RCH Dunlop,Tijani R/R -> L/R ========================= g53 (originally g107155) split into two plays (top of the 6th): S7/G6DL.2-H;1-3(E7/TH);B-2(E7/TH) -> S7/G6DL.2-H;1-2## OA.2-3(E7/TH);1-2 g54 (originally g107156) Van Zalingen pr -> pr-dh CORRECTED GAME SOURCE (!) VAN GOOL Jerzy out at 1st CS1363. 4 out. -> VAN GOOL Jerzy out at 1st CS1363. 3 out. CORRECTED OUTS TOTAL (!) Jhan Rifaela (QUI) 12 instead of 13 (counted/wbsc) QUI 27 instead of 28 (counted/wbsc) split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): S7/L7SR.2XH(72);B-2(THH) -> S7/L7SR.2-3## OA.3XH(72);1-2 g55 (originally g107157) check rbi (v?!) (1 rbi) play,4,1,frana001,10,BX,E6/TH/G6.3-H;2-H;1-3 (2 rbi) play,5,1,frana001,11,BFX,6(1)/FO/G6.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);B-2(THH) manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): POCS2(134361) -> POCS2(13461) g57 (originally g107158) Redan ph -> ph-dh manual edit (bottom of the 5th): play,5,1,bentr001,10,B2.,OA.2-3(E6) -> play,5,1,bentr001,10,B2.,OA.2-3(E6) com,"Obstruction." manual edit (top of the 7th): (v?) play,7,0,zegwp001,00,3.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H(E1/TH);2-3;1-2 -> play,7,0,zegwp001,00,2.,PO2(E1/TH).3-H;2-3;1-2 g58 (originally g107159) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S6/G6.3-H;B-2(E6/TH) -> S6/G6.3-H## OA.1-2(E6/TH) g61 (originally g107164) split into two plays (top of the 9th): S9/G3DL.3-H;2XH(92);1-2 -> S9/G3DL.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(92) g62 (originally g107165) Van Heesch ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 4th): S/89/F8SR.3-H;2-H;1-3;B-2(E3) -> S/89/F8SR.3-H;2-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E3) split into two plays (top of the 5th): S9/G43D.3-H;2-H;1X3(935) -> S9/G43D.3-H;2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(935) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): 54(1)/FO/DP/G5R.2X3(5) -> 5(2)4(1)/GDP/G5R g63 (originally g107163) Legito pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 5th): (v?) S/78/F78S.2-H;B-3(E7/TH) -> S/78/F78S.2-H## OA.1-3(E7/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): (v? - ER) WP.3-H;2-H(E2/TH)(UR) -> WP.3-H;2-3## OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) split into two plays (bottom of the 9th): (v?) S9/L9SL.2XH(42) -> S9/L9SL.2-3## OA.3XH(42) g65 (originally g107168) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S6/L6L.3-H;2XH(62);1-2 -> S6/L6L.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(62) g66 (originally g107167) EDITED GAME SOURCE End of the 8th
3 runs, 6 lob -> End of the 8th
3 runs, 3 lob Totals not equal: LOB Twins Oosterhout (!) 17 <> 14 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S9/L9L.2-H;1-3;B-2(E9) -> S9/L9L.2-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E9) manual correction (bottom of the 9th): (!) play,9,1,garct001,00,,NP sub,willr001,"",0,7,7 sub,rojat001,"",0,4,4 play,9,1,garct001,30,BBBB,W play,9,1,vgooj001,00,,NP sub,marlm001,"",0,9,8 -> play,9,1,garct001,00,,NP sub,willr001,"",0,7,7 sub,rojat001,"",0,4,4 sub,marlm001,"",0,9,8 play,9,1,garct001,30,BBBB,W g67 (originally g107169) Blijleven ph -> ph-dh manual edit (bottom of the 1st): (v?) play,1,1,werkk001,01,S.,CS2(134) -> play,1,1,werkk001,01,S1.,POCS2(134) split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): S8/L8SL.2XH(72);B-2(THH) -> S8/L8SL.2-3## OA.3XH(72);1-2 split into two plays (top of the 