEF Geoffrey scores on E2T. BLOAT Kilian scores on the error. 1 out. split into three plays (top of the 4th): S7/G6DL.2XH(72);1-H(E2/TH);B-H(UR) -> S7/G6DL.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(72);2-3;1-2 OA.3-H;2-H(E2/TH)(UR) split into two plays (top of the 8th): S8/F8.2-H;1X3(825);B-2(THH) -> S8/F8.2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(825);1-2 info,sky,mostly clear g165 (originally g145631-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem?] manual correction (top of the 3rd): S7/L7S play,3,0,frand001,10,BX,7/F7R play,3,0,marlm001,11,BC1.,SB2 4/P4 -> S7/L7SL play,3,0,frand001,10,B>X,7/F7DR play,3,0,marlm001,11,BC>1.,SB2 4/P4R manual correction (bottom of the 7th): D/78/F8L.2-H E9/F/F9S.2-3;BX2(96) E7/SF/F7R.3-H(UR) 4/F4DR 53/G5R -> D/78/L78D?.2-H E9/F/F9SR.2-3;BX2(96) E7/SF/F7D.3-H(UR) 4/F4DR 53/G5L g183 (originally g145580-u) [LD problem!] 22 OF, 0 LD -> 16 OF, 8 LD [innings 1 through 3 mostly unavailable in game video] see notes_g183.txt g192 (originally g145585-u) BETA EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) TOPPEN Julian reaches on throwing error. E3T. VAN DEN BERG Jesse scores. WILLEM Lorenzo to 3rd. 1 RBI. -> TOPPEN Julian reaches on throwing error. E3T. VAN DEN BERG Jesse scores. WILLEM Lorenzo to 3rd. Defensive Change: #49 KUIJPER to SS -> Defensive Change: #49 KUIJPER to SS || Pitching Change: #58 ELFRINK for #36 BEERMAN VERPAALEN Daan flies out. F1. ATMOPAWIRO Zico out at 1st 12. Double Play. 3 out. -> VERPAALEN Daan flies out. L1. ATMOPAWIRO Zico out at 1st 13. Double Play. 3 out. Brooks ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 1 instead of 2 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED RBI TOTAL (!) Julian Toppen (DKI) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Lorenzo Willem (DKI) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (!) Lorenzo Willem (DKI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Lorenzo Willem (DKI) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Julian Toppen (DKI) 3 instead of 4 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Julian Toppen (DKI) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 3 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 22 instead of 24 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Jair Van Borkulo (BUS) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Jair Van Borkulo (BUS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Zico Atmopawiro (BUS) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (!) Lars Huijer (BUS) 6 instead of 7 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Aidan Finnegan (DKI) 4 instead of 5 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Aidan Finnegan (DKI) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) Stats not equal: DP (!) Jesse Van den Berg (DKI) 0 <> 1 (wbsc stats/counted stats) scoring corrections + manual correction (top of the 2nd): (!) [3 unearned runs!] S5/BG/BG25.1-2 E3/TH/G3L.2-H(UR)(NR);1-3 play,2,0,finna001,01,CX,13/SH/BG12.1-2 3/L/L3L play,2,0,frana001,00,X,S/78/L8SL.3-H(UR);2-3 play,2,0,beerj001,10,B.,SB2 play,2,0,beerj001,10,.,OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) play,2,0,beerj001,20,BX,43/G4 -> FC5/SH/BG5S.1-2;B-1 3E4/SH/BG/BG3S.2-H(UR)(NR);1-3 play,2,0,finna001,01,L>X,13/SH/BG1R.1-2 3/L/L3L play,2,0,frana001,10,BX,S7/G6DL.3-H(UR);2-3 play,2,0,beerj001,10,>B.,SB2.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) play,2,0,beerj001,10,>X,43/G4 g199 (originally g145588-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) (v?) Called Strike 1. MADERA Alex out at 3rd CS256146. DE CUBA Quintin to 2nd on stolen base. 1 out. -> Called Strike 1. MADERA Alex out at 3rd CS256146. DE CUBA Quintin to 2nd on fielders choice. 