Dutch Major League 2023

Quick Amersfoort  13,  Hoofddorp Pioniers  3

Saturday, June 24

Sportpark Dorrestein (Amersfoort)

Game Event Log | Game Box Score

                                 1  2  3   4  5  6   7     R  H  E
Hoofddorp Pioniers (Hoofddorp)   0  0  0   0  0  3   0  -  3  7  3 
Quick Amersfoort (Amersfoort)    1  6  3   0  1  0   2  - 13  4  1 

Hoofddorp Pioniers    AB  R  H BI  W  K   AVG  vOpp   1  2     3  4  5  6  7 
(r) De Vreede, cf      4  0  0  0  0  0  .174  .125  F3 .. .. G5 .. F4 .. F9  
(l) T.Heemskerk, ss    4  0  1  0  0  0  .286  .222  S9 .. .. F4 .. F7 .. F8  
(l) Dumitrescu, lf     3  1  1  0  0  2  .385  .286  KS .. .. .. HP .. S9 KL  
(r) Heiligers, 1b      2  1  1  0  1  0  .300  .500  F8 .. .. .. BB .. S7 ..  
(r) Mevissen, 2b-3b    3  1  2  1  0  0  .286  .571  .. S7 .. .. F4 .. S9 ..  
(r) Du.Beljaards, c    3  0  1  1  0  0  .100  .200  .. G1 .. .. F6 .. D7 ..  
(r) K.Mok, dh          3  0  0  0  0  1  .000  .000  .. G6 .. .. F9 .. KS ..  
(r) Hoogkamer, rf      2  0  0  1  0  0  .067  .000  .. F3 .. .. .. F7 SF ..  
(r) A.Meijer, 3b       1  0  0  0  0  1  .167  .000  .. .. .. KL .. .. .. ..  
 (r) B.Stoovelaar, 2b  2  0  1  0  0  1  .500  .500  .. .. .. .. .. S9 KS ..  
TOTALS                27  3  7  3  1  5  .223  .250

 Season Series        Hoofddorp Pioniers        3  -  0  0     0  0  0  3  0 
     0 - 2            Quick Amersfoort         13  -  1  6     3  0  1  0  2 

Quick Amersfoort      AB  R  H BI  W  K   AVG  vOpp   1  2     3  4  5  6  7 
(l) Jor.Burger, cf     2  3  1  1  3  0  .333  .167  F9 BB .. S9 .. BB .. BB  
(r) Van Zwieten, lf    1  4  0  1  2  0  .500  .400  BB HP .. G6 .. HP .. BB  
(r) J.Wagner, dh       3  0  0  1  0  3  .000  .000  KL HP .. KL .. KS .. ..  
 (r) Van Leersum, 
   ph-dh               1  0  1  0  0  0 1.000 1.000  .. .. .. .. .. .. .. S7  
(r) A.Henrietta, ss    3  0  1  4  1  0  .278  .286  G6 BB .. E5 .. SF .. D7  
(r) M.Jakobus, 1b      3  1  1  0  1  1  .125  .286  .. BB KS F6 .. S7 .. ..  
(r) La.Visser, c       2  1  0  1  2  1  .111  .143  .. E6 BB .. BB KS .. ..  
(r) B.Rijpstra, rf     3  0  0  0  0  1  .000  .000  .. SH G1 .. L1 .. KS ..  
(r) L.Muller, 2b       2  2  0  0  2  1  .250  .429  .. BB .. K+ BB .. F9 ..  
(r) O.De Boer, 3b      2  2  0  0  2  1  .000  .000  .. BB .. BB KS .. G6 ..  
TOTALS                22 13  4  8 13  8  .258  .262

  No outs when knockout run scored. E: T.Heemskerk (7), Du.Beljaards (2), A.Meijer (2), M.Jakobus (4). DP: Hoofddorp Pioniers 1. LOB: Hoofddorp Pioniers 6, Quick Amersfoort 9. Scoring position: Hoofddorp Pioniers, 3 for 10; Quick Amersfoort, 3 for 11. 2B: Du.Beljaards (1), A.Henrietta (1). RBI: Mevissen (2), Du.Beljaards (1), Hoogkamer (2), Jor.Burger (1), Van Zwieten (4), J.Wagner (1), A.Henrietta 4(5), La.Visser (2). SB: Van Zwieten (1), O.De Boer (1). CS: T.Heemskerk (1). SH: B.Rijpstra. SF: Hoogkamer, A.Henrietta. GWRun: Van Zwieten (1st inning).