6th): S7/G56D.1-3;B-2(E7/TH) -> S7/G56D.1-3## OA.1-2(E7/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): (v?) + earned runs play,6,1,guzma001,20,BB.,OA.2-3(E2/TH) -> play,6,1,guzma001,20,BB+2.,PO2(E2/TH).2-3 split into two plays (top of the 8th): SB2.1-3(E2/TH);2XH(52) -> SB2.1-3(E2/TH)## OA.3XH(52) g68 (originally g107170) split into two plays (top of the 1st): (v?) S1/G1.1-3(E1/TH);B-2(E1/TH) -> S1/G1.1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E1/TH) g69 (originally g107171) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) (v?) LEGITO Raydley to 3rd on stolen base. LEGITO Raydley out at home CS23425. BROOKS Denzel to 2nd on stolen base. 3 out. -> LEGITO Raydley to 3rd on stolen base. LEGITO Raydley out at home 23425. BROOKS Denzel to 2nd on stolen base. 3 out. Totals not equal: LOB RCH-Pinguins (!) 5 <> 4 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Totals not equal: LOB Amsterdam Pirates (!) 5 <> 6 (wbsc stats/counted stats) split into two plays (top of the 1st): SB3;SB2.3XH(23425) -> SB3;SB2## OA.3XH(2345) g70 (originally g107172) De Cuba ph -> ph-dh Bos pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (top of the 3rd): S/89/L8SR.2-H(E8);1-2 -> S/89/L8SR.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H(E8) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S8/L8.3-H;2XH(82);B-2(THH) -> S8/L8.3-H;2-3## OA.3XH(82);1-2 g71 (originally g107173) EDITED GAME SOURCE (v?) COTTON Quin reaches on muffed catch error. E4. -> COTTON Quin reaches on fielding error. E4. Jansen pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S8/L8SL.3-H(UR);2-H(UR);B-2(E5) -> S8/L8SL.3-H(UR);2-H(UR)## OA.1-2(E5) g72 (originally g107162) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): S7/G56D.2-H;B-2(E7/TH) -> S7/G56D.2-H## OA.1-2(E7/TH) manual edit (top of the 2nd): FC5/G5R.2X3(54);B-2(THH) -> FC5/G5R.2X3(54);B-2 split into two plays (top of the 5th): E5/G5R.1-3(E5/TH);B-2(E5/TH) -> E5/G5R.1-2## OA.2-3;1-2(E5/TH) g73 (originally g107174) Frank ph -> ph-dh g74 (originally g107175) Blijleven ph -> ph-dh Jakobus ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 2nd): S8/L8S.2-H;1-3;B-2(E8/TH) -> S8/L8S.2-H;1-3## OA.1-2(E8/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S8/L8S.1X3(85) -> S8/L8S.1-2## OA.2X3(85) split into two plays (top of the 9th): 7/SF/F7R.3-H;2-3(E7/TH);1-2(E7/TH) -> 7/SF/F7R.3-H## OA.2-3(E7/TH);1-2 g75 (originally g107176) manual edit (top of the 1st): 9/P9S?L -> 9/P43D? split into two plays (bottom of the 6th): W.1-H(E2/TH) -> W.1-2## OA.2-H(E2/TH) g76 (originally g107177) Van Zalingen pr -> pr-dh Toppen pr -> pr-dh manual edit (bottom of the 4th): (v?) 9/FL/F9.1X2(96)/DP -> 9/FL/F9?.1X1(96)/DP manual edit (bottom of the 6th): 4(1)/FO/G4 -> 4(1)/FO/G4 com,"Runner's interference." g77 (originally g107178) split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S8/F8S.B-3(E8) -> S8/F8S## OA.1-3(E8) g78 (originally g107179) Guzman ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 2nd): S/89/L89S? -> S/89/L4DR? manual edit + split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): (v?) FC6/G6L.3-H;2-H(E6/TH);1-H(E6)(UR);B-2(E6/TH) -> FC6/G6L.3-H;2-3;1-2(E6)## OA.3-H;2-H(UR);1-2(E6/TH) g79 (originally g107180) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): (v?) play,7,1,whear001,01,C.,OA.1-3(E2/TH) -> play,7,1,whear001,01,C+1.,PO1(E2/TH).1-3 manual edit + split into two plays (top of the 8th): (v?) + earned runs