1 out. Draijer ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED SB TOTAL (!) Quintin De Cuba (AMS) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 6th): play,6,0,atmoz001,12,CB1FFL,K/FL -> play,6,0,atmoz001,12,CB1LLL,K/FL manual correction (top of the 10th): play,10,0,marls001,00,,NP sub,rietm001,"",1,0,1 sub,werkk001,"",0,9,11 ladj,0,7 play,10,0,draiv001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,goinj001,00,,XTB1 -> play,10,0,marls001,00,,NP sub,rietm001,"",1,0,1 ladj,0,7 play,10,0,draiv001,00,,XTB2 play,10,0,goinj001,00,,XTB1 play,10,0,marls001,00,,NP sub,werkk001,"",0,9,11 info,bsave,popkj001 g200 (originally g145589-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) (v?) "result3":"6" ... "narrative":"KEMP Dwayne grounds out 6U. 1 out. " -> "result3":"L6" ... "narrative":"KEMP Dwayne flies out. L6. 1 out. " manual edit (top of the 7th): (v?) play,7,0,aussj001,22,FFFBFBS,K.1X2(2E6) -> play,7,0,aussj001,22,FFFBFBS,K## play,7,0,vdmes001,00,.,CS2(2E6) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): (!) play,7,1,redai002,00,,NP sub,degra001,"",0,0,1 sub,colld002,"",0,3,3 play,7,1,redai002,10,B.,NP sub,mohaj001,"",0,8,9 play,7,1,redai002,32,FBBCS,K -> play,7,1,redai002,00,,NP sub,degra001,"",0,0,1 sub,colld002,"",0,3,3 sub,mohaj001,"",0,8,9 play,7,1,redai002,32,BFBBCS,K g201 (originally g145648-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE [getaround] RUBEN Berend out on appeal A13. 2 out. -> RUBEN Berend grounds out 1-3. 2 out. CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Berend Ruben (TWI) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Moreno Vork (RCH) 10 instead of 9 (counted/wbsc) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): 23/G2 -> 23/P2 manual correction (bottom of the 5th): E3/F/F3L.1-2 -> E3/F/F3R.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 6th): play,6,1,guzma001,00,.,OA.2-3(E3);1-2 -> play,6,1,guzma001,00,1.,PO1(E3).2-3;1-2 manual correction (top of the 7th): E8/SF/F8.3-H;B-3 53/G5R -> E8/SF/L8.3-H;B-3 53/G5.3-3 manual edit (top of the 8th): [restored play] 13/G1 -> 13# com,"B.Ruben lined a double down the lf line, but was called out on appeal for missing first base." info,wp,zwitj001 (!) g202 (originally g145649-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] Totals not equal: LOB UVV (!) 10 <> 13 (wbsc stats/counted stats) g203 (originally g145590-u) PRELIMINARY --- g207 (originally g145592-u) PRELIMINARY CORRECTED ER TOTALS (!) Chris Stuart (BUS) 0 instead of 1 (corrected/wbsc) CORRECTED AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HIT TOTAL (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 3 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH TOTAL (!) Delano Selassa (BUS) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Dennis Burgersdijk (BUS) 45 instead of 44 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED STRIKES TOTAL Dennis Burgersdijk (BUS) 26 instead of 25 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED HITS ALLOWED (!) Pim Vijfvinkel (AMS) 10 instead of 9 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED SH ALLOWED (!) Pim Vijfvinkel (AMS) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED OPPONENT AT-BAT TOTAL (!) Pim Vijfvinkel (AMS) 34 instead of 33 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): play,1,1,nuijd001,00,.,CS2(263) -> play,1,1,nuijd001,01,>S.,CS2(263) scoring correction + split into two