Hoofddorp Pioniers     W  L Sv GP   IP  H  R ER BB SO  2B 3B HR    ERA   vOpp
(l) Oukes LOSS         0  1  0  3  1.1  0  7  5  5  1   0  0  0  46.29  33.75
(r) Van Es             0  0  0  3  0.2  0  2  1  3  2   0  0  0  49.50  13.50
(r) L.Van Gorkum       0  0  0  2  4.0  4  4  3  5  5   1  0  0   8.31   6.75
TOTALS                 1  7  0  8  6.0  4 13  9 13  8   1  0  0  11.76   9.00

Quick Amersfoort       W  L Sv GP   IP  H  R ER BB SO  2B 3B HR    ERA   vOpp
(l) J.Rifaela WIN      1  0  0  2  7.0  7  3  3  1  5   1  0  0   5.63   3.86
TOTALS                 3  2  1  5  7.0  7  3  3  1  5   1  0  0   8.08   2.25

  Van Es pitched to 2 batters in the 3rd, L.Van Gorkum pitched to 4 batters in the 7th. Inherited runners/scored: Van Es 3/3, L.Van Gorkum 2/2. WP: Oukes 4, L.Van Gorkum, J.Rifaela 2. HB: Van Zwieten (by Oukes), J.Wagner (by Van Es), Van Zwieten (by L.Van Gorkum), Dumitrescu (by J.Rifaela). PB: Du.Beljaards, La.Visser. Pitches-strikes: Oukes 48-18, Van Es 27-13, L.Van Gorkum 78-42, J.Rifaela 108-73. Ground balls-fly balls: Oukes 1-1, Van Es 1-0, L.Van Gorkum 2-4, J.Rifaela 3-13. Batters faced: Oukes 11, Van Es 7, L.Van Gorkum 22, J.Rifaela 30.
  Umpires: HP, Olav Steijger; 1B, Matthijs Nijhof; 3B, Elvin Englentina. Scorers: Rob Schuurman, Remko Helms. Start: 14:00. Time: 2:15. Weather: scattered clouds.

Hoofddorp Pioniers   NOP NOS NOB KC KS KF KX Ball% Call% Miss% Foul% InPl% Take% B/Tk%
(l) Oukes             48  18  30  6  3  5  3  63.8  12.8  27.3  45.5  27.3  76.6  83.3
(r) Van Es            27  13  14  6  4  2  1  51.9  22.2  57.1  28.6  14.3  74.1  70.0
(r) L.Van Gorkum      78  42  36 11 12  8 11  46.2  14.1  38.7  25.8  35.5  60.3  76.6
TOTALS               153  73  80 23 19 15 15  52.6  15.1  38.8  30.6  30.6  67.8  77.7

Quick Amersfoort     NOP NOS NOB KC KS KF KX Ball% Call% Miss% Foul% InPl% Take% B/Tk%
(l) J.Rifaela        108  73  35 19 11 20 23  32.4  17.6  20.4  37.0  42.6  50.0  64.8
TOTALS               108  73  35 19 11 20 23  32.4  17.6  20.4  37.0  42.6  50.0  64.8
Hoofddorp Pioniers    GB IF OF LD  GB%  IF%  OF%  LD% GBba IFba OFba LDba
(l) Oukes              2  0  1  0 66.7  0.0 33.3  0.0 .000  --- .000  ---
(r) Van Es             1  0  0  0  100  0.0  0.0  0.0 .000  ---  ---  ---
(r) L.Van Gorkum       5  1  2  3 45.5  9.1 18.2 27.3 .400 .000 .000 .667
TOTALS                 8  1  3  3 53.3  6.7 20.0 20.0 .250 .000 .000 .667

Quick Amersfoort      GB IF OF LD  GB%  IF%  OF%  LD% GBba IFba OFba LDba
(l) J.Rifaela          4  6  7  6 17.4 26.1 30.4 26.1 .250 .000 .000 1.00
TOTALS                 4  6  7  6 17.4 26.1 30.4 26.1 .250 .000 .000 1.00

DML'2023 TOP


Russian League Baseball Web Site © 2023 Sergei Borisov.