S9/L9SL.2-H;1-H(E1/TH)(UR);B-2(THH) -> S9/L9SL.2-H;1-3;B-2(TH3)## OA.3-H(E1/TH)(UR) g80 (originally g107181) EDITED GAME SOURCE Pitching Change: #67 DEKKER for #98 NIJKAMP -> Pitching Change: #67 DEKKER for #28 VAN BORKULO manual edit + split into two plays (top of the 1st): (v?) S7/G56D.2-H(E7);1-H(E7);B-3(E7) -> S7/G56D.2-3;1-2## OA.3-H;2-H;1-3(E7) manual edit (top of the 6th): 9/F89S? -> 9/F4D? g81 (originally g107182) EDITED GAME SOURCE VAN ATTEN Jayden flies out to right field. F9. DE CUBA Quintin out at home 92. VAN DER MEER Bob to 3rd. DRAIJER Max to 2nd. Double Play. 2 out. -> VAN ATTEN Jayden flies out to right field. F9. DE CUBA Quintin out at home 92. VAN DER MEER Bob to 3rd. DRAIJER Max to 2nd. Double Play. 2 out. manual edit (bottom of the 2nd): 9/F9L.3XH(92)/DP;2-3;1-2 -> 9/F9L.3XH(92);2-3;1-2/DP g82 (originally g107183) Blijleven pr -> pr-dh g83 (originally g107184) Kortstam ph -> ph-dh Vijfvinkel ph -> ph-dh manual edit - redundant NR (bottom of the 5th): W+WP.2-H(NR);1-3 -> W+WP.2-H;1-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): (v?) + earned runs S7/G6DL.3-H;2-H;B-2(E7/TH) -> S7/G6DL.3-H;2-H## OA.1-2(E7/TH) g84 (originally g107185) Finnegan pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 4th): (v?) S6/L6.2XH(52);1-2 -> S6/L6.2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(52) needs verification (v?) play,8,1,hofen001,01,CX,75(2)/FO/G56?.3-H;1-2 g85 (originally g107186) needs verification (v?) unearned runs data,run,3,1,"VAN DER MEER Stijn",3,"CAROLINA Rayshelon",4th,5 data,run,6,1,"BONEVACIA Arthur",3,"DIAZ Christian",11th,5 split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S9/G43D.2-H(E9) -> S9/G43D.2-3## OA.3-H(E9) split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): S8/L8S.2XH(82);B-2(THH) -> S8/L8S.2-3## OA.3XH(82);1-2 g86 (originally g107187) needs verification - unearned run (v?) split into two plays (top of the 2nd): S4/G4.2-H(E4/TH)(UR) -> S4/G4.2-3## OA.3-H(E4/TH)(UR) g87 (originally g107188) manual edit (top of the 2nd): (?v) + earned run (!?) DI.3-H;1-3(E2/TH) -> SB2.3-H;1-3(E2/TH) split into two plays (bottom of the 9th): S5/G56.1-3(E5/TH) -> S5/G56.1-2## OA.2-3(E5/TH) g88 (originally g107189) unearned run (v?) play,1,1,dirkk001,32,BB,W+PB.3-H(UR)(NR);2-3;BX2(24) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): 54(1)/FO/DP/G5R.2X3(5) -> 5(2)4(1)/GDP/G5R official edit (v?) - bunt removed (top of the 7th): B.Ruben grounded out [bunting], pitcher Elfrink to first baseman S.Marlin, T.Garcia to second. g89 (originally g107190) split into two plays (top of the 1st): SB2.1-3(E2/TH);2-H(E8) -> SB2.1-3(E2/TH)## OA.3-H(E8) manual edit (top of the 9th): (v?) play,9,0,martb001,10,B.,OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);2-3(E2/TH);1-2(E2/TH) -> play,9,0,martb001,10,B.,OA.3-H(UR);2-3;1-2(E2/TH) g90 (originally g107191) Cremer ph -> ph-dh g91 (originally g107192) CORRECTED ERROR TOTAL (!) Alex Henrietta (QUI) 2 instead of 3 (counted/wbsc) CORRECTED ASSIST TOTAL Marvin Jakobus (QUI) 1 instead of 2 (counted/wbsc) Stats not equal: A Quick Amersfoort (!) 13 <> 12 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Totals not equal: Errors Quick Amersfoort (!) 