plays (top of the 3rd): (!) E2/TH/SH/BG12.1-H(UR)(NR);B-3 -> S2/BG/BG25.1-2## OA.2-H(UR);1-3(E2/TH) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 8th): S4/L4.2-H(E4/TH) -> S4/G43D.2-3## OA.3-H(E4/TH) info,sky,partly sunny g208 (originally g145593-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #64 TERPSTRA for #10 HUNTINGTON -> Pitching Change: #64 TERPSTRA for #37 DE BLOK g209 (originally g145653-u) PRELIMINARY --- g210 (originally g145652-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) WIEGERS Kevin out at 2nd PO1361. 3 out. -> WIEGERS Kevin out at 2nd CS1361. 3 out. Peters pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Kevin Wiegers (RCH) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) joined into one play (bottom of the 3rd): (!) play,3,1,jacor001,11,CB.,DI.3-H play,3,1,jacor001,11,1.,POCS2(1361) -> play,3,1,jacor001,11,CB1.,POCS2(1361).3-H;2-3 split into two plays (top of the 6th): play,6,0,rubem001,10,B.,OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E1/TH);1X2(86) -> play,6,0,rubem001,10,B2.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H(UR);2-3## play,6,0,rubem001,10,.,OA.1X2(86) info,sky,mostly sunny g211 (originally g145594-u) PRELIMINARY manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): T9/G3R?.2-H -> T9/G3R+.2-H split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): S7/L7S.2XH(752);1-2 -> S7/L7S.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(752) info,sky,partly cloudy g212 (originally g145595-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) "notes":"Umpires:Jeffrey BENTSCHNEIDER , Niek ELSHOF, Elvin ENGLENTINA " -> "notes":"Umpires: Jeffrey Bentsnijder, Niek ELSHOF, Elvin ENGLENTINA" HENRIQUE Roelie out at 2nd CS35456. 1 out. -> HENRIQUE Roelie out at 2nd CS13436. 1 out. Swinging Strike 2. CREMER Jules out at 2nd CS254. BERKENBOSCH Kenny to 2nd on fielders choice. -> Swinging Strike 2. CREMER Jules out at 3rd CS254. BERKENBOSCH Kenny to 2nd on fielders choice. Martie ph -> ph-dh CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Lorenzo Willem (DKI) 5 instead of 6 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL (!) Mathijs Oosterbeek (DKI) 2 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (bottom of the 1st): S8/L8 play,1,1,cremj001,00,1.,POCS2(13436) -> S8/L8S play,1,1,cremj001,00,>1.,POCS2(13436) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S9/G43D.3-H;2XH(92);1-2 -> S9/G43D.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(92) manual correction (bottom of the 5th): D7/L7R.BX2(7354) -> D7/L7L.BX3(7354) info,sky,mostly clear g213 (originally g145606-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] EDITED GAME SOURCE "duration":"" -> "duration":"3:03" PITERNELLA Ruendrick flies out down right field line foul. FF9. 3 out. -> PITERNELLA Ruendrick flies out down right field line foul. FF9. 3 out. || GAME OVER
split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): S6/G6D.2XH(62) -> S6/G6DR.2-3## OA.3XH(62) split into two plays (top of the 4th): S9/G4DR.3-H;2-H;B-2(E9/TH) -> S9/G4DR.3-H;2-H## OA.1-2(E9/TH) split into two plays + manual correction (bottom of the 4th): S/78/F8SL.1X3(75) -> S/78/L78S.1-2## OA.2X3(75) manual correction (top of the 5th): 8/SF/F8.3-H;2-H -> 8/SF/F8DR?.3-H;2-H info,sky,sunny/clear info,wp,degrl001 (!) g214 (originally g145654-u) PRELIMINARY manual correction (top of the 1st): E5/SH/BG5R.2-3 -> E5/SH/BG5S.2-3 manual edit (top of the 7th): play,7,0,vissl001,02,SFFC,K/C -> play,7,0,vissl001,02,SFFC,K/C Stats discrepancies for g215 (originally g145596-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE MARTIE Yurdion Franklin reaches on dropped fly error. E7. MADERA Alex to 3rd. NUIJTEN Duco to 2nd. NUIJTEN Duco out at 3rd 6. (PPR). 2 out. -> MARTIE Yurdion Franklin reaches on dropped fly error. E7. MADERA Alex to 3rd. NUIJTEN Duco to 2nd. NUIJTEN Duco out at 3rd 6. 2 out. KEMP Urving grounds out 2U. Out By Rule (BIN). . 3 out. -> KEMP Urving grounds out 2U. 3 out. CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Jamie Beerman (DKI) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PUTOUT TOTAL (!) Sem Kuijper (DKI) 4 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED PITCHES TOTAL Jasper Elfrink (DKI) 119 instead of 118 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S7/G6DL.2-H(E7)(UR) -> S7/G6DL.2-3## OA.3-H(E7)(UR) scoring correction + manual correction (top of the 6th): (!) [earned runs?] S1/G1.B-2(E1/TH) E5/TH/G5R 3/BL/BL23 play,6,0,madea001,31,BBBC.,SB3;SB2 S7/G56D.3-H;2-3 play,6,0,nuijd001,01,FX,S7/G6DL.3-H(UR);1-2 E7/F/F7R.2-3;1X3(6) play,6,0,kempu001,01,CX,2/G/G2 -> S1/BG/BG1L.B-2(E1/TH) E5/TH/G5R 3/BF/BF23 play,6,0,madea001,31,BBB>C.,SB3;SB2 S7/G56.3-H;2-3 play,6,0,nuijd001,01,F>X,S7/G6L.3-H(UR);1-2 E7/F/F7R.2-3;1-2## play,6,0,kempu001,00,.,OA.2X2(4) com,"D.Nuijten called out for passing the preceding runner." com,"Batter interference play." play,6,0,kempu001,01,C>S.,2# manual correction (top of the 7th): play,7,0,henrr001,11,FB.,SB2 play,7,0,henrr001,12,CX,FC1/G1.2X3(16) -> play,7,0,henrr001,21,FB>B.,SB2 play,7,0,henrr001,22,CX,FC1/G1.2X2(16) info,bsave,decuq001 g216 (originally g145597-u) PRELIMINARY [video no longer available] Totals not equal: LOB HCAW (!) 4 <> 7 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): 64(1)/FO/G6.B-2(E4/TH) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 9th): play,9,1,vdmeb001,02,FCX,4/F4 -> play,9,1,vdmeb001,02,FCX,4/F4 com,"Despite HP umpire having declared 'Infield Fly' and Neptunus apparently getting two outs on the play, 1B umpire incorrectly called the ball dead, claiming that second baseman intentionally dropped the ball." com,"The three umpires huddled and let the 'Dead Ball' call stay in violation of the Official Baseball Rules (quote below)." com,"When an infield fly rule is called, runners may advance at their own risk. If on an infield fly rule, the infielder intentionally drops a fair ball, the ball remains in play despite the provisions of Rule 6.05(l) [5.09(a)(12)]. The infield fly rule takes precedence." info,bsave,timmk001 info,bsave,huntr001 g217 (originally g145609-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem!] [video no longer available] EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) Called Strike 2. WIEGERS Kevin scores on E2. KOEIMAN Chris to 3rd on fielders choice. -> Called Strike 2. WIEGERS Kevin scores on E2T. KOEIMAN Chris to 3rd on the error. split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S9/G3DL.3-H;2-H(E9)(UR);1-3 -> S9/G3DL.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(UR);2-3(E9) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S7/G56D.2X3(65) -> S7/G56D.2-3## OA.3X3(65) split into two plays (top of the 4th): E6/G6.3-H;2-H;1X3(85) 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-2(E4/TH) -> E6/G6.3-H;2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(85) 54(1)/FO/G5R.B-1## OA.1-2(E4/TH) manual correction (bottom of the 8th): (!) play,8,1,zaraj001,02,CC.,OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-3 -> play,8,1,zaraj001,02,CC>+3.,POCSH(E2/TH)(UR).1-3 info,bsave,ves_j001 g218 (originally g145656-u) EDITED GAME SOURCE Ball 1. VOS Mick out at 2nd PO136. 