3 <> 2 (wbsc stats/counted stats) Stats not equal: A (Pitcher) (!) Jhan Rifaela (QUI) 2 <> 1 (wbsc stats/counted stats) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): POCS2(13436) -> POCS2(1346) g92 (originally g107193) Isenia ph -> ph-dh g93 (originally g107196) Bos pr -> pr-dh manual edit (top of the 2nd): (v?) play,2,0,vdbej002,21,BSB.,OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR);2-H(E2/TH);1-H(E2/TH) -> play,2,0,vdbej002,21,BSB+1.,PO1(E2/TH).3-H(UR);2-H;1-H split into two plays (bottom of the 8th): S8/G64D.2-H;1X3(834) -> S8/G64D.2-H;1-2## OA.2X3(834) split into two plays (top of the 10th): S3/BL/BL3SL.1X3(36) -> S3/BL/BL3SL.1-2## OA.2X3(36) manual edit (top of the 10th): 4E3/G6.2-3;1X2(64) -> 64(1)/FO/GDP/G6.2-3;BX1(4E3) g94 (originally g107197) Maathuis ph -> ph-dh play,3,0,bentr001,10,X,FC6/G6.2X3(64) (v?) g96 (originally g107195) Berkenbosch ph -> ph-dh play,6,1,vgorj001,10,BX,86(1)/FO/G6R? (v?) g97 (originally g107198) split into two plays (bottom of the 1st): (v?) E6/G6.2-3(E6/TH) -> E6/G6## OA.2-3(E6/TH) g98 (originally g107199) EDITED GAME SOURCE VAN DER WIJST Oliver out by rule:
Batter Out of the Box (BOB). [0] out at 1st 2. 1 out. -> VAN DER WIJST Oliver out by rule:
Batter Out of the Box (BOB). 1 out. Jamanika ph -> ph-dh Van Den Bos pr -> pr-dh g99 (originally g107200) EDITED GAME SOURCE Injury Delay (21:35 - 21:50) -> Injury Delay Toppen ph -> ph-dh split into two plays (top of the 6th): S8/F8S.1-3(E8) -> S8/F8S.1-2## OA.2-3(E8) manual edit (bottom of the 6th): W+WP.3-H(NR);2-3 -> W+WP.3-H;2-3 g100 (originally g107201) EDITED GAME SOURCE (!) ESPINAL Jorge out by rule:
Batter Out of the Box (BOB). [0] out at 2nd 2. 1 out. -> ESPINAL Jorge out by rule:
Batter Out of the Box (BOB). 1 out. split into two plays (bottom of the 5th): E5/G5R.3-H(UR);1-3(E5/TH) -> E5/G5R.3-H(UR);1-2## OA.2-3(E5/TH) manual edit (bottom of the 5th): (v?) play,5,1,kortr001,20,BB.,OA.3-H(E2/TH)(UR) -> play,5,1,kortr001,20,BB+1.,PO1(E2/TH).3-H(UR) g102 (originally g107204) Nuijten pr -> pr-dh split into two plays (bottom of the 3rd): S/78/L78S.2-H;B-2(E7/TH) -> S/78/L78S.2-H## OA.1-2(E7/TH) manual edit (top of the 9th): (v?) 14(B)3(1)/LDP/L1 -> 14/L/L1.1X1(43)/DP g104 (originally g107205) Velders ph -> ph-dh manual edit (top of the 3rd): POCS2(13614) -> POCS2(1364) manual edit (top of the 9th): 8/F8.2-H(E8/TH)(UR);1-3(E8/TH) -> 8/F8.2-H(E8/TH)(UR);1-3 split into two plays (bottom of the 9th): S8/F8S.3-H;2XH(82);1-2 -> S8/F8S.3-H;2-3;1-2## OA.3XH(82) g105 (originally g107207) EDITED GAME SOURCE (?!) (v?) Pinch Hitter: #8 KUIPERS for #11 ISENIA -> Pinch Hitter: #8 KUIPERS for #14 ESPINAL Maathuis ph -> ph-dh Totals not equal: LOB UVV (!) (v?) - bottom of the 7th 6 <> 5 (wbsc stats/counted stats) ["End of the 7th
0 runs, 2 lob"] [0 runs, 1 hit, 0 errors, 1 left on.] manual edit (top of the 1st): SB3;SB2.2-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-3(E2/TH) -> SB3;SB2.2-H(E2/TH)(UR);1-3 split into two plays (top of the 2nd): D7/L7.2-H;1-H(E8)(UR) -> D7/L7.2-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E8)(UR) split into two plays (top of the 4th): D/78/L8L.2-H;1-H(E8)(UR) -> D/78/L8L.2-H;1-3## OA.3-H(E8)(UR) manual edit (top of the 5th): W+PB.3-H(NR);1-2 -> W+PB.3-H;1-2 play,5,0,maatt001,31,BBSB.,DI.2-3 (v?) g107 (originally g107209) manual edit (bottom of the 7th): W+WP.3-H(NR) -> W+WP.3-H split into two plays (bottom of the 7th): S7/L7SR.3-H;2XH(72) -> S7/L7SR.3-H;2-3## OA.3XH(72) play,8,1,hofen001,11,CBX,S6/G6.2X2(6);1-2 (!) (v?) g108 (originally g107208) Gonzalez Garay ph -> ph-dh manual correction (top of the 5th): (v?) play,5,0,dunlt001,02,CC.,PO1(13) corrected01 play,5,0,dunlt001,02,CC1.,PO1(13)