2 out. -> Ball 1. VOS Mick out at 2nd CS136. 2 out. Pitching Change: #49 COCU for #15 WAGNER -> Pitching Change: #49 COCU for #23 VAN GOOL CORRECTED CS TOTAL (!) Mick Vos (TWI) 1 instead of 0 (counted/wbsc) manual correction (top of the 2nd): play,2,0,rubeb001,00,11.,SB2 -> play,2,0,rubeb001,00,1>1.,SB2 manual correction (top of the 3rd): 1E3/SH/BG12.1-2 13/SH/BG12.2-3;1-2 63/G6.3-H(UR);2-3 -> 1E3/SH/BG1R.1-2 13/SH/BG1.2-3;1-2 63/G6L.3-H(UR);2-3 manual correction (top of the 4th): play,4,0,vgooj001,11,SB.,CS2(136) -> play,4,0,vgooj001,11,SB>1.,POCS2(136) split into two plays (top of the 7th): 64(1)/FO/G6.2-H(E4/TH)(UR) -> 64(1)/FO/G6.2-3;B-1## OA.3-H(E4/TH)(UR) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): 14/SH/BG12.1-2 FC5/G5R.2X3(546);BX2(65)/DP -> 14/SH/BG1R.1-2 FC5/G5.2X3(546);BX2(65)/DP manual correction (top of the 8th): play,8,0,garct001,01,1FX,13/SH/BG12.1-2 -> play,8,0,garct001,01,1L1X,13/SH/BG23.1-2 g219 (originally g145598-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) BROOKS Denzel strikes out swinging. VERPAALEN Daan to 2nd on stolen base. VERPAALEN Daan out at 3rd 85. Double Play. 2 out. -> BROOKS Denzel strikes out swinging. VERPAALEN Daan to 2nd on stolen base. VERPAALEN Daan out at 3rd 85. 2 out. CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Darryl Collins (NEP) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED DOUBLE PLAY TOTAL (!) Sheadion Jamanika (NEP) 0 instead of 1 (counted/wbsc) Totals not equal: LOB HCAW (!) 6 <> 7 (wbsc stats/counted stats) manual edit (top of the 9th): [restored play] play,9,0,brood001,32,BBSSBS,K+SB2 -> play,9,0,brood001,32,BBSSBS,K+SB2.1X3(85) info,bsave,fredt001 g220 (originally g145599-u) PRELIMINARY EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) MARTIE Yurdion Franklin scores on E1T. PENSEEL Jorrit to 2nd on fielders choice. -> MARTIE Yurdion Franklin scores on E1T. PENSEEL Jorrit to 2nd on the error. joined into one play (bottom of the 2nd): (!) play,2,1,jakoj001,01,C2.,SB3 play,2,1,jakoj001,01,.,OA.3-H(E1/TH);1-2 -> play,2,1,jakoj001,01,C>.,SB3.3-H(E1/TH);1-2 g221 (originally g145610-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #10 VORK for #20 IRAUSQUIN -> Pitching Change: #10 VORK for #18 VAN ZOELEN EUSTACIA Sigmar out by rule:
Interfering With Catcher (BIN). MARTINA T'sean out at 1st 2. 2 out. -> EUSTACIA Sigmar out by rule:
Interfering With Catcher (BIN). 2 out. Van Zoelen ph -> ph-dh Totals not equal: LOB Hoofddorp Pioniers (!) 9 <> 10 (wbsc stats/counted stats) manual correction (top of the 5th): 7/F7R -> 7/F7S manual correction (top of the 7th): 93/G43? -> 93/L43D manual correction (bottom of the 8th): E9/F/F9L.1-2 -> E9/F/F89S.1-2 manual correction (top of the 9th): S4/G4 play,9,0,eusts001,01,FX,2# -> S4/F4S play,9,0,eusts001,02,F>S.,2# com,"Batter interference - S.Eustacia out." manual correction (bottom of the 9th): play,9,1,merct001,10,B.,SB2 S8/F8SR.2-H -> play,9,1,merct001,10,>B.,SB2 S/89/L8SR.2-H g222 (originally g145658-u) PRELIMINARY [LD problem] manual correction (top of the 1st): play,1,0,odulf001,01,F1X,13/SH/BG12.1-2 -> play,1,0,odulf001,01,L11X,13/SH/BG1L.1-2 manual correction (bottom of the 3rd): 7/SF/F7SL.3-H S1/BL/BL12.2-3;1-2 D7/F7SL.3-H;2-H;1-3 -> 7/SF/L/L7L.3-H S1/BG/BG25.2-3;1-2 D7/L7L.3-H;2-H;1-3 manual correction (top of the 4th): FC6/G6.1X2(6E4) PO1(13) play,4,0,peelr001,12,SB2.,POCS3(15) -> FC6/G6R.1X2(6E4) PO1(13) play,4,0,peelr001,12,SB>2.,POCS3(15) manual correction (bottom of the 7th): S7/G6DL 9/F9SL S7/G5DL.1-2 HR/7/F7XDR.2-H;1-H -> S7/L56 9/F9SL S7/G5L.1-2 HR/7/F7XDL.2